  • 您能把肯尼思·莱(安然公司总裁)借我们一段时间吗?我听说他最近不太忙。
    Could you send Ken Lay (CEO of Enron)over sometime, I hear he is not very busy these days?
  • 他们给玛丽留的。
    They kept it for Mary.
  • 这里没有外来的洋油、香烟、肥皂和奢侈品,自制的香烟等已够本区供有余,且有部分的出品,如布匹、毛巾等棉织物和纸张,能够往外运销。
    No kerosene, cigarettes, soap and luxuries are imported here. We make our own cigarettes and other items, and have enough and to spare. For example, we export a part of our products, such as cloth, towels, other cotton textiles and paper.
  • 克尔解释:“我之所以拿了这些录像,是因为梦露的一个义姐最近去世了,她把它们留了洛杉矶的一个影迷俱乐部。”
    "I got hold of the footage because an elderly foster sister of Marilyn's had recently died and left it to a fan club in Los Angeles," explained Kerr.
  • 我蕃茄酱和芥末。
    Ketchup and mustard, please.
  • 我一些番茄酱和纸手巾?
    Could I have some ketchup and napkins, please?
  • 给你钥匙。
    Here's the key then.
  • 给您房间钥匙。
    Here's your room key.
  • 给…定基调或要旨
    To give or set the keynote of.
  • 观众政治性俯中之政策演讲。
    give the keynote address to (an audience).
  • 把钥匙交给我保管
    Gave me the keys for safekeeping.
  • 我们把钥匙交老李行吗?
    Can we trust the keys to Lao Li?
  • 别忘了把钥匙还我!
    Do not forget to return me my keys!
  • 外宾:我每样称一公斤吧。
    I'd take one kg. each.
  • 在13世纪探考了亚洲并忽必烈可汗当差的威尼斯旅行家(1254-1324)。
    Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324).
  • 十三世纪初,成吉思汗率军进入新疆后,把他征服的地方分封其子孙。
    In the early 13th century, Genghis Khan led an expeditionary army to Xinjiang, where he granted the territories he had conquered to his children and grandchildren.
  • 给汽车挂快挡
    kick one's car into higher gear
  • 如果你我公司几百元回扣我就干。
    I will do it if you kickback a few hundred for my firm.
  • 付给回扣
    To pay a kickback.
  • 理发业唯一的另一种可怕的事是扭来扭去的孩子理发。
    The only other horror of the barber business is squirmy kid.
  • 那个男孩儿拐走了,想想看他父母得多伤心哪
    Think how much the parents of the kidnap boy must have suffered
  • 你开点止疼片。确实难受时,吃一片。
    I'll prescribe some pain-killer. Take one when you feel really bad.
  • 他叫阿金去他的小屋里干一天活,还答应把阿金介绍他弟弟,他会定期他活干。
    He asked Ah Kin to work for the day in his shed. He also promised to recommend Ah Kin to his brother, who would give him regular work.
  • “这些是你替我工作的酬劳,”那个农民边说边把铜板了阿金。
    " This is to thank you for your help, " the farmer said and gave the coppers to Ah Kin.
  • 工作了一天后,他了阿金一罐牛奶作为报酬,并叫他第二天早上去找他,以便把阿金介绍他弟弟。
    After a day's work, he gave Ah Kin a pot of milk as a reward and asked him to come again next morning, so that he could introduce him to his brother.
  • 那位善良的老人了我一些钱。
    That kind old man offered me some money.
  • 了我一些友善的忠告。
    He gave me some kindly advice.
  • "约翰真好,我们安排好了食宿。"
    How kind of Bill to get our board and lodging ready.
  • 母亲在白天把她的孩子交托幼儿园。
    The mother gave her child over to the kindergarten during the day.
  • 一上完幼儿园,我就自己找一个老婆!
    Once I'm done with kindergarten,I'm going to find me a wife!
  • 祝你生日快乐,你的善良使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带你快乐,愿未来的日子锦上添花!
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday. You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted. May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too.
  • "我们大家都会记得,每当我们不肯上学时,他便我们以慈祥的鼓励。"
    We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.