| - 他们能够听到持续的轰响,这轰响,他们发现是从洞穴顶部喷向水潭的一个小喷水孔所发出的。
They could hear an insistent booming sound which they found was caused by a small-spout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. - 另一方面,如果经济蓬勃发展,通货膨胀率也高,中央银行调高利率的可能性很高。
On the other hand, if the economy has been booming and inflation is high, there is a greater chance that the Central Bank will raise interest rates. - 另一方面,如果经济蓬勃发展,通货膨胀率也高,中央银行调高利率的可能性很高。
On the other hand, if the economy has been booming and inflation is high, there is a greater chance that the do rise, bond prices will fall, according to the inverse relationship between bond price and interest rates. - 预消化食物对生病的或者消化功能减弱的人而言是个福音。
predigested foods are a boon for those who are ill or have impaired digestion. - 如果说是岛国内人民的需求,只要人们知识水平普遍提高,分析事物能力强,能明辨是非黑白,政府找个适合的公共场所,设个论坛,让演讲者自由地大发伟论,畅所欲言,顺理成章的美事。
If it were the people's desire that gave rise to the suggestion, the Speakers' Corner would be a great boon for society. As our population are becoming better educated and more discerning and insightful, a suitable venue for public speeches would enable them to air their views freely. - 怎样才能把国民经济搞上去?
How can we give a boost to the economy? - 此语言能够简化项目、降低成本和提高效率。
The language can simplify projects, reduce costs and boost efficiency. - 运动后会提高你的皮质醇含量,增加你的能量而不会让你感到有压力。
A workout gives your cortisol levels a boost, increasing energy without making you stressed. - crm通过使购买的经过尽可能愉快,有助于提高客户的忠诚度。
By making the buying experience as pleasant as possible, CRM helps boost customer loyalty. - 能否请您去说服供货商稍微增加点供货呢?
Can you try and persuade the supplier to boost the quantity a little bit? - 花色素甙除了能克服导致心脏病和癌症的自由基的损害外,还能提高脑力。
Besides combatting the free-radical damage linked to heart disease and cancer, anthocyanins may boost brainpower. - 因此,在整个站点中正确使用元标记也能提高(此站点)在搜索引擎中的排列名次。
As a result, proper use of metatags throughout a site can also boost search engine ranking. - 那么,破坏这种基因是否能够成为全面提高诱发性防御的一条捷径呢?
Could knocking out this single gene, then, be a simple way to boost inducible defences across the board? - 如果你不是运动型的,每日进行擦身也能增强、淋巴系统的功能。
If you're not the energetic type, you can stil boost your lymph system with a little daily body brushing. - 在有线电视电缆上使用atm(异步传输模式)的解决方案和在有线电视和电话公司之间建立联盟,可能会有助于增强有线电视的发展。
Solutions involving Asynchronous Transfer Mode over cable and alliances between cable companies and phone companies may boost cable's prospects. - 不能再用的助推火箭
Expendable rocket boosters. - 最近,国家航空航天局放弃了研制x-33的希望,因为它的技术一直没有得到充分验证。x-33是被提议用来代替航天飞机的产品,原本预计它可以无需火箭推动器而仅靠单级火箭就能直接从地面飞抵轨道。
More recently,NASA abandoned hope for the X-33,a pro posed replacement for the space shuttle that was supposed to fly from the ground to orbit in a single stage,rather than using a booster rock et,because the technology never quite panned out. - 提升sonet的高速能力
Boosting SONET's High-Speed Capacity - 它还能分泌内啡肽,缓解疼痛敏感性,增强耐受力和快感。
It may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting endurance and pleasurable sensations. - 将来还有许多可改进之处,改善该总线的可靠性、时序和可扩性,来进一步提高pci-x的性能。
Further boosting PCI-X performance will be many other tweaks that improve reliability, timing and scalability of the bus. - 实践证明,中央采取的一系列扩大内需的政策措施是正确的,有效地抑制了经济增长速度可能出现的下滑。
All the facts have proven that the policies aiming at boosting internal demand by the central government is correct because they effectively curbed the possible downturn of economic growth. - 拉维·撒迪哈尼博士指出,适度饮酒能够使血管松弛,从而降低患高血压的可能性。相反,过度饮酒会损伤血管,使高血压发病风险大大提高。
Thadhani noted that moderate amounts of alcohol may relax blood vessels, thus reducing the chance of developing high blood pressure, while high levels of alcohol may injure those vessels, boosting high blood pressure risk. - imdb支持交易处理,是设计在公司业务的同一层次中存储数据,来提升性能,也能起到磁盘上数据库的前端高速缓存的作用,它能够与任何可通过oledb或activex数据对象连接的数据库进行交互或者从它们中存储数据。
IMDB supports transactions, and is designed to store data on the same tier as a company's business logic, boosting performance, and can also serve as a front-end cache for on-disk databases.It can interact with, and store data from, any database that can be connected to via OLE DB or ActiveX Data Objects. - 你能看见洞里有只靴子吗?
Can you see having a boot inside the cave? - 你能看见洞里有只靴子吗?
Can you see there is a boot in the hole? - 这些病毒程序的编写非常困难,它们一旦得手就有能力控制整个系统。
It is very difficult to write operating system viruses and these viruses have the ability once booted up, to take total control of your System. - 操作系统型病毒发作时用自己的逻辑代替部分操作系统。这些病毒程序的编写非常困难,它们一旦得手就有能力控制整个系统。例如,一些操作系统型病毒把自身的逻辑隐藏在那些标识“坏”的磁盘扇区中。
Operating system viruses work by replacing parts of the operating system with their own logic. It is very difficult to write operating system viruses and these viruses have the ability once booted up, to take total control of your System. FOF example,some operating system viruses have hidden large amounts of attack logic in falsely marked bad disk sectors. - 人们能够投出自己的选票的地方。
a booth in which a person can cast a private vote. - 我迷路了。你能告诉我最近的一个电话亭在哪吗?
I'm lost. Can you direct me to the nearest phone booth? - 好啊!但我想在地铁车站可能拿到免费的。
Yes, but I think we can get it free at the subway station, at the token booth. - 战略反攻阶段,我之技术条件增强,以弱敌强这种情况即使完全没有了,我仍用多兵从外线采取速决的进攻战,就更能收大批俘获的成效。
In the stage of strategic counter-offensive, when we are better equipped technically and are no longer in the position of the weak fighting the strong, we shall be able to capture prisoners and booty on a large scale all the more effectively if we continue to employ superior numbers in quick-decision offensive battles from exterior lines. - 自世界杯开赛以来,首次跻身世界杯的中国队的两次出征均以失败告终,因而已经失去了进入第二轮比赛的资格。对此,中国队主教练米卢将失败原因归结为这支球队在国际大赛中缺乏比赛经验,并希望中国能够为球员们提供更多赴海外学习的机会。
Coach Bora Milutinovic has blamed China's failure to reach the second round at their World Cup debut on a lack of international experience and urged the country to send more players overseas.