  • 工廠的廢料被在大卡車裏運走。
    The waste from the factory was taken away in trucks.
  • 化學廢物産生者把化學廢物送交適當的處理設施處置前,須妥為包、標識和儲存。
    All chemical waste producers must properly pack, label and store their chemical wastes before disposal at proper treatment facilities.
  • 除主觀條件如給中央信上所說外,客觀條件現在可以明白指出的有三點:一是江西的經濟主要是封建的經濟,商業資産階級勢力較小,而地主的武在南方各省中又比哪一省都弱。
    Besides the subjective conditions described in the letter to the Central Committee, three objective conditions can now be clearly pointed out. First, the economy of Kiangsi is mainly feudal, the merchant-capitalist class is relatively weak, and the armed forces of the landlords are weaker than in any other southern province.
  • 結果,隨着歲月的流逝,文憑將逐漸失去權威性,而更加成為飾品。
    As a consequence, diplomas will become weaker and more ornamental as the years go by.
  • 提供武器;武裝
    To supply with weapons or a weapon; arm.
  • 保護穿着者身體的甲。
    armor that protects the wearer's body.
  • 婦女帽針一種用來把帽子固定在戴者的頭髮上,通常帶有飾性的頭的長而直的針
    A long straight pin usually with an ornamental head, used to secure a hat to the wearer's hair.
  • 服裝顔色不可辨別。
    The wearing colour is undistiguishable.
  • 我叫道,着高興的樣子,“我擔心要給這天氣睏住半個鐘頭呢,您能不能讓我在這會兒避一下。”
    I exclaimed, assuming the cheerful; `and I fear I shall be weatherbound for half an hour, if you can afford me shelter during that space.'
  • 為窗戶結構安擋風雨條。
    provide with weatherstripping, as of window frames.
  • 鼕天來臨之前我們必須為窗戶安擋風雨條。
    The window must be weatherstripped before the cold weather sets in.
  • 用菱形圖案紡織或
    To weave or decorate in a diamond-shaped pattern.
  • 他極力出和官員們同樂的樣了,並賜給兩個織工每人一枚奬章。
    He tried hard to pretend to share in the pleasure of his officials and gave each of the weavers a medal.
  • 皇帝點了點頭。他極力出和官員們同樂的樣了,並賜給兩個織工每人一枚奬章。
    The Emperor nodded. He tried hard to pretend to share in the pleasure of his officials and gave each of the weavers a medal.
  • 配編織或將部分配成為整體的行為
    The act of weaving or assembling parts into a whole.
  • 星期三早晨在威爾榭服公司的會議室。
    Wednesday morning at Willshire Fashion's conference room.
  • 這個聖誕老人——雖然他曾說他沒有機械才能——卻在聖誕節早上短短時間內組了自行車、小貨車和其他雜物。
    The Santa who -- despite his utter lack of mechanical skills -- put together bicycles, wagons and otehr miscellaneous items during the wee hours of Christmas mornings.
  • 他脫去上,開始和我們一塊兒除草。
    He pulled off his coat and started to weed with us.
  • 豬殃殃一種草本或飾性植物豬殃殃屬,有環生葉、簇狀白色或黃色小花和帶刺的莖
    Any of several weedy or ornamental plants of the genus Galium, having whorled leaves, clusters of small white or yellow flowers, and prickly stems.
  • 每頭都上重環的鐵杠;用於舉重。
    a bar to which heavy discs are attached at each end; used in weightlifting.
  • 他穿著奇異服難看極了。
    He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes.
  • 按照他的指示,他們暫時停止了設計焊接置的工作。
    In accordance with his instructions they suspended work on the welding apparatus.
  • 噴槍燃燒氣體産生大量火焰的一種可攜式置,用於焊接或建築
    A portable apparatus that produces a very hot flame by the combustion of gases, used in welding and construction.
  • 今日已將下列物品於“倫敦號”貨輪,運到美國碼頭,以貴公司為收貨人,特此通知。
    We inform you that we have today send the goods to the american wharf addressed to you for shipment per m.s."London maru".
  • 今日已將下列物品於“倫敦號”貨輪,運到美國碼頭,以貴公司為收貨人,特此通知。
    we inform you that we have today sent the goods to the American wharf addressed to you for shipment per M. S. " London Maru ":
  • 有尺寸相同的兩個輪子;踏板通過增速傳動置被連接在後輪上。
    has two wheels of equal size; pedals are connected to the rear wheel by a multiplying gear.
  • 這部汽車有前輪驅動置。
    This car has front wheel drive.
  • 通過用齒輪轉動來移動的圓球的旋轉來顯示太陽係裏天體的相對位置和移動的置;有時組起來放在鐘錶裏。
    an apparatus that illustrates the relative positions and motions of bodies in the solar system by rotation and revolution of balls moved by wheelwork; sometimes incorporated in a clock.
  • 阿拉伯花式樂麯通常指短小,奇想的作麯,尤指以許多飾性小節為特徵的適於鋼琴的作麯
    A usually short, whimsical composition especially for the piano that features many embellished passages.
  • 用來打碎雞蛋或攪拌奶油的置。
    a device for beating eggs or whipping cream.
  • 哨聲,笛聲由鳴笛置或從唇間吹口哨而發出的聲響
    A sound produced by a whistling device or by whistling through the lips.
  • 篾筐一種過去用於築防禦工事的滿泥土和石頭的圓筒狀柳條筐
    A cylindrical wicker basket filled with earth and stones, formerly used in building fortifications.