  • 你能将政客的私生活与职分开吗?
    Can you dissociate the private lives from the public ones of a politician?
  • 先前在通函系告知贵方,g.b.司与b.c.司已经解散。
    The preceding circular of Messrs. G.&B. and Messrs. B.&C. informed you of the dissolution of their establishment.
  • 解散,遣散解散组织(如司)
    To dissolve the organization of(a corporation, for example).
  • 网络世界还以一种旧信息时代从未有过的方式使得竞争更为平,特别是对于小企业。
    Networks dissolve barriers like time and distance that once limited market opportunities. This means that networks fundamentally alter the nature of competition. The networked world levels the playing field especially for smaller businesses, in a way that has never been true with prior generations of information technology.
  • “哥伦比亚广播司早晨新闻”女主播丹尼尔斯,上周已决定跟随她的以前助手索耶(九月已离纽约)的脚步辞职。
    Faith Daniels, the distaff anchor of the"CBS Early Morning News, " was ready to jump ship last week, following in the footsteps of her former sidekick, Forrest Sawyer, who skipped town last September.
  • 在英国测量距离用英里,不用里。
    In England distance is measured in miles, not in kilometers.
  • 我看见共汽车从远处开来了。
    I could see the bus coming in the distance.
  • 司距离我家五英里远。
    My company is five miles distant from my home.
  • 凡在晚上7时至早上7时及在众假期内进行的一般建筑工程,所发出的噪音皆受建筑噪音许可证管制。
    Noise from general construction work between 7 pm and 7 am, and on public holidays, is controlled through a Construction Noise Permit system.
  • 七月九日,他然将两岸关系歪曲为“国家与国家,至少是特殊的国与国的关系”,企图从根本上改变台湾是中国一部分的地位,破坏两岸关系、特别是两岸政治对话与谈判的基础,破坏两岸和平统一的基础。
    " On July 9, he went so far as to publicly distort inter-Straits relations as "state to state relations, or at least special state to state relations," in an attempt to fundamentally change the status of Taiwan as a part of China, sabotage the relations between both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially the basis for cross-Straits political dialogues and negotiations, and wreck the foundation for peaceful reunification.
  • 七月九日,他然将两岸关系歪曲为“国家与国家,至少是特殊的国与国的关系”,企图从根本上改变台湾是中国一部分的地位,破坏两岸关系、特别是两岸政治对话与谈判的基础,破坏两岸和平统一的基矗
    On July 9, he went so far as to publicly distort the cross-Straits relations as "state to state relations, or at least special state to state relations," in an attempt to fundamentally change the status of Taiwan as a part of China, sabotage the relations between both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially the basis for cross-Straits political dialogues and negotiations, and wreck the foundation for peaceful reunification.
  • 公路病害防治
    highway distress and preventive measures
  • 陷入财政危机的汽车制造工业;穷困的司需要贷款和技术建议;财政上的穷困使墨西哥旅馆降低了他们的价格;陷入困境的司需要贷款和技术支持;很显然杂志陷入了困境;发现他们自己处于财政上的不好状态。
    the troubled car industry; distressed companies need loans and technical advice; financially hard-pressed Mexican hotels are lowering their prices; we were hard put to meet the mortgage paymentng; it was apparent that the magazine was in trouble; found themselves in a bad way financially.
  • 非专有产品就是在众范围内的、任何人都可以生产或者销售的产品。
    nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them.
  • 根据世贸组织的规定,这些司在中国将享有更大的自由进行生产、分销以及市场营销活动。
    Under WTO these firms will have more freedom to manufacture,distribute and market within the country.
  • 我来这里询问有关贵司要我批发给经销商的电影放映机。
    I'm here to ask about the movie projectors you wanted me to distribute to our outlets.
  • linux的使用和分发是免费的,这可以为司节省一大笔使用许可费。
    Linux is free to use and distribute, which could save companies a bundle in licensing fees.
  • 会费分配是否不公?
    Are the dues unfairly distributed?
  • 关于基因改造食物,食物环境卫生署通过分发小册子和举办众研讨会等措施,为市民提供资料。
    The department has taken steps to provide relevant information on genetically modified (GM) food to the public including distributing pamphlets and organising public forums.
  • 促进公平分配
    Promote fair distribution of social wealth
  • 司,迄今已有三十年以上的创业历史,是国内工厂仓库的批发商,其存货甚多。
    They have been established for over 30 years as domestic factory warehouse distributor with complete stock.
  • 司,迄今已有三十年以上的创业历史,是国内工厂仓库的批发商,其存货甚多。
    They have is establish for over 30 year as domestic factory warehouse distributor with complete stock.
  • 肯贝是ingram娱乐司的2000年项目经理,ingram娱乐司是一家全国性的视频娱乐产品的分销商。
    Kilbane is year 2000 project manager at Ingram Entertainment, Inc., a national distributor of video entertainment products.
  • 若干年前的一个早晨,有一位忿怒的顾客,闯进「第脱茂毛呢司」创办人第脱茂的办室里。
    One morning years ago, an angry customer stormed into the office of Julian F. Detmer, founder of the Detmer Woolen Company, which later became the world’s largest distributor of woolens to the tailoring trade.
  • 这条路开发了一大片地区。
    The highway taps a large district.
  • 印度总理瓦杰帕伊也声称:“有一个开的核武器国家与我们接壤,这个国家1962年对印度发动了武装侵略。虽然我们同这个国家的双边关系最近10年来有所改善,不信任的气氛持续存在。”
    Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee also alleged that India's nuclear tests were prompted by distrust for its nuclear weapon- possessing neighbor who committed armed aggression against India in 1962, although bilateral relations improved in the last decade.
  • 干扰了和平或共秩序的状态。
    a disturbance of the peace or of public order.
  • 破坏共秩序的;高声的并粗鲁的。
    disturbing the public peace; loud and rough.
  • 他因为破坏共安全而被逮捕。
    he was arrested for disturbing the peace.
  • 平行于公路挖沟渠
    Paralleled the ditch to the highway.
  • 他们使这条沟和路平行。
    They paralleled the ditch to the highway..
  • 针对单一有制经济活力不足的弊端,国家提出:在坚持有制为主体的同时,鼓励多种经济成分的发展。
    Given the lack of vitality of the unitary public ownership, the state decided to persist in taking the public ownership as the mainstay, while encouraging the development of diver