  • 那男孩是地人,从来没有见过大海。
    The boy have come from the midland and never see the sea.
  • 这里就是,这是我在陆银行的存款结余单。
    Here you are. This is the statement of balance for my account at Midland Bank.
  • 由于家庭破裂,她从陆来到他的学校。
    She comes to his school from the Midlands because her family had split up.
  • 但是我们问一问,这个任务在激烈的战争环境,是不是能完成呢?
    But we should ask ourselves, can it be accomplished in the midst of fierce fighting?
  • 据周一在纽约市中城区的一个公园演示该车的公司员工说,这种两轮的设备是用一组复杂的回转仪加上电脑来模拟人体的平衡感。
    The two-wheeled device uses a complex array of gyroscopes and computers to mimic the human body's sense of balance, according to Segway employees who demonstrated the scooter Monday at a park in midtown New York City.
  • 如果周中去旅游,包括周六晚上在的话,车票价格就会高一些。
    If you travel midweek, the fare is higher than if a Saturday night is included.
  • 如果周中去旅游,包括周六晚上在的话,车票价格就会高一些。
    If you traveled midweek, the fare should be higher than if a Saturday night were include.
  • 然而,在美国东北部和中西部城市居民状况泾渭分明的市区,旧有的模式依然存在。
    But in the isolated urban neighborhoods of the U.S. Northeast and Midwest, the old pattern remains.
  • 麦克在五个月看了五本书。
    Mike read five books in as many (=in five) months.
  • 现在西藏已建成以拉萨为中心的公路交通网,通车里程达2.18万公里,并开设了多条国际国航空线。
    At present, a highway network centered on Lhasa has been built, its mileage reaching 21,800 kilometers, and many domestic and international airlines have already opened.
  • 一旦你达到你设定的小小目标——5分钟成功地保持了耐心——你会开始意识到你的确有能力做到有耐心,哪怕时间长些你也能做到。渐渐地你便可以成为一个富有耐心的人。
    Once you reach little milestone--five minutes of successful patience--you'll begin to see that you do, indeed, have the capacity to be patient, even for longer periods of time over time, you may even become a patient person.
  • 但是当着革命在国有本国无产阶级的勇猛参加,在国外有国际无产阶级的积极援助,对于其欲达到大资产阶级地位的阶级的发展感觉到威胁时,他们又怀疑革命。
    But become suspicious of the revolution when they sense that, with the militant participation of the proletariat at home and the active support of the international proletariat abroad, the revolution is threatening the hope of their class to attain the status of a big bourgeoisie.
  • 现在,二次大战日本侵略中国造成的阴影仍然存在,日本国存在的军国主义和右翼势力经常干扰和破坏中日关系,就是日政界也有一些人不能正确认识这一历史。
    The shadow caused by Japan's invasion of China during World War 11 still exists today. The militarists and right-wing elements in Japan try to disturb and destroy Sino-Japanese relations from time to time, and some Japanese politicians still do not hold a correct view on historical facts.
  • 基干民兵单独编组,在县级行政区的民兵军事训练基地集中进行军事训练,目前编有应急分队和高炮、高机、便携式防空导弹、地炮、通信、防化、工兵、侦察等专业技术分队。
    Primary militiamen are separately organized for concentrated military training in militia military training bases of administrative areas at the county level. Currently, there are emergency detachments, and such specialized technical detachments as anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft machineguns, portable air defense missiles, ground artillery, communications, chemical defense, engineering and reconnaissance detachments.
  • 其中来自地的有230万人次,来自台湾地区的则有180万人次。
    These included 2.3 million from the Mainland and 1.8 million from Taiwan.
  • 为尽量减少漏水及流失食水,当局现正计划在20年分阶段更换约3050公里的水管。
    To minimise leakage and unaccounted-for water, a 20-year programme for the replacement of some 3050 kilometres of watermains was under planning.
  • 溥仪居宫,一直与亡清残余势力勾结,图谋复辟,且以赏赐、典当、修补等名目,从宫中盗窃大量文物,引起了社会各界的严重关注。
    While confined to the Inner Court, Puyi continuously used such vestiges of influence as still remained to plot his own restoration. He also systematically stole or pawned a huge number of cultural relics under the pretext of granting them as rewards to his courtiers and minions or taking them out for repair.
  • 首相和一群阁部长都在那里。
    The Prime Minister was there with a clutch of cabinet ministers.
  • 在为期一周的行程中,曾先生先后前往悉尼、坎培拉及墨尔本,会晤澳洲副总理及贸易部部长费志、阁官员、新南威尔士州及维多利亚州的高级官员、商界领袖及传媒代表。
    During the week-long programme, which covered Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne,Mr Tsang met the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Mr Tim Fischer, Cabinet Ministers, and senior government officials of New South Wales and Victoria, business leaders and the media.
  • 他们行使了阁否决权。
    They carried the ministerial veto.
  • 专登危言耸听容的报纸竭力渲染她的苦境来卖钱。
    Sensation-seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery.
  • 无论精子如何与卵子结合--是否在女人体还是在较硬的试管壁上,(即使精子需外力帮助才与卵子结合),大自然都同样会阻止严重变形的基因分娩,有了这样的允诺和保证,试管婴儿的出生在20世纪80年代早期由每年的百余例上升到现如今的数万例。
    No matter how sperm meets egg--whether in a woman's body or in a Petri dish(and even if the sperm needs some help getting inside the egg)--nature is equally vigilant about preventing serious genetic mishaps from coming to term.With those assurances,test-tube births have soared from a few hundred a year in the early 1980s to ten s of thousands today.
  • 广告是为愚弄消费者而设计的误导容的很好的例子。
    The advertisement is a perfect example of misleading content designed to fool consumers.
  • *由相当于美国的监察主任领导的部监督事务厅审查联合国在全世界的活动,调查关于浪费、欺骗、滥用和管理不善的指控。
    * The UN Office of Internal Oversight Services, headed by the equivalent of an Inspector General in the United States, reviews UN activities throughout the world and looks into allegations of waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement.
  • 从国情况看,供给结构不适应国外市场需求变化、居民消费意愿不强、企业效益不高、经济增长粗放等问题尚未根本解决,对今年经济发展的负面影响不可低估。
    On the internal side, fundamental solutions are yet to be worked out to such serious problems as mismatch between supply and demand in domestic and international markets, weakening demand, poor performance of SOEs, and low quality of growth. The negative implications of these problems for this year's economic performance should not be underestimated.
  • 美国布拉斯加州最大的城市;位于布拉斯加州东部,密苏里河畔。
    largest city in Nebraska; located in eastern Nebraska on the Missouri river.
  • 东北布拉斯加州的密苏里河流域的苏族人。
    a member of the Siouan people of the Missouri river valley in NE Nebraska.
  • 贝尔维尤美国布拉斯加州东部一城市,位于密苏里河畔的奥马哈近郊。人口30,982
    A city of eastern Nebraska, a suburb of Omaha on the Missouri River. Population,30, 982.
  • 从前生活在东北布拉斯加州的密西西河谷的苏族人。
    a member of the Siouan people formerly living in the Missouri river valley in NE Nebraska.
  • 居住在布拉斯加州的普拉特河和密西西比河流域的苏族人。
    a member of the Siouan people inhabiting the valleys of the Platte and Missouri rivers in Nebraska.
  • 关于纠正党的错误思想
  • 新的法律有防止政府滥用权力的措施。
    The new law contains safeguards against the misuse of government power.