  • 蝴蝶飞进房里来了。
    The butterfly fluttered into the room.
  • 时间过得真快!
    How time flies!
  • 这天早上时过得很快。
    The morning was flying by.
  • 它有用手操作的传动系统,充裕的行李箱空和调幅/调频的立体音响式收录音机。
    It has manual transmission, plenty of trunk space and an AM/FM stereo cassette player.
  • 此为f。o。b。横滨实盘,有效期为本地时星期一收到回电。
    We offer firm FOB yokohama for your telegraphic reply here by monday our time.
  • 他在那黑屋子里眼睛慢慢地看清了东西。
    His eyes focused slowly in the dark room.
  • 这样我才能集中精力而不会浪费时
    They keep me focused. Justify my time.
  • 然而,余下的时她都用在了她最关心的事情上。
    But the rest of the time she's focused on the issues that concern her most.
  • 他利用一切可能的时练习,他练琴时的专注不亚于其他孩子对冰淇淋的迷恋。
    He practised all the time, focusing on the keys the way other children focus on ice cream.
  • 然而,在谈论日本的时候,时空概念必须适可而止。如果把时往前延伸50年,把话题扩展到政治和历史领域,那么,日本就不再那么可爱了。
    But when we cast our minds back to 50 years ago and start focusing on political and historical issues, we will probably promptly stop singing the praises of Japan.
  • 在这热气腾腾的房里,我的眼镜蒙上了一层雾。
    My glasses fogged up in this steamy room.
  • 在这个满是蒸汽的房里我的眼镜蒙上了一层雾。
    My glasses have fogged up in this steamy room.
  • 他昨晚花了不少时才折好的那只精巧的金箔纸鹤就放在那里。
    There it was, the delicate gold-foil bird he'd labored over the night before.
  • 把那块布从中折起来。
    Fold the piece of cloth in the middle.
  • 二百年增长二十五倍。
    That was a 25-fold increase in 200 years.
  • 晚餐过后,他和巴狄斯丁姑娘与马格洛大娘闲谈半小时,再回到自己的房从事写作,有时写在单页纸上,有时写在对开本书本的空白边上。
    After supper he conversed for half an hour with Mademoiselle Baptistine and Madame Magloire; then he retired to his own room and set to writing, sometimes on loose sheets, and again on the margin of some folio.
  • 音乐是一代一代地流传下来的。
    Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.
  • 中国民间音乐研究会
    Chinese Folk Music Research Institute
  • 汉族民间舞蹈
    folk dance of Han nationality
  • 把民乐调编入交响曲
    Wove folk tunes into the symphony.
  • 英国和爱尔兰民舞蹈
    folk dance of United Kingdom and Ireland
  • 宋代民间舞队
    parade of folk dance in Song dynasty
  • 混有民曲调的原始舞蹈节奏
    Primitive dance rhythms interwoven with folk melody
  • 出身于民间的领袖
    A leader who came from the folk.
  • 一种走下坡的古老民艺术
    A degenerate form of an ancient folk art.
  • 建立在文学作品或民传说基础上的管弦乐。
    an orchestral composition based on literature or folk tales.
  • 这首歌是以一首古老的民曲调为基础而写成的。
    This song is based on an old folk tune.
  • 这位歌手终生致力于研究中国西北部的民传说。
    The singer devoted his whole life in study of the folklore in the northwest part of China.
  • 巨人民传说或神话中与以上的人种相似的人
    A being in folklore or myth similar to one of these beings.
  • 小妖精英格兰民传说中的一个淘气的精灵
    A mischievous sprite in English folklore.
  • 地灵德国民传说中在地下出没的地神
    A gnome that haunts underground places in German folklore.
  • (民故事)喜欢吃人的巨人。
    (folklore) a giant who likes to eat human beings.