  • 统计析表明,近年来美国对华贸易逆差是事实,但美国方面显然把逆差的程度严重地夸大了。
    Statistics and analyses prove it true that Sino-US trade has been in favour of China in recent years, but it is obvious that the size of the US de cit has been largely exaggerated by the US side.
  • widow是一古老的词,可追溯到古代英语中,第二版牛津英语辞典最早的引用始于公元825年,它来自印欧语系的widhewo及词根weidh-,意为“开的”,因此,widow是指被开的或孤独的人。
    Widow is an ancient word, going back to Old English. The OED2's earliest citation is from c.825. It derives from the Indo-European *widhewo, and the root *weidh- meaning separate. So a widow is one who is left separate or solitary.
  • 我将向大家举出部例子,这些事实是人力方面的。
    I will cite some examples, and these are from human sources.
  • 一大部最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
    A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism.
  • 享受人权的主体不是少数人,也不是某些阶级和阶层的一部人,而是全体中国公民。
    It is not a minority of the people or part of a class or social stratum but the entire Chinese citizenry who constitutes the subject enjoying human rights.
  • 他在瑞典出生,但没有瑞典公民身
    He was born in sweden, but he have no swedish citizenship.
  • 橙花醛柠檬醛的同异构体,橙花醇氧化可得,用于制造香水和香料
    A structural isomer of citral that is obtained from the oxidation of nerol and is used to make perfumes and flavorings.
  • 橘络柑橘果实中间多纤维的部和膜壁
    The stringy central portion and membranous walls of a citrus fruit.
  • 似麝香的由别的动物,如水獭或者麝香猫,泌的相似的促胰液素
    A similar secretion produced by certain other animals, such as the otter or civet.
  • 公民学研究城市事务和公民权利与义务的政治科学的
    The branch of political science that deals with civic affairs and the rights and duties of citizens.
  • 很不幸的,正是这种想法使我们失去了作为公民应有义务参与辩论和深入析问题的责任感,除非有关的课题会影响我们的口袋,我们才会有所反应。
    Our sense of civic duty to engage in public debate and critical thinking is lost except unfortunately for issues that affect our pockets.
  • 临时区域市政局辖下有3间大型文娱中心,别位于沙田、荃湾和屯门,以及3间较小型的文娱中心,别位于北区、大埔和元朗。
    The Provisional Regional Council manages three major civic centres in Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun and three smaller ones in North District, Tai Po and Yuen Long.
  • 此外,课程发展处别就公民教育、德育、药物教育、环保教育、性教育及爱滋病教育等跨科目课程,为学校提供教学指引和辅导教材。
    For cross-curricular studies in areas such as civic education, moral education, drug education, environmental education, sex education and AIDS education, the CDC provided teaching guidelines and support materials to schools.
  • 在现代文明已经发展的国家里,形成了一个新的小资产阶级,它摇摆于无产阶级和资产阶级之间,并且作为资产阶级社会的补充部不断地重新组成。
    In countries where modern civilisation has become fully developed, a new class of petty bourgeois has been formed, fluctuating between proletariat and bourgeoisie and ever renewing itself as a supplementary part of bourgeois society.
  • 大部的中国人对《三国演义》里的故事都耳熟能详,书中有些故事未必合乎史实,但是这无关紧要,重要的是书中扣人心弦的故事,老少皆宜,它还蕴含了不少中国文化的智慧。
    But most Chinese would be familiar with the stories from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Some of the stories in the Romance may not be accurate but that is not crucial. What matters is that the Romance is a gripping story, enjoyed by young and old alike, capturing much of the wisdom of Chinese civilisation.
  •  如果一个国家人口的增长超过了食料生产的增长趋势,如果资本的积累最后达到了这样程度,以致不能再找到投资出路,如果机器生产造成了大批工人失业,使商品有了巨额过剩——如果发生了这样的情况,这只是说明,造化注定,不允许任何一个国家单独享有工业、文化、财富和权力,或者是说,地球上大部宜于耕种的地方只应当成为野兽的窟穴,人类的绝大部应当永久陷于野蛮、无知和贫因状态。
    If in a nation the population increases more than the production of the means of subsistence, if capital accumulates at length to such an extent as no longer to find investment, if machinery throws a number of operatives out of work and manufactured goods accumulate to a large excess, this merely proves, that nature will not allow industry, civilisation, wealth,and power to fall exclusively to the lot of a single nation, or that a large portion of the globe suitable for cultivation should be merely inhabited by wild animals, and that the largest portion of the human race should remain sunk in savagery, ignorance, and poverty.
