  • 同时身处两地在自法则上是不可能的.
    It is a physical impossibility to is in two places at once.
  • ,对好多家庭而言,无止境满足孩子对时装、唱片和音乐会的要求从经济上讲是不可能的。
    For many families, of course, keeping up with their children's costly demands for designer clothing, CDs, and concert tickets is a financial impossibility.
  • 在国家昂步入建国34周年之际,我们的的确确看到人民现在的物质生活比独立前富裕得多了,但精神生活却似乎相对的变得比以前贫乏。
    WITH Singapore turning 34, we do find people much richer nowadays, in terms of material possessions, than they used to be in the pre-independence years. Spiritually, however, they are impoverished.
  • 批评家们觉得斯特劳斯的观点不实际,但其中有些人仍认为他的见解是有价值的。
    Critics regard Straus's vision as impractical,but a number of them still consider his insights valuable.
  • 妻子办事十分不切实际,但幸好约翰自己倒是很有见识的。
    Though his wife is very impractical, John fortunately has a lot of good horse sense.
  • 而,即使在atm环境中,数字视频的细微差别和特别之处使得以自未经压缩的格式在atm上传输实时视频是不实际的。
    However, even in an ATM environment, the nuances and peculiarities of digital video make it impractical to transport real-time video in its native uncompressed format over ATM.
  • 后期印象主义19世纪后半期法国的绘画流派,反对印象主义的客观自性,以更为个人化的表现方式运用形式与色彩
    A school of painting in France in the late19th century that rejected the objective naturalism of impressionism and used form and color in more personally expressive ways.
  • 她突奋勇加速力图超过别人。
    She put on an impressive turn of speed to overtake the others.
  • 以一个滑稽的方式突变化的或与之相关的。
    of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style.
  • 的,通常意外的不幸
    A sudden, usually improbable stroke of fortune.
  • 而,在有候鸟迁移这一生物奥秘现象的地方,即使进行一些成功把握不大的试验也是值得的。
    Still, where there is such a biological mystery as migration, even improbable experiments are worth trying.
  • 但是观乎党中央检讨败选的八点原因,头两项居都归咎于宋楚瑜的“执意参选”,而完全规避了渴望改革的民意。
    But this seems improbable so far, judging by the fact that the KMT leadership has attributed its defeat, first of all, to James Soong's campaigning efforts as an independent candidate outside the party. It has totally ignored the people's desire for reforms.
  • 的造访打破了漫长的午后时光
    An impromptu visit broke up the long afternoon.
  • 他的健康情况仍有继续好转。
    The improvement in his health is being maintained.
  • 竟然无耻到(干, 做) ...
    be impudent enough to (do) ...(=so impudent as to (do) ...)
  • 我们身不由己突想跑。
    We were seized by a sudden impulse to run.
  • 他突升起一阵怒火。
    A sudden impulse of anger arose in him.
  • 没有外部刺激的自的感觉或冲动。
    proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus.
  • 她心血来潮突想去度假了。
    She had a sudden impulse to go on holiday.
  • 但是,想放弃来回奔波的工作方式的冲动依存在。
    Yet the impulse to give up physical commuting remains.
  • 但是这是件怪事,虽他容易冲动,但却固执得像头骡子。
    But this is the odd thing, though he's impulsive he's as obstinate as a mule.
  • 铂铂,尤指自界中发现的以不纯的形式存在的铂
    Platinum, especially as found naturally in impure form.
  • 各种天生成、不纯净的烃类混合物。
    any of various naturally occurring impure mixtures of hydrocarbons.
  • 后喷入化学物品,使之与不需要的杂质相结合,因为这些杂质没有被氧气烧毁。
    Various chemicals are then injected to combine with unwanted impurity which not burn out by the oxygen.
  • 后喷入化学物品,使之与不需要的杂质相结合,因为这些杂质没有被氧气烧毁。
    Various chemicals are then injected to combine with unwanted impurity which is not burned out by the oxygen.
  • 后喷入化学物品,使之与不需要的杂质相结合,因为这些杂质没有被氧气烧毁。
    Various chemicals is then inject to combine with unwanted impurity which is not burn out by the oxygen.
  • 而,事实是一部分原因应归结为开拓新市场的不得力的方法、改进产品质量的失败以及政府没有表示支持的行动。
    The fact of the matter is , however , that proportionate blame should be assigned to the lackadaisical approach to developing new markets , failure to improve product quality and government inaction in the realm of support.
  • 她总是努力干上一阵,後一待就是很长时间
    She has bouts of hard work followed by long period of inactivity
  • 她总是努力干上一阵,後一待就是很长时间。
    She have bout of hard work follow by long period of inactivity.
  • 词典当有用,但还是有不足的地方。
    Dictionaries are useful but quite inadequate.
  • 尽管罪犯数量在增加,惩罚仍不够严厉。
    Although criminal's amount is increasing, it is still inadequately stern to punish.
  • 游民成分太多,当不好。
    Of course, it is inadvisable to have too many of the latter.