Chinese English Sentence:
  • 一九九七年九月,该署在某些经甄选的目标楼宇展开全面的执法管制行动,名为路路通行动,同时大举宣传,以对其他楼宇收阻吓作用,防止有人拆除或误用楼宇为残疾人士提供的设施。
    A comprehensive enforcement operation - Operation Check Walk - was launched in September 1997 on selected target buildings. High profile publicity on the enforcement action has been given as a deterrent to other buildings against removal or misuse of the facilities for persons with a disability.
  •  "讲故事会使我注意到平常不会注意的事情,"曾是华达牛仔的waddiemitchell说。这位游历诗人经常参加讲故事盛会。
    "Storytelling introduces me to things I might never have noticed," said Waddie Mitchell, a former Nevada cowboy who became a traveling poet and is now a festival regular.
  • 与上一代相比,潜在的患儿倾向于停留在室的时间比在室外的时间要长,这样,他们会更多的接触家庭中的变应原,其中包括室尘埃,猫及蟑螂。
    Among the candidates is the tendency of children to spend more time indoors than did those in earlier generations, thus increasing their exposure to household allergens, including dust mites, cats and cockroaches.
  • 属于、关于二尖瓣的,或位于二尖瓣或附近的。
    of or relating to or located in or near the mitral valve.
  • "要是你把这些资料弄乱,我们将无法迅速地找到需要的容了。"
    If you mix up those data we shan't find the one we need quickly.
  • 防止水泥搅拌器硬结的方法有好几种。
    There are several ways to avoid setting up in the cement mixer.
  • 电视播放控制室的一种控制面板,用来切换和混合视频或声频节目。同wireboard。
    In television, the control panel in a studio control room for the switching and mixing of video or audio program elements.
  • 这种广泛的合作形式必须有助于而不是限制该系统科学家进行思想交流和自由流动。
    This extended cooperation must be intended not to limit hut to enhance mobility of ideas and freedom of the scientists within the system.
  • 这些财力和物力的投资,加上这个国家的幅员辽阔和科学家们充分的自由交往和自由流动,使美国在本世纪第三个25年期间在许多科学领域成就非凡。
    These resources coupled with the size of the country and the total freedom of interaction and mobility of scientists, has brought American science to preeminence in many fields of science during the third quarter of this century.
  • 美国著名计算机安全公司sophos20日宣布,一种新的邮件病毒开始以附件形式在网络上出现。该病毒伪装成屏保程序,容一般是有关美国间谍卫星拍摄的伊拉克图片或是歌颂、讽刺布什总统的动画。
    A new e-mail worm has surfaced that purports to show screensavers of U.S. spy satellite pictures of Iraq or animations that are either patriotic or that mock President Bush, a computer security company warned on Thursday.
  • oracle9iaswireless多模式核就是一个使应用程序开发人员独立于底层网络、协议、设备、网关和其他无线复杂特性的框架。
    The Oracle9iAS Wireless multi-modal core is the framework that gives application developers independence from the underlying networks, protocols, devices, gateways and other wireless complexities.
  • 裁减和限制部署在边界线两侧各100公里区域的陆军、空军、防空军航空兵的人员和主要种类的武器装备,并为其及边防部队的人员和武器装备规定最高限额;
    they shall reduce and limit the size of their ground force, air force, air aviation and border guard units as well as the quantity of main categories of their armaments and military equipment deployed in the border areas as deep as 100 kilometers from their border; they shall determine the ceilings for the reduced size, modality and the time limit for the reduction of military forces;
  • 3.在本条第2款所指的期限,“与贸易有关的知识产权理事会”应审查实施第2款所指的第二十三条第1款(b)项与(c)项类型的依照本协议提出的意见,并将理事会的建议提交部长级会议批准。
    3. During the time period referred to in paragraph 2, the Council for TRIPS shall examine the scope and modalities for complaints of the type provided for under subparagraphs 1(b) and 1(c) of Article XXIII of GATT 1994 made pursuant to this Agreement, and submit its recommendations to the Ministerial Conference for approval.
