  • 除非你能成为某人或某团体不可或缺的人物,否则你的所得永远无法超过一般的水平。
    You will never command more than average compensation until you become indispensable to somebody or some group.
  • 英语,作为族群间的沟通语言,以及政府、律政及教育用语,在多元种族的新加坡社会中,毫无疑问地继续保持主导地位,期待华语在所有“高层语言”环境中“同英语并驾齐驱”,是不符合实际的。
    Given the status of English as the language for the inter-ethnic communication, as the language of government, of law, of higher education, it will remain indisputably the dominant language in multiracial Singapore. It would be unrealistic to expect Chinese to ever be really "on par with the English language" in all "high language" domains.
  • 迷彩服织物或衣物染成有绿色、棕色、褐色和黑色的斑纹,从而使穿戴者不易被从周围环境中区分开来
    Fabric or a garment dyed in splotches of green, brown, tan, and black so as to make the wearer indistinguishable from the surrounding environment.
  • 个别地和他们谈。
    I'll talk to them individually.
  • 资产倒卖(廉价收买经济上有困难的公司,然後其资产逐一变卖获利的做法)
    Practice of buying at a cheap price a company with financial difficulties and then selling its assets individually to make a profit
  • 6个月之后你会脱胎换骨。当你学会本章所要求的良好习惯并且调适好你的思想之后,你的心态便会随时处于积极状态。
    You will so thoroughly indoctrinate yourself with these habits and mind conditioners that your mental attitude will become and remain positive at all times
  • 以忠诚的心志,坚决执行法律赋予香港高度自治的神圣责任,带领六百五十万富於创业精神的香港市民,坚定地按照一个国家,两种制度的路向前进。
    I will resolutely uphold the principles of autonomy as set forth under the Basic Law. I will carry out my duties with honesty, sincerity and determination. I will lead the 6.5 million people of Hong Kong, along with our indomitable spirit, towards the future. As part of China, we will move forward as one inseparable nation with two distinct systems.
  • 因为下雨,我们在室内举行招待会。
    Since it is raining, we will hold the reception indoors.
  • 感应器感应的物体,尤指靠电感运作的或电感导入线圈的装置
    One that inducts, especially a device that functions by or introduces inductance into a circuit.
  • 您希望它们的产品,如工业感应热水器、火炉以及电焊设备引入我们的市场。
    You wish to introduce their products of industrial induction heater, furnances and welder into our market.
  • 有人建议我不要给孩子他们想要的任何东西,除非我希望我的孩子来不被社会所接受。
    I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised.
  • 弗里克,亨利·克莱1849-1919美国工业家,因钢铁工业积聚大笔财富,并一座收藏他的艺术藏品的纽约城大楼遗赠给公众
    American industrialist who amassed a fortune in the steel industry and bequeathed to the public a New York City mansion housing his art collection.
  • 尤那邦摩声称与环保激进派和其他人一道坚决反对工业化以及科技所带来的结果。他们袭击目标锁定在大学教授、公司行政官以及电脑商等群体。
    The Unabomber,who claimed an allegiance with radical environmentalists and others opposed to the effects of industrialization and technology,targeted university professors,corporate executives,and computer merchants.
  • 伊拉克安全部门和萨达姆·候赛因的总统办公室曾接到命令,要他们与伊军工机构之间的所有来往信函全部藏匿起来。
    Orders were issued to Iraq's security organizations, as well as to Saddam Hussein's own office, to hide all correspondence with the Organization of Military Industrialization.
  • 如果没有电,高度工业化国家生活上的麻烦会最大。
    Most of the trouble of life without electricity would hang over the highly industrialized nations.
  • 如果没有电,许许多多生活上的麻烦会落到工业高度发达国家,许多工人就会失业。
    Most d troubles d a life without electricity, would come to the highly industrialized nations, and a lot of workers would be at leicure.
  • 据ubs沃伯格投资银行公司最近的一份研究报告,中国加入wto促进亚洲其它新兴工业化经济体出口产品的需求增加,这些经济体的收益预计达它们2000年gdp的1.1%。
    According to a recent study by investment bank UBS Warburg, thanks to China' s accession Asia's other newly industrialized economies are projected to benefit by 1.1 percent of their 2000 GDPs as China's demand for their exports increases.
