  • 个戏剧化的方式来传达某事。
    represent something in a dramatic manner.
  • 在流程图中,用来表示把条以上的流程线汇集成条或者把条流程线分成多条的符号,也可表示单条流程线的断点,在另外地方继续连接。
    In a flowchart, the means of representing the convergence of more than one flow line into one, or the divergence of one flow line into more than one. It may also represent a break in a single flow line for continuation in another area.
  • 她热爱bbc的那间新闻工作室,在那里,她的同事都很喜欢她,敬佩她的战斗精神,而且像任何其他地方的新闻工作室样,他们用幽默而不是怜悯来驱散她的病痛。
    She loves that newsroom at the BBC, where her colleagues adore her and her fighting spirit and---like all newsrooms everywhere---defuse her illness not with pity but with jokes.
  • 表现音节的种书写系统。
    a writing system whose characters represent syllables.
  • 个用艺术来描绘某种东西的人。
    someone who uses art to represent something.
  • 我崇拜社团的位学长。
    I adore a senior in our club.
  • 用切实的形式来表达些抽象的事情。
    represent or express something abstract in tangible form.
  • 能用……形式代表。
    uniquely representable in the form....
  • 在演出上别具格的《哈姆雷特》
    An unusual representation of Hamlet
  • 一种字符表示法。
    The representation of a character.
  • 图腾形象这样种物体的图像
    A representation of such an object.
  • 我们穿经过道来到接待室,路上和每个人打招呼。在接待室,休养的人来抚摸博,沉浸在对这只漂亮幸福、10岁大、99磅重的德国种短毛猎犬的爱慕中。
    We’d walk the hall ways greeting everyone on our way to the hospitality room,where residents would come to pet Beau and bask in the adoration of this beautiful,happy,ten year old,ninety nine pound Doberman pinscher.
  • 在爱尔兰这个地方,由于几乎无妥协可言,年青姑娘不得不从永久偶像与不断怀孕之间选择其
    In Ireland there is so little sense of compromise that a girl has to choose between perpetual adoration and perpetual pregnancy.
  • 种表示形式改变为另种表示形式的过程。例如,从十进制表示改变为二进制表示。参阅translation。
    The process of changing from one form of representation to another; for example, to change from decimal representation to binary representation.
  • 我似乎看见辆新自行车,副新棒球手套,以及当我拿出钱时同学们羡慕的表情。
    I could see a new bicycle, new baseball glove, and adoration of my friends when I flashed some cash.
  • 画或作图示画或做个图解式的陈述
    To draw or make a graphic representation of.
  • 歪曲给…个不正确或误导性的叙述
    To give an incorrect or misleading representation of.
  • 个模糊概念的具体化形象。
    a concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept.
  • 他像孔雀样趾高气扬,认为自己应该受到爱戴。
    He struts and preens like a peacock and believes he is worthy of adoration.
  • 应用形式逻辑来图示个程序。
    a graphical representation of a program using formal logic.
  • 种以8为基数的数字表示方法。
    A number representation system with a base of eight.
  • 众议员的数目,不得超过每三万人口有众议员人,但每州至少应有众议员人;
    The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative;
  • 、成立各党派联合委员会,每个党派派遣代表人,以国民党的代表为主席,中共代表副之;
    Form a joint committee of all the parties and groups, with one representative from each, and appoint the Kuomintang and the Communist Party representatives to be its chairman and vice-chairman respectively.
  • 个有强烈竞争意识的销售代表
    A highly competitive sales representative.
  • 正式许可;个官方的代表。
    official permission; an official representative.
  • 他们派个代表参加会议。
    They sent a representative to the meeting.
  • 代表团作为批人或事物部分代表团(组)
    A representative group forming part of an assemblage.
  • 巴西叫鹤;红腿叫鹤唯的代表。
    Brazilian cariama; sole representative of the genus Cariama.
  • 尽管我不是名观察研究野鸟的学者,但是当我第眼看到那可爱的海鹦,就被它迷住了。
    Although I was not a bird? watcher, my first glimpse of the adorable puffin won me over.
  • 我们的代表将在下个星期访问你们。
    Our representative will wait on you next week.
  • 一对可爱的双胞胎
    An adorable set of twins.
  • 代表些大团体的人群。
    a gathering of persons representative of some larger group.