  • 与它的前身蓝调音乐一样,爵士乐是美国第一批真正本土发展的音乐形式之一。但是,爵士乐进行大胆而不可预测的即兴演绎,这就给了乐手们蓝调音乐所不提供的宝贵发挥空间。
    Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly indigenous musics to develop in America, yet its unpredictable, risky ventures into improvisation gave it critical cache with scholars that the blues lacked.
  • 加倍努力才赶上别人。
    I decided his double was a bluff.
  • 我们别被吓得屈从-他们的威胁有可是吓唬人。
    Let us not be terrified into compliance – their threats are probably a bluff.
  • 基思自称认识总经理,要他证实的办法是他否说出他的长相,因为那位经理实际上是个女的。
    Keith claims to know the managing director; the way to call his bluff is to see if he can describe him, because that particular director is actually a woman!
  • 看不见红色或不分辨红色和青色。
    inability to see the color red or to distinguish red and bluish-green.
  • 我的铅笔钝了,你借我把刀子削一削吗?
    My pencil is blunt, could you lend me a knife to sharpen it?
  • 同时,它的兄弟部队八路军各部,决不坐视它陷于夹击,必采取相当步骤,予以必要的援助,这是我可以率直地告诉他们的。
    Meanwhile, the units of its brother army, the Eighth Route Army, will not sit by and watch it suffer these pincer attacks, but will certainly take steps to give the necessary assistance -- this I can say bluntly.
  • 质言之,每个农村都必须造成一个短时期的恐怖现象,非如此决不镇压农村反革命派的活动,决不打倒绅权。
    To put it bluntly, it is necessary to create terror for a while in every rural area, or otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the activities of the counter-revolutionaries in the countryside or overthrow the authority of the gentry.
  • 为了进一步消除台式机和笔记本机之间的界限,英特尔将在1999年下半年推出双速功的移动用处理器,此设计用于节省笔记本机的电池寿命。
    To further blur the lines between desktops and notebooks, Intel will introduce in the second half of 1999 its mobile processor with dual speed capability, designed to save notebook battery life.
  • 尽管往后变化难测,愈远看愈渺茫,然而大体的计算是可的,估计前途的远景是必要的。
    Even though future changes are difficult to foresee and the farther ahead one looks the more blurred things seem, a general calculation is possible and an appraisal of distant prospects is necessary.
  • 劳动是一切有劳动力的公民的光荣职责。
    Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen.
  • (英国)救济院里让有劳动力的人进行劳动学习技术。
    (Brit) a poorhouse where able-bodied poor are compelled to labor.
  • 和面对面的交谈相比,这种见不着面、看不见人的“虚”的交流可会使人从心理上缺乏满足感。人们通过这种交流结下的友谊也不会太深。
    Faceless, bodiless "virtual" communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower.
  • (生理学)用于自然的生理功
    (physiology) used of involuntary bodily functions.
  • 身体的状况或身体的功
    the condition of the body or bodily functions.
  • 站在他身旁的那个大个子可是他的保镖。
    The big guy stands at his side may be his bodyguard.
  • 谈判很可会停滞不前。
    Negotiations are likely to bog down.
  • 谈判可会停滞不前。
    The negotiations are likely to bog down.
  • 那种认为没有统计或挖掘背景的人也做数据挖掘,是不健全的想法。
    To think you can do data mining without a statistical or mining background is mind-bog-gling.
  • 有关脱水生活现象著名的例子是,掩埋在中国东北据说已有两千年历史的泥炭沼泽中的莲子籽居然发芽。
    A classic example of this phenomenon of anhydrobiosis is that the germination of lotus seeds found buried in a peat bog in the north-eastern China, where they reputedly had survived for more than 2000 years.
  • 大车陷入泥潭不前进。
    The mud bogged the cart down.
  • 坦克陷入