  • 文学艺术中对于古人和外国人的毫无批判的硬搬和模仿,乃是最没有出息的最害人的文学教主义和艺术教主义。
    Uncritical transplantation or copying from the ancients and the foreigners is the most sterile and harmful dogmatism in literature and art.
  • 我被那条狗吓呆了。
    I was scared stiff by the dog.
  • 他打扮得像一个踩高跷的人一样,穿着一非常长的蓝白格子长裤,戴着一顶大礼帽。
    He had taken the form of a man on stilts, with very long blue and white check trousers and a tap hat.
  • 件反射使某器官对某一特定方式起反映的特性在该方式消失时仍然有效
    To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.
  • 我们租这座房子的件是某几个房间必须事先油漆好。
    We rented the house on the stipulation that certain rooms should be painted.
  • 关于这一你们还有什么意见?
    Have you any questions about this stipulation?
  • 她同意了,不过有几个件。
    She agreed, but with several stipulations.
  • 我们将履行合同的全部款。
    We'll fulfill all the contract stipulations.
  • 我们同意关于包装和运输唛头的款。
    We have no objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping mark.
  • 现在我们把合同中仲裁款里的规定再审一遍,了吗?
    Now let us go over the stipulations of the arbitration clause of the contract.
  • 只有当你方按时履行了合同款,我方到期才兑付期票。
    We'll honour our draft when it becomes due, only if all contract stipulations have been duly implemented by you.
  • 然而,陈先生,生意毕竟是生意。在签订合同前将款订得周到一点,不要更好吗?
    But, Mr Chen, business is business, and isn't it better t make the stipulations complete before we sign the contract?
  • 第十三 各级林业主管部门依照本法规定,对森林资源的保护、利用、更新,实行管理和监督。
    Article 13 The competent forestry authorities at various levels shall, according to the stipulations of this law, exercise administration and supervision over the protection, utilization and renewal of forests.
  • 同时,鼓励符合件的国有大型企业改制上市。
    At the same time, we encouraged eligible large state-owned enterprises to get listed after the stockholding system was established.
  • 我给他们每人做一件小衬衫,一件背心,一裤子,织一双长袜。你给他们每人做一双鞋子。”
    I will make each a little shirt, waist-coat, and trousers and knit them a pair of stockings and you shall make them a pair of shoes."
  • 窃贼偷去价值1000000英镑的金.
    The thieves stole 1000000 in gold bullion.
  • 我警告过孩子们不要靠近那河,可是我的话一点也没被他们听进去。
    I warned the children not to go near the river, but my words seemed to fall on stony ground.
  • 他站在一陌生的街道上。
    He stood in a strange street.
  • 不知道怎么处置,他正在紧张却发现一胳膊几乎撞到摞在桌面的书上,便如受惊的马一样往旁边一个趔趄,几乎碰翻了琴凳。
    He did not know what to do with those arms and hands, and when, to his excited vision, one arm seemed liable to brush against the books on the table, he lurched away like a frightened horse, barely missing the piano stool.
  • 美洲大白鹳一种美洲热带的大鹳(裸颈鹳),具有白色的羽毛,脖子上有一圈淡红色带,头裸露
    A large tropical American stork(Jabiru mycteria) having white plumage with a pink band at the neck and a naked head.
  • 船在汹涌的海上颠簸。
    The ship tossed about on the stormy sea.
  • 这条路很直。
    This road is straight.
  • 小汽车一直开过这路。
    The car went straight down the road.
  • 一条整齐的直线
    A clean, straight line.
  • 沿着这条街一直走。
    Go straight along this street.
  • 有的人经历简单似一直线,自祖辈就生于彼、长于彼,答案只有一个选项。
    For someone with a straightforward life experience - born, raised and lived in the same place - the answer is equally straightforward.
  • 曲线一光滑并连续地偏离直线的线
    A line that deviates from straightness in a smooth, continuous fashion.
  • 狗正使劲地拖拽皮带。
    The dog is straining at its lead.
  • 全靠船员们拼命努力,这船才幸免触礁。
    It was only by straining every nerve that the sailors were able to keep the ship off the rocks.
  • 海南岛中国南部一岛屿,位于南中国海,与雷州半岛间隔着一狭窄的海峡
    An island of southern China in the South China Sea, separated from Leizhou Peninsula by a narrow strait.
  • 我们要保护发达地区、优势产业和通过辛勤劳动与合法经营先富起来人们的发展活力,鼓励他们积极创造社会财富,更要高度重视和关心欠发达地区以及比较困难的行业和群众,特别要使困难群众的基本生活得到保障,并积极帮助他们解决就业问题和改善生活件,使他们切实感受到社会主义社会的温暖。
    We should protect the vitality for further growth of the developed regions, strong industries and people who have become rich first through hard work and lawful business operations and encouraging them to create social wealth. More importantly, we must pay great attention to less developed areas and the industries and people in straitened circumstances and show concern for them. In particular, we must see to it that the people in financial difficulties have subsistence allowances, and we must take effective measures to help them find jobs and improve their living conditions so that they will truly feel the warmth of our socialist society.
  • 染色体动物细胞核和植物细胞中一线状的dna链和辅助蛋白,携带了传递遗传信息的基因和功能团
    A threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of animal and plant cells that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information.