  • 基本上,艺术界本身需要负起这个责任,他们需要赢取公众的尊敬,证明艺术是一个文明社会不可或缺的重要部
    The responsibility rests primarily with the arts fraternity who must earn the public respect by demonstrating their worth as an indispensable component of a civilised society.
  • 制定《文明社区建设条例》,全面启动文明社区建设,充发挥社区在培育文明市民、推进文明城市建设中的基础作用;
    The “Rules for the Building of Courteous Communities” should be formulated to kick-start the development of courteous communities. Local communities will be encouraged to play the primary roles incumbent upon them in fostering courteous behavior among residents and building civility into the everyday life in the city.
  • 无可置疑,大部的新加坡国民在公共生活中互相影响和互相监督,已经自发地养成文明习惯,讲秩序,守纪律。
    No doubt, through interactions among themselves, most Singaporeans have formed habits of civilized conduct.
  • 服:用大拇指和食、中指稳定上面一只,四指稳住下面一只,手以上部留出1/3,以下部留出2/3,然后试着使筷子下端碰撞,就像这样……很好,你们学得很快。
    You hold the upper sticks between you thumb and first two fingers, while keeping the lower sticks stationary with your fourth finger; hold the sticks with one third above the hand and two thirds below. Then try to clack the tow ends together, like this... Yes, you're learning fast.
  • 射线杀菌法破坏某种食品,如鱼或蚌肉内的大部微生物的行为或过程,通过γ射线或其它放射线辐射的防止变质
    The act or process of destroying most microorganisms in certain foods, such as fish or clam meat, by irradiating them with gamma rays or other radiation to prevent spoilage.
  • 我们内部,因大城市的丧失和战争的困难,动摇子将大倡其妥协论,悲观情绪将严重地增长。
    Owing to the loss of big cities and the hardships of war, vacillating elements within our ranks will clamour for compromise, and pessimism will grow to a serious extent.
  • 这标志着该党对台湾主权的论述,其概念与中华民国是一个主权独立国家概念几乎相同,把台湾中华民国化的作法,更是挑战传统台独论述,扩大党内主流意识与基本教义派间的歧。
    In effect, the party's stand is not very different from an existing view that Taiwan is already a sovereign state. This deviates from the party's traditional clamour for independence and is certain to widen the rift between its moderate and more radical members.
  • 我们必须对敌对子施压并强硬起来。
    We have to clamp down and get tough on the dissidents.
  • 铁钳,夹子将两个或两个以上部夹在或扣在一起的装置;钳子
    A device that holds or fastens two or more parts together or in place; a clamp.
  • 她的辈分比我小。
    She ranks as my junior in the clan.
  • 但是无论哪一县,封建的家族组织十普遍,多是一姓一个村子,或一姓几个村子,非有一个比较长的时间,村子内阶级化不能完成,家族主义不能战胜。
    But as the feudal family system prevails in every county, and as all the families in a village or group of villages belong to a single clan, it will be quite a long time before people become conscious of their class and clan sentiment is overcome in the villages.
  • 事实证明,即使在同一族群内,信奉同一宗教、属于同一宗教机构、同姓同宗、一家之内,都可能由于意见歧而导致言语冲突、争权夺位乃至大打出手。
    It is a reality that differences in opinions have led to quarrels, leadership struggles and even fights within a race, a religion, a religious institution, a clan or a family.
  • 该中心组建于1986年,用来协调美国挫败海外恐怖子的工作。其人手自"9·11"事件以来已经增加了一倍,现有1100多名析人员和密探。
    Organized in1986to coordinate America's effort to foil terrorists overseas,the center has doubled its manpower since the Sept.11attacks to more than1,100analysts and clandestine agents.
  • 事实上,萨达姆已经有了秘密的发展核武器的计划,并包括几种不同的技术进行铀的浓缩,其中包括电磁同位素离、气体离心离机和气体漫射。
    In truth, Saddam Hussein had a massive clandestine nuclear weapons program that covered several different techniques to enrich uranium, including electromagnetic isotope separation, gas centrifuge, and gas diffusion.
  • 这一时期,美国还从陆路偷运大批武器弹药供给盘踞山南的叛乱子。
    During the same period, the United States clandestinely shipped large amounts of arms and ammunition overland to the rebels entrenched in the Shannan area.
  • 铃舌震动的铃的部零件。
    the part of a bell against which the clapper strikes.