  • 说说管理者和被管理者之间应该保持种什么关系?
    Describe the relationship that should exist between a supervisor and those reporting to him.
  • 种为媒体报告、摄影、编辑新闻故事的专业。
    the profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the media.
  • 肾上腺切除术个或对肾上腺的外科切除手术
    The surgical excision of one or both of the adrenal glands.
  • 假发戴在头上的人发或人工合成的头发覆盖物,作为化妆的部分或掩盖秃头
    An artificial covering of human or synthetic hair worn on the head for personal adornment, as part of a costume, or to conceal baldness.
  • 表情安详时,她的脸孔看上去完全是另样子。
    In repose, her face looks quite different.
  • 件装饰品(作为只手镯或者戒指或者项链)由贵金属并且镶珍宝制成(或者仿珍宝)。
    an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems).
  • 位老人躺在公园的长凳上。
    An old man repose on a bench in the park.
  • 种从珠宝上垂下的饰物(项链或耳环)。
    an adornment that hangs from a piece of jewelry (necklace or earring).
  • 人类平等的学说,是基于如下的事实:没有个真正聪明的人不觉悟到自己是愚昧的。
    The doctrine of human equality repose on this: that there is no man really clever who have not find that he is stupid.
  • 根表的链子上悬挂的装饰品。
    an adornment that hangs from a watch chain.
  • 直非常相信你处理突发事情的能力。
    I have always reposed faith in your ability to deal with matters of sudden urgency.
  • 人类平等的学说,是基于如下的事实:没有个真正聪明的人不觉悟到自己是愚昧的。
    The doctrine of human equality reposes on this: that there is no man really clever who has not found that he is stupid.
  • 供应商做的唯变动是以认识新兴的数据集市市场现实的方式重新定位其已有的产品。
    The only change vendors made was to reposition their existing products in a manner that acknowledged the realities of the emerging data mart market.
  • 工作背景:布利克斯将gap由个标准的利瓦伊承办商转变为时尚服装的零售商的努力取得了公司创始人唐纳德o菲史尔的信任。
    How he got the job: Won the confidence of founder Donald Fisher by repositioning Gap from a standard purveyor of Levi's to a trendy niche fashion retailer.
  • 其中部分就是建立知识仓库。
    Part of that is building a knowledge repository.
  • 自1997年结婚后,他们直生活得很幸福(她设计了自己的婚纱带,“上面印满了我的指纹和迈克尔挑的首诗。”)在她不用寻找新的充满诗意的句子以使自己的设计生色的时间里,他们和他们养的三只猫就呆在位于诺布山的自己家中。
    Happily married since 1997 (she designed his wedding band “with my fingerprints all around it and a poem Michael picked inside”), Payer hangs out with him and their three cats in their Nob Hill apartment when she's not searching for new poetic expressions to adorn her designs.
  • 旦规则定下来,它们要集中存放在处。
    Once rules are defined, they're stored in a central repository.
  • 我在日记中记载著我的切希望和计画。
    My diary is the repository of all my hopes and plan.
  • 每个xml文档成了数据仓库,就像其他数据库样能被查询。
    Each XML document becomes a data repository that can be queried just like any other database.
  • m-wallet还使用个三部分密钥对存储在信息库中的所有信息进行加密/解密,该密钥由以下三个部分合并而成:
    m-Wallet also encrypts/ decrypts all information stored in the repository using a three part key made up from a combination of:
  • 壁橱,橱柜直立的,类似于柜橱的贮藏间,带有架子、抽屉或分隔间,用于保存或展示批物品或物资
    An upright, cupboardlike repository with shelves, drawers, or compartments for the safekeeping or display of a collection of objects or materials.
  • 美化通过规划和种植花草、灌木或树木的方法美化或改进(个地区)
    To adorn or improve(a section of ground) by contouring and by planting flowers, shrubs, or trees.
  • 刑事纪录科是本港唯的刑事纪录储存库,存放了所有在特区定罪罪犯的完整纪录。
    The Criminal Records Bureau is the sole repository for all criminal records in Hong Kong. It houses complete records of all persons convicted of crime in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR).
  • 对目录如何用作与政策相关的数据仓库以及政策控制台如何利用这种数据来定义政策的“租用”(当用户请求网络服务时,可以向交换硬件提供这种“租用”)正在取得致意见。
    Consensus is building over how directories can be used as the repository of policy-related data and how policy consoles can utilize that data to define policy "leases" that can be provided to switching hardware when users request network services.
  • 我以分期付款方式购买了辆汽车,但是6个月以后,我拖欠了付款,那公司便重新占有了它。
    I was buying a car on hire purchase, but after six months I fell behind with the payments and the company repossessed it.
  • 比尔已付清了洗衣机的最后笔款,现在他可是无债身轻,不必担心再失去它。
    Bill has paid the last installment on his washing machine, so now he's out of debt,our of danger and doesn't have to worry about having it repossessed.
  • 上个月,我寄给你们由专家组写的份报告。报告列出了如何加强联合国在和平和安全这个关键问题上的作用的详细建议。这个关键问题是,人民特别希望其国家,也特别希望联合国将他们从“战争的深渊”中解救出来。
    Last month I sent you a Repot, produced by a Pane1 of experts, which makes detailed suggestions for strengthening the United Nations in the crucial area of peace and security -- the area where people look especially to the State, and where the world's peoples look to the United Nations to save them "from the scourge of war".
  • 七宗罪之,对财富的永不满足的渴望。
    reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins).
  • 描述成恶魔,象恶魔
    To represent as diabolical.
  • 现在装饰在他的书房书架上的古怪瓶子,是他头次也是最后次购买的稀罕化妆品。
    The curious bottle which now adorns the bookcase in his study was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics.
  • 它的确代表着个极端情况。
    It do represent an extreme case.
  • 它的确代表着个极端情况。
    It does represent an extreme case.