  • 裁判给他十分。
    The judge scored him 10 points.
  • 裁判们一致同意把头奖颁鲍伯。
    The judges concurred in giving Bob the first prize.
  • 这是神给他的惩罚。
    It's a judgment on him.
  • 尽管朱迪思已嫁别人,但他仍痴恋着她。
    He still carries a torch for Judith although she's married somebody else.
  • 教师把柔道的秘诀传授我们。
    The teacher initiated us into the mysteries of judo.
  •  朋友们对普京予了很高的评价。有人把热爱柔道的年轻普京形容为一只勇猛的雪豹;还有朋友讲述了多年后已经入主克里姆林宫的普京,当胸戴勋章的二战老兵对他敬礼时被深深感动的故事。
    Praise bestowed on the Kremlin leader ranges from young judoist Putin fighting "like a snow leopard" to many years later his being visibly moved when decorated war veterans in the Kremlin stood up in salute as he entered the hall.
  • 亲爱的贝基,把牛奶罐递孙先生。
    Pass the milk jug to Mr. Sun, Becky dear.
  • 请给我点橙汁。
    Give me some orange juice, please.
  • 后来当奥古斯塔斯以他的女儿玖利亚的婚事问麦西那斯的时候,麦西那斯竟敢说“他必须把女儿嫁阿葛瑞帕,否则就必须把阿葛瑞帕杀了。再没有第三条路可走,因为他把阿葛瑞帕已造就得如此之伟大了”。
    When he consulted with Maecenas, about the marriage of his daughter Julia. Maecenas took the liberty to tell him, that he must either marry his daughter to Agrippa, or take away his life; There was no third way, he had made him so great.
  • 我得找些零碎东西捐教堂作义卖。
    I must look out some bits and pieces for the church jumble sale.
  • 这些号码没有按顺序排列;全搞乱了。
    The numbers are not in sequence; they are all jumbled up.
  • 我留着这件毛衣。
    Please put this jumper aside (ie reserve it) for me.
  • 我这件毛衫,这是她亲手织的。
    She gave me this jumper, which she had knitted herself.
  • 邓军球传了右中锋,一个漂亮的传球。
    Deng Jun has passed the ball to the inside-right, a wonderful pass.
  • 今天她吵着要我去打电报或长途电话你那一家实习的公司,后来我说星期日公司没有人接电报,答应她明天准办,她又叫均元写一张英文信与公司寄空邮去,要是你今天没有电报来,明日又不知要如何了!
    Today she pestered me to send a telegram or to telephone long distance to the company where you are receiving your practical training. In the end I told her that there is no one in your company to answer calls on a Sunday. But I promised her that I would do so the next day. She then asked Jun-yuan to write a letter in English to be airmailed to your company. If we had not received your telegram today, I don't know what we will have to do tomorrow!
  • 他们把所有讨厌的工作都推新来的年轻职员干。
    They're pushing all the tiresome jobs on the new junior clerk.
  • 所有这些旧货卖你,你多少钱?
    What will you pay me for all this old junk?
  • 朱诺请求朱庇特把牛送她做礼物,众神和人类之王有什么办法可想呢?
    Juno begged it as a gift. What could the king of gods and men do?
  • 艾奇逊堪萨斯州东北部一城市,位于堪萨斯城西北。该市是西行旅客的一个重要的补站,尤指在1859年艾奇逊,托皮卡和圣菲铁路修建以后。人口10,656
    A city of northeast Kansas northwest of Kansas City. The city was an important outfitting point for westward travelers, especially after the foundation of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad in1859. Population,10, 656.
  • 我不想买金戒指,因为一年前,我她买了一枚24k的订婚戒指。
    I don't want to buy a gold ring. A year ago, I gave her an engagement ring of 24 karat gold.
  • 你写我的信可由凯特转交。
    Your letter for me might be in care of Kate.
  • 请把这个文件交凯特,谢谢。
    Please give this paper to Kate. Thank you.
  • 凯特明天去纽约,我们去机场她送行。
    Kate will leave for New York tomorrow. We will see her off in the airport.
  • 他们一起学习,通常是阿尔法凯瑟琳辅导功课。
    They studied together,and usually α helped Katherine with her studies.
  • 工人正在那艘船安龙骨。
    The workers are laying a keel of the ship.
  • 船的鳍板额外的稳定支持的凸出物。
    a projection from the keel of a vessel to give it additional stability.
  • 你想想看,在改革开放前的30来年里几乎没有市民盖什么新住房,都是由单位负责员工提供住房的。可是有足够资金的单位又少得很,满足不了需求,住房不足的情况是很严重的。
    Just think,for the thirty or so years before our opening up policy,hardly any new dwelling houses were built in Beijing for its citizens.Organizations were responsible for providing living quarters for their staff and workers,and as few organizations had enough funds to satisfy all the needs,the shortage of housing was keenly felt.
  • 将军的演讲人们注入了激情。
    The general's speech infused keenness into the men.
  • 请在队里我留个位置。
    Please keep me a place in the queue.
  • 运动员将球投回板球守门员。
    The player threw back the ball to the wicket-keeper.
  • 警长收下委托书,换了一张公墓看守人的通知书交他;
    In return, the superintendent gave him an advice note for the cemetery keeper;
  • 我的姑母把她的一只胸针送我作纪念。
    My aunt give me one of her brooch as a keepsake.