  • 和修理煤氣設備和置的工人。
    a workman who installs and repairs gas fixtures and appliances.
  • 每個辦公室都有其着之道,但在當今較隨便的工作場合中,着規則並不總是明文寫出。
    Every office has a dress code,but in today's casual workplace,they aren't always written.
  • 廠傢曾極力地把人性註入工作場所,一個例子就是位於卡爾馬的沃爾沃汽車配廠。
    Manufacturers have tried to install humanity in the workplace, like Volvo car assembly plant at Kalmar where each team had its own workshops.
  • 牧師服,牧師法衣神職人員所穿的外套
    Garments worn by the clergy.
  • 她穿着一套毛料西
    She wears a worsted suit.
  • 這桶能裝一百升 。
    The barrel would hold 100 litres.
  • 沒有包的或去掉包的。
    not yet wrapped or having the wrapping removed.
  • 能不能包裝一下?
    Can you gift- wrap this, please?
  • 請分開裝。
    Can you wrap this separately, please?
  • 請你把這個以禮物包一下好嗎?
    Will you gift wrap this, please?
  • 那麽要不要包起來?
    Shall I gift-wrap it for you then?
  • 用紙蓋、包或連起來
    To cover, wrap, or line with paper.
  • 請你用禮品紙為我包一下好嗎?
    Will you please have it gift-wrapped?
  • 包裹包好的或用盒子好的物件;包裹
    A wrapped or boxed object; a parcel.
  • 材料包物品所用之材料
    The material in which something is wrapped.
  • 包起來的或用套子起來的。
    wrapped up or enclosed within a covering.
  • 包在一起或入盒中的事物的集合。
    a collection of things wrapped or boxed together.
  • 這本書有紅色的包
    The book has a red wrapper.
  • 材料包材料或包裹東西之物
    A wrapping or wrapper.
  • 這些餅幹用塑料紙包
    The biscuits are packed in plastic wrapper.
  • 它的優點是你不能把信息從包器中提出來,由包器告訴你裏面的信息內容。
    The advantage of a digital wrapper is that you can not pull information off the wrapper that tells you about the message content inside.
  • 主數據類型也擁有自己的“封器”(wrapper)類。
    The primitive data types also have “wrapper” classes for them.
  • 器還能嚮用戶提供銷售聯絡信息,以馬上購買産品。
    The wrapper could also offer the user sales contact information, to buy the product immediately.
  • 轉移威脅;移動包紙;把髒的盤子從桌子上移走;把你。
    remove a threat; remove a wrapper; Remove the dirty dishes from the table; take the gun from your pocket.
  • 這意味着假如想讓堆內一個非主要對象表示那個主類型,就要使用對應的封器。
    That means that if you want to make a nonprimitive object on the heap to represent that primitive type, you use the associated wrapper.
  • 器可以把內容限製在一次使用。
    The wrappers could limit content to one use.
  • 但是,數字包器還能完成其他顯得越來越重要的任務。
    But digital wrappers can perform other tasks that are becoming just as important.
  • 器有助於防止軟件盜版和保證可靠的電子郵件傳送,這是當今有關因特網的兩大關註點。
    Wrappers help prevent software piracy and guarantee delivery of secure e-mail, which are two major concerns about the Internet today.
  • 器通常是建在電子郵件程序中,附加在可以從因特網下載的演示軟件或者文件等項目中。
    Wrappers are most commonly built in to e-mail programs and attached to items like demonstration software or files downloaded from the Internet.
  • 除了作警衛這一基本功能外,數字包器可能開始在在綫供應商的市場和銷售活動中起重要作用。
    Beyond their primary role as gatekeepers, digital wrappers might start to play an important role in marketing and sales efforts for online vendors.
  • 各公司可以通過數字包器確保安全地嚮遠地分發軟件,以保護內部程序,需要用特殊的代碼或口令才能打開程序。
    Companies can ensure safe software distribution to remote locations by using digital wrappers to protect the program inside, requiring special codes or passwords to open the programs.
  • 器是由軟件代碼組成,其目標是利用與這些代碼包在一起的數據完成某些具體事情,如幫助搜索引擎定義查詢。
    Wrappers are made up of software code that's targeted to do specific things with the data enclosed within them, such as helping to define queries for search engines.