  • 李鹏总理还代表中国政府率先签署了《气候变化框架约》和《生物多样性约》,对会议产生了积极的影响。
    On behalf of the Chinese government, Li Peng took the lead in signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diver"isity, exerting a positive influence on the meeting.
  • 6号高速路与1号高速路在拉格比市以北处岔开.
    The M6 diverges from the M1 just north of Rugby.
  • 平面角从一条共直线出发的两个平面形成的图形
    The figure formed by two planes diverging from a common line.
  • 我想,领导层的任务就是使司更加多样化。
    I think it's a leadership objective, to be a more diverse company.
  • 我们的蓬勃经济发展有赖开放、多元化及平竞争。
    Our economy thrives on openness, diversification and fair competition.
  • 「港元债务工具发行计划」将进一步加强按揭证券司在债券市场集资的能力,以支持按揭购买计划的扩充及多元化。
    The Debt Issuance Programme will further enhance HKMC's ability to raise funds through the debt market to support the expansion and diversification of our mortgage purchase programme.
  • 联合企业由许多不同行业的司组成的有不同经营范围的大企业
    A corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified fields.
  • 由于越来越多性质不同的投资者,为取得收益而投入到司债券市场,发展的推动力相信来自强劲的需求。
    The development is expected to be strongly demand-driven, with diversified investors increasingly looking to the corporate bond market for yield.
  • 发展多种所有制形式的体育企业、俱乐部和体育中介司,壮大体育经纪人队伍。
    Develop sports enterprises, sports clubs and sports medium companies with diversified forms of ownership and increase the number of sports brokers.
  • 到1995年底,中国已建成类型比较齐全的自然保护区799处,面积达7185万顷,约占国土总面积的7.19%。
    By the end of 1995 799 nature reserves of rather diversified types, covering a total area of 71.85 million hectares (or 7.19 percent of China's territory) had been established in China.
  • 这说明,以有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的格局已基本形成。
    This indicates that a pattern that takes the public ownership as the main form and seeks the joint development of diversified forms of ownership has basically taken shape.
  • 第五条 在农村以社会主义有制经济为主体,多种经济成分共同发展,振兴农村经济。
    Article 5 In rural areas, socialist economy under public ownership shall be taken as the main sector, and meanwhile diversified economic sectors shall be developed jointly so as to prosper rural economy.
  • 中国政府坚持以按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的制度,体现效率优先、兼顾平的原则。
    The Chinese government adheres to a diversified distribution system with distribution according to work as the main form. The principle is to give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness.
  • 要深化国有企业改革,进一步探索有制特别是国有制的多种有效实现形式,大力推进企业的体制、技术和管理创新。
    We should deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and further explore diversified forms for effectively realizing public ownership, especially state ownership. We should promote institutional, technological and managerial innovations in enterprises.
  • 有制经济在调整和改革中发展壮大,探索有制多种实现形式取得成效。
    The public sector of the economy grew stronger in the course of readjustment and reform, and efforts to diversify ways of realizing public ownership were successful.
  • 青藏铁路、西气东输、西电东送、水利枢纽、干线路等重大项目建设进展顺利。
    Smooth progress was made on such major projects as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the diversion of natural gas and electricity from the western to the eastern regions, water control projects and trunk highways.
  • 新西兰惠灵顿市一家司告诉他们招聘来的“圣诞老人”,不要在他们工作的购物中心“呵呵呵”地大笑,因为那会把小孩子吓坏的。
    A recruiting agency in Wellington, New Zealand, is asking the Santas whom they hire to work in malls not to yell "Ho Ho Ho!" , because it scares children. "We're trying to divert them off going "ho ho ho!" ... for some children it can seem a bit ferocious," said Sian Barber of Westaff Recruitment.
  • 第十二条 任何单位和个人引水、蓄水、排水,不得损害共利益和他人的合法权益。
    Article 12: No unit nor individual, while diverting, storing or drainning water, shall infringe upon public interests and lawful rights and interests of others.
  • 不过,高派息率并不表示司的股息率是高的,因为其股价也可能挺高的。
    However, a high payout ratio does not necessarily lead to a high divi-dend yield because the share price could be high too.
  • 例如,一间司派发0.05元的股息,而它的股价是1元,那么,股息率就是5%(0.05元除以1元)。
    For example, a company pays five cents divi-dend a year and its share price is a dollar, then the dividend yield is 5%($0.05 divi-ded by $1 mutliplied by 100).
  • 高速路为高速行进而设计的占主要的被分开的
    A major divided highway designed for high-speed travel.
  • 对于这问题, 众舆论不一致。
    Public opinions are divided on this question.
  • 例如,一间司派发0.05元的股息,而它的股价是1元,那么,股息率就是5%(0.05元除以1元)。
    For example, a company pays five cents dividend a year and its share price is a dollar, then the dividend yield is 5% ($0.05 divided by $1).
  •  一间司通常一年里会派息两次,一次在中期业绩时(称为中期股息),而另一次在年终业绩时(年终股息)。
    A company usually pays dividends twice a year, one declared during the in-terim results (known as interim dividend) and the other during the final results (final dividend).
  • 在这样的情况下,司会宣布往常的股息再加上特别股息。
    In this situation, the company will declare a special dividend on top of the usual one.
  • 举例来说,一间赚取每股1元盈利的司准备派发0.30元股息,它的派息率是30%。
    For example, a company which earns $1 per share and pays out a dividend of 30 cents per share, has a payout ratio of 30%.
  • ·不必归还的长期贷款,但当司盈利时要付股息。
    .Long-term money that need never be paid back, and for which dividends are paid when profits permit.
  • (金融)没有作为红利分出而作为资本再投入司的利润。
    (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation.
  • 交易结算司是一个商业机构,以业绩和业务增长为目标,可赚取利润,并可向股东分派股息。
    HKEC would be a performance and growth driven commercial entity allowed to make profit and distribute dividends to its shareholders.
  • 一间司若要派发高股息,它必须有充足的净利以及有足够的意愿去做。
    For a company to pay good dividends,it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay.
  • 一间司若要派发高股息,它必须有充足的净利以及有足够的意愿去做。
    For a company to pay good dividends, it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay.
  • 有些司则要保留盈利,以备危急时可用,所以不愿把盈利分发出去。
    There are also some companies which prefer to keep the profits for rainy days and are therefore reluctant to pay them out as dividends.