  • 以西结公元前6世纪,希伯来预言家,号召犹太人走巴比伦以回归敬神和信仰
    A Hebrew prophet of the sixth century b.c. who called for the Jews exiled in Babylon to return to godliness and faith.
  • 以斯拉公元前5世纪,希伯来崇高的预言家,在犹太人走以色列以后把他们领回耶路撒冷
    A Hebrew high priest of the fifth century b.c. who led many Jews back to Jerusalem after their Babylonian exile.
  • 当妈妈国时,孩子得到了保姆的精心照料。
    While the mother was abroad, the baby was dealt fairly well by the babysitter.
  • 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(168—1750)是历代最伟大的作曲家之一,他身于德国的一个音乐世家。
    Johann Sebastian Bach.(1685-1750), one of the greatest musicians of all time, belonged to a musical German family.
  • 第一个版本现在1920年或在晨报上登太晚了。
    the first edition appeared in 1920 or it was too late for the morning edition or they issued a limited edition of Bach recordings.
  • 从绿色植物脓液中提取来的黄绿颜色的抗生素的混合物。
    a yellow-green mixture of antibiotics obtained from the bacillus of green pus.
  • 他把车倒出大门。
    He drove his car back through the gate.
  • 她把车子倒出窄路。
    She backed the car out of the narrow road.
  • 车子倒退着开大门。
    The car backed through the gate.
  • 连续的演;连续的本垒打
    Back-to-back performances; back-to-back home runs.
  • 他第一次参加nba篮球赛现在电视上时就把篮板支架拉倒了,使比赛中断了45分钟。
    He collapsed a backboard support in his first NBA appearance on television,delaying the game 45 minutes.
  • 他第一次参加nba篮球赛现在电视上时就把篮板支架拉倒了,使比赛中断了45分钟。
    He collapsed a backboard support in his first NBA appearance on television, delaying the game 45 minutes.
  • 这时,美国总统布什现在了会堂的巨型背景屏幕上。
    Then, the American president appeared on a huge backdrop video screen with advice for his chief diplomat.
  • 我国对外经济贸易取得这些成绩,是在亚洲金融危机的影响不断深化,在周边许多国家经济严重衰退、货币大幅贬值、进口普遍下降的情况下,国内发生罕见洪水的环境下,在我国人民币不贬值的条件下实现的,成绩来之不易。
    All the achievements were made under the circumstances of deepening impact of Asian Financial Crisis, severe economic recessions, drastic devaluation and general declines of imports and exports in many neighboring countries, and against the backdrop of serious flooding within China and non-devaluation of Chinese Renminbi. The achievements are therefore by no means easy.
  • 第二次世界大战后,在当时东西方两大阵营对峙的态势下,美国政府基於它的所谓全球战略及维护本国利益的考虑,曾经不遗余力地钱、枪、人,支持国民党集团打内战,阻挠中国人民革命的事业。
    Against the backdrop of East-West confrontation in the wake of the Second World War and guided by its conceived global strategy and national interest considerations, the U.S. government gave full support to the Kuomintang, providing it with money, weapons and advisors to carry on the civil war and block the advance of the Chinese people's revolution.
  • 他将车倒出汽车库。
    He backed his car out of garage.
  • 我的计划最终做让步。
    I finally backed down on my plan.
  • 他把车退出行车道。
    He backed his car out of the driveway.
  • 他把车倒退着开车库。
    He backed the car out of the garage.
  • 卡车退了狭窄的小巷。
    The truck backed out of the narrow lane.
  • 公司的赞助人之一已经退
    One of the company's backer have withdraw.
  • 公司的赞助人之一已经退
    One of the company 's backer has withdrawn.
  • 你的评论可能产生乎意料的后果并给你带来很多麻烦。
    Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble.
  • 发生逆火用逆火的方式爆裂或发逆火的声音
    To explode in the manner of or make the sound of a backfire.
  • 作为遭受逆火的结果发大声音,比如汽车。
    emit a loud noise as a result of undergoing a backfire, as of cars.
  • 他是工人阶级出身。
    He has a working-class background.
  • 身於工人阶级, 在上流社会中感到很不自在.
    With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people.
  • 她出身於特权阶层.
    She came from a privileged background.
  • 根据身不同而区别待人是不对的.
    It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.
  • 工人出身的学生
    students of workers' background
  • 她对自己卑微的身感到羞愧。
    She was ashamed of her humble background.
  • 贫苦的童年、身、地区
    A deprived childhood, background, area