  • 现代艺术实验性很强,其中许多作品可能让人难以理解或欣赏,这是因为艺术家们在绘画容和技巧上随心所欲。
    Modem arts are very experimental, much of them may be difficult to understand or appreciate, because modem artists paint what they want and how they want.
  • 住宅按揭贷款温和增长,建造业及物业发展与投资方面的贷款则轻微下降。
    Residential mortgage loans grew modestly during the year, while loans for building, construction, property development and investment contracted moderately.
  • 由於澳洲人对亚洲各国不同的历史、文化和信仰都有很深厚的认识,并且能够尊重亚洲各国不同的历史、文化和信仰,故能促进各地交流和在区发挥有效的缓冲作用,因而蠃得美誉。
    Because of Australia's deep knowledge of Asian countries' different histories, cultures and beliefs and your respect on these histories, cultures and beliefs, Australia has carved a reputation for itself as a facilitator and a moderator.
  • 中国近代国内公债
    domestic bonds in modern China
  • 作为世界海关组织代表亚太区的副主席,香港海关亦肩负重任,在促进亚太区海关联络及合作、遵从贸易法规与利便商贸、推行改革及现代化、培训人员、提倡诚信和发展人力资源等方面,统筹亚太区成员所采取的措施。
    As the WCO's Vice-Chairman representing the Asia Pacific Region, the department also assumes responsibility for co-ordinating regional efforts in promoting liaison and co-operation, compliance and facilitation, reform and modernisation, training, integrity and human resource development among the Customs administrations of the region.
  • 脚板用来遮盖墙和地板之间结合处的板
    A molding that conceals the joint between an interior wall and a floor.
  • 当局认为财政部里有奸。
    The authorities believe there is a mole at the treasury.
  • 构造在化合物或分子原子的排列结构
    The structural arrangement of atoms in a compound or molecule.
  • 应规定一切不反对抗日的地主资本家和工人农民有同等的人权、财权、选举权和言论、集会、结社、思想、信仰的自由权,政府仅仅干涉在我根据地组织破坏和举行暴动的分子,其他则一律加以保护,不加干涉。
    It must be laid down that all landlords and capitalists not opposed to the War of Resistance shall enjoy the same rights of person and property, the same right to vote and the same freedom of speech, assembly, association, political conviction and religious belief as the workers and peasants.The government shall take action only against saboteurs and those who organize riots in our base areas, and shall protect all others and not molest them.
  • 珠母层某些软体动物壳似珍珠的层,用来做装饰物
    The pearly internal layer of certain mollusk shells, used to make decorative objects.
  • 熔化的金属被倒进模
    The molten metal was run into a mould.
  • 不过,由于区金融风暴影响,这方面的增长势头在一九九八和一九九九年大为放缓。
    Yet in 1998 and 1999, the growth momentum slowed down considerably upon the impact of the regional financial turmoil.
  • 孟高棉族语包括孟族语、高棉族语和东南亚其他语在的南亚语系中的一个
    A subfamily of the Austro-Asiatic language family that includes Mon, Khmer, and other languages of southeast Asia.
  • 瑞拉使用的货币单位。
    monetary unit of Venezuela.
  • 而且需要制止各法西斯国家的侵略,制止各所谓民主国家挑拨战争的行为,需要尽量地延缓帝国主义世界大战的爆发,争取世界范围的和平。
    for the sake of peace on a world scale, it has also needed to check the aggression of the fascist countries, curb the war-mongering of the so-called democratic countries and delay the outbreak of an imperialist world war for as long as possible.
  • 蒙古语蒙古和中国境的蒙古人的口头和书面语言
    Any of the various spoken and written dialects and languages of the Mongols living in Mongolia and China.
  • 内蒙古自治区
    the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
  • 我国最大的森林横跨蒙古和黑龙江。
    The country's greatest forest stretches across Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang.
  • 安妮:蒙古我去过,对那里的事情我了解一些。
    Annie: I have been to Inner Mongolia. I know something about its culture.