  • 我们估计,到2003年,占发达国家30%以上的人口使用这种装置打电话、发电子邮件、看录相、发送文件和数据、开会以及进行其他形式的计算和通讯。
    We estimate that these appliances will be used by 30% or more of the population in industrialized nations by 2003 for making telephone calls,sending e? mail,watching video,transmitting documents and data,conferencing,and other forms of computation and communication in general.
  • 另一方面,也和苏联式的、无产阶级专政的、社会主义的共和国相区别,那种社会主义的共和国已经在苏联兴盛起来,并且还要在各资本主义国家建立起来,无疑成为一切工业先进国家的国家构成和政权构成的统治形式;
    On the other hand, it will also be different from the socialist republic of the Soviet type under the dictatorship of the proletariat which is already flourishing in the U.S.S.R., and which, moreover, will be established in all the capitalist countries and will undoubtedly become the dominant form of state and governmental structure in all the industrially advanced countries.
  • 这一事件的发生不是勤劳、勇敢和善良的印尼人民的过错,更不是为了印尼国家的繁荣昌盛而英勇拼搏、自己的智慧和汗血、甚至于生命,完完全全奉献出来的印尼华人应得的报应。
    This tragedy was not the fault of the industrious, brave and kind Indonesians. This tragedy is not the kind of reward that the Chinese Indonesians, who have fought brave and hard, devoting their wisdom, blood, sweat, even their lives, for the prosperity of Indonesia, deserve.
  • 学习外语作为任务强加于人既无效果又无道理。
    It is morally wrong as well as ineffective for it to be imposed as a task.
  • 由于国有企业机制陈旧和积累的问题,在入世后的激烈竞争中有相当一部分被淘汰,私营企业或外企就取而代之。
    Keen competition will see a large number of old and ineffective state-owned enterprises eliminated by private and foreign companies.
  • 研究人员还指出,随着手机和电脑的日益普及,人们同时处理多项任务的现象也日趋普遍。但这也许是意味着我们要浪费更多的时间和降低工作效率。
    So called "multitasking" is becoming increasingly common because of cell phones and computers, the researchers point out, but it may just be adding wasted time and inefficiency to our days.
  • 因为成纤维细胞在培养基中很容易生长,所以可以应用一种规模大但效率较低的方法,即基因插人到细胞中并选择正确插入的细胞。
    Because fibroblasts are so simple to grow in culture, it is possible to use the large-scale but inefficient methods of inserting genes into cells and selecting the cells with the correctly inserted gene.
  • 所有这些情形,都是由于没有经验,缺乏深刻的革命认识,还不善于马克思列宁主义的理论和中国革命的实践相结合。
    The reasons for all this were inexperience, insufficient depth of revolutionary understanding, and ineptitude in integrating the theory of Marxism-Leninism with the practice of the Chinese revolution.
  • 同时,我们也知道富水陨星不可能提供地球上的全部水源,因为如果那样的话,地球的大气层中的氙(一种惰性气体)含量会是它实际含量的近10倍。
    At the same time, we know that the meteorites could not have delivered all of the water, because then the earth's atmosphere would contain nearly 10times as much xenon (an inert gas) as it actually does.
  • 因为重力有充裕的时间两个星系牵引成不可避免的一个整体,所以对于星系未说,撞击得越慢,就越猛烈。
    With galaxies, the slower the smash-up, the more violent the collision, since gravity has more time to pull the two galaxies into an inescapable bind.
  • 新的谷物即上市,价格降低在所难免,请稳住另候通知。
    Price cut inevitable as new crop available soon loll off until notice
  • 这种倾向如果让它发展下去,情况必然变得更加复杂。
    If this tendency goes unchecked, the situation will inevitably become more complicated.
  • 来不可避免会发生的事件或其进程。
    an event (or course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future.
  • 来,民主主义的革命必然要转变为社会主义的革命。
    In the future the democratic revolution will inevitably be transformed into a socialist revolution.
  • 凡是没有社会和文化痼疾的国家,也都必出现这个过程。
    The process will inevitably continue in all countries which do not have intractable social and cultural handicaps.