  • 据一些目击者描述,当时四周异常平静,似乎是从空中这些物体中散发的一种平静。
    The gold lights hovered for awhile, according to the witnesses, and then disappeared.
  • 有一阵我还同情他,但当孩子们都麻疹时,我看护他们,担负起一个女人的责任,我就改变想法了。
    I sympathized awhile; but when the children fell ill of the measles, and I had to tend them, and take on me the cares of a woman at once, I changed my ideas.
  • 天鹅在陆地上笨得奇。
    Swans are surprisingly awkward on land.
  • 你给我们提了一个尴尬的问题。
    You've posed us an awkward question.
  • 在和平谈判中现了棘手的情况
    An awkward situation arose during the peace talks.
  • 她不好意思地打开钱包,然后拿一张20块钱的钞票递给我。
    She awkwardly opened her purse and stretched out a twenty-dollar bill toward me.
  • 他从来没有见过的事物包围了他,他害怕发生什么情况,无法应付。他意识到自己脚步难看、举止笨拙,害怕自己所有的属性和能力也现类似的缺陷。
    He was surrounded by the unknown, apprehensive of what might happen, ignorant of what he should do, aware that he walked and bore himself awkwardly, fearful that every attribute and power of him was similarly afflicted.
  • 我们的计划岔子了。
    Our plans went awry.
  • 因此对诸如收入增长、利率走势和租金回报等,都先得做一些假设,而一旦情况和所计划的有入(或事与愿违),投资的棋就走错了。
    Assumptions on income growth, interest rate trend and rental yields are important, and when they do not materialise as planned (or hoped for), the investment goes awry.
  • 权标一束棍棒,中有一柄露100斧头,古罗马高级执政官手举它作为权力的象征
    A bundle of rods bound together around an ax with the blade projecting, carried before ancient Roman magistrates as an emblem of authority.
  • 木匠用斧头把篱笆桩子的底部砍了一个尖。?
    The carpenter tapered the end of the fence post with an axe.
  • 多向色性当沿不同的轴线观察时,某些晶体显示不同的色彩,尤指三种不同色彩的性质
    The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting different colors, especially three different colors, when viewed along different axes.
  • 冰镐尖上闪了火花。
    Sparks flew from the points of their ice axes.
  • 他们用斧头在树林里劈一条路。
    They cut their way through the forest with their axes.
  • 欧几里德古希腊数学家,他把逻辑学中的演绎原理应用到几何学中,籍以由定义明确的公理导语句
    Greek mathematician who applied the deductive principles of logic to geometry, thereby deriving statements from clearly defined axioms.
  • (逻辑术语)如果在一个逻辑系统中,引入任何不是从系统的公理中推导来的命题,将会产生矛盾,这样的逻辑系统具有的属性成为完备性。
    (logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that a contradiction arises if any proposition is introduced that cannot be derived from the axioms of the system.
  • 杜鹃花的味道唤醒了我对许多年前那个下午他突然现的记忆。
    The scent of the azaleas awakened my memory of his unexpected appearance that afternoon years ago.
  • 如果门遛狗,可以留意一下路边盛开的杜鹃花丛;
    If you're walk-ing the dog, take the time to admire an azalea bush in bloom.
  • 水下能见度有时可以超过30米,加上白色的海底沙石的装扮,更突了冲绳深蓝色的海水。
    Underwater visibility,sometimes greater than 30meters,and the white sand sea floor work together to paint the Okinawan waters a deep azure blue.
  • 您再以蓝天的背景,清晰地勾画这古老巴黎峨特式样的剪影,让其轮廓飘浮在那缠绕于无数烟囱的冬雾之中;
    project clearly against an azure horizon the Gothic profile of this ancient Paris. Make its contour float in a winter's mist which clings to its numerous chimneys;
  • 于是,他们就发了,驱车行驶在罗德岛北部的乡村小路上,那种天气只有5月中旬才会有:闪亮的阳光、蔚蓝色的晴空以及生机勃勃、随处可见的绿意。
    So off they went, driving the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day only mid-May can produce:sparkling sunshine, unclouded azure skies and vibrant newness of the green growing all around.
  • 广管局根据投诉委员会的建议,共发警告7次及严重警告一次,并征收罚款一次,罚款额达10万元。
    On advice from the Complaints Committee, the BA issued seven warnings and one serious warning, and imposed one financial penalty amounting to $100,000.
  • 在这种大气候之下,绝对不可能重现1954年3月中正中学戏剧会演《家》的时候,一连13天,共演14场的热闹盛况。
    I can still recall the overwhelming excitement in March 1954, when "Family", a play based on the masterpiece by celebrated Chinese writer Ba Jin, was performed 14 times over 13 days in Chung Cheng High. Under the present circumstances, a repeat of such a feat would certainly be out of the question.
  • 唠叨愚蠢地闲聊或叨唠以说或表达…
    To utter or express by chattering foolishly or babbling.
  • 婴儿的咿呀声水流声。
    make a babbling, gurgling sound, as of water.
  • 我不是需人怀抱的娃娃,我有权自己去走走了。
    I am not a babe in arms. I am entitled to go out for a walk by myself.
  • 我能开车,但要是车子了毛病,我就不能修理了。我承认我对修车是十足的外行。
    I can drive, but I can't fix the car if anything goes wrong. I admit that I'm a babe in the woods.
  • 反语法,词语反用法为表达讽刺或幽默效果,使用的单词或短语意义与一般意义相反,如不过是40岁的婴儿
    The use of a word or phrase in a sense contrary to its normal meaning for ironic or humorous effect, as in a mere babe of40 years.
  • 我对外交接待的最突的记忆是穿着高雅的客人们用非常混杂的语言喋喋不休
    My outstanding memory of the diplomatic reception is of elegantly dressed guests chattering in a babel of tongues.
  • 当一群狒狒糟蹋庄稼,横穿公路或四处活动时,据说都有一两只负责“放哨”,有危险时就发警告。
    When a baboon group is raiding crops, crossing roads, or even simply moving across country, it is said to have one or more animals "posted" to give the alarm to the others of any approaching danger.
  • 布鸟的雏鸟把其他鸟的雏鸟逐巢外。
    Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests.
  • 她的婴儿昨天生了。
    Her baby arrived yesterday.