Chinese English Sentence:
  • 被悬挂(作为一条花毯)在一堵墙上或者在一扇窗子上方的某些西。
    something that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window.
  • 在英国南部,修上一年的水管和龙头就能挣到7万英镑。
    Many in the South East earn £70,000a year for fixing pipes and taps.
  • 蔓越橘,大果越桔一种原产于北美洲部的蔓生常绿灌木(大果越桔越桔属),开有粉红色的花,结红色的可食用酸果
    A mat-forming, evergreen shrub(Vaccinium macrocarpum) of eastern North America, having pink flowers and tart, red, edible berries.
  • 塔斯马尼亚岛,范迪门之地澳大利亚南部的一个岛屿,巴斯海峡将其与大陆隔开。它于1642年被阿倍尔·塔斯曼发现,并于1853年为了纪念他而重新命名。塔斯马尼亚岛在1901年并入澳大利亚
    An island of southeast Australia separated from the mainland by Bass Strait. It was discovered by Abel Tasman in1642 and renamed in his honor in1853. Tasmania joined Australia in1901.
  • 土耳其帽一种通常为红色的、顶部有垂下的黑色流苏的、平顶的圆筒形男式毡帽,主要在地中海部地区佩戴
    A man's felt cap in the shape of a flat-topped cone, usually red with a black tassel hanging from the crown, worn chiefly in the eastern Mediterranean region.
  • 病人两天没吃西了。
    The patient has not tasted food for two days.
  • 人在感冒时吃西没味道。
    One can taste nothing when one has a cold.
  • 他已三天不曾吃西了。
    He hadn't tasted food for three days.
  • 北美部每年落叶灌木状树种,树皮裂纹很深,放射状小白香花,叶带酸味。
    deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves.
  • 回、维吾尔、哈萨克、塔塔尔、塔吉克、乌孜别克、柯尔克孜、乡、撒位、保安等少数民族信奉伊斯兰教,总人口达1700多万人。
    Minority nationalities such as the Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Tatar, Tajik, Uzbek, Kirgiz, Dongxiang, Salar and Bonan believe in Islam, a total of 17 million people.
  • 在中国,不论是信仰藏传佛教的藏、蒙古、土、裕固、门巴等民族的群众,还是信仰伊斯兰教的回、维吾尔、哈萨克、乡、撒拉、保安、柯尔克孜、塔吉克、乌孜别克、塔塔尔等民族的群众,以及部分信仰基督教的苗、瑶等民族的群众,他们正常的宗教活动都受到法律的保护。
    In China, all normal religious activities, such as those of Tibetan Buddhism, which is followed by the Tibetan, Mongolian, Tu, Yugur and Moinba ethnic groups, Islam, followed by the Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Dongxiang, Salar, Bonan, Kirgiz, Tajik, Ozbek and Tatar ethnic groups, and Christianity, followed by some people of the Miao and Yao ethnic groups, are all protected by law.
  • 所教的东西;教育
    Something taught; a teaching.
  • 说某样西“足够够用了”就是一个同义反复。
    to say that something is `adequate enough' is a tautology.
  • 卖弄俗丽的或粗俗的西。
    of a display that is tawdry or vulgar.
  • 法夫苏格兰部一地区,位于福斯湾和泰湾之间。曾是皮科特王国的土地
    A region of eastern Scotland between the Firths of Forth and Tay. It was once a Pict kingdom.
  • 教给某人一些教条式的西;不加批判地教。
    teach doctrines to; teach uncritically.
  • 想把一样西在特定的地方撕开而打的一排孔。
    a line of small holes for tearing at a particular place.
  • 我们要费很多时间才能从这一大堆琐碎的材料中整理出真正重要的西。
    It will take us much time to tease out the really important things from this mass of detail.
  • 京,国际商业机器公司与财力最雄厚、科技最强的竞争者短兵相接。这些公司常常把它们最先进的产品在本国市场销售,一两年以后才运往世界各地。
    In Tokyo, I.B.M. goes head-to-head with its best-financed, most technologically powerful competitors. These companies often bring out their most advanced products on their home turf a year or two before they ship them around the world.
  • ted看到终于有了一件上面绣有“他的”名字的西,高兴极了。
    Ted was thrilled to finally see something with"HIS" name on it.
  • 他喜欢柔软的西,在触摸软软的艾德熊和别的柔软的西时经常露出微笑。
    He loved soft things, and would often smile at the touch of a soft teddy bear or other soft toy.
  • 到欧洲旅行的一切西都安排好吗?
    Now is everything properly teed up for your trip Europe?
  • 当你的孩子长到十几岁时,你可以举行一个家庭财政最高会议,讲清楚你们讨论的西是绝对保密的,任何违反该规定的成员不得参加以后的会议。
    Once your children are in their early teens, you may want to hold a family finance summit, explaining that what you discuss is strictly confidential, and that any member who violates this rule won't attend future meetings.
  • 那醉汉在人行道边上倒西歪的.
    The drunken man teeteredon the edge of the pavement.
  • 亚兹德伊朗一城市,位于德黑兰南偏南,从公元前5世纪起,便是纺织及地毯编织中心。人口193,000
    A city of central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. Dating from the fifth century b.c., it is a textile and carpet-weaving center. Population,193, 000.
  • 他在透过望远镜看西。
    He was looking something through a telescope.
  • 您需要什么西请来个电传。
    Please send me a telex as soon as you are in the market for any king of article.
  • 我已把他们给我的西给了他了。
    I have told them what you tell me.
  • 生长在除了亚和澳大利亚以外的热带地区。
    of temperate regions except eastern Asia and Australia.
  • 军事革命的技术模式与先进的平台关系不大,而与平台所携带的西密切相关。
    The real technology template for the RMA has much less to do with advanced platforms than with the things that they carry.
  • 一部好的电视剧或其他杰克喜欢的西就能轻易地引诱他,使他离开工作。
    It's easy enough to tempt Jack from his work with a good television film or something else that he enjoys.
  • 诱惑物以允诺给予满足或奖励的方式诱惑或吸引人的西
    Something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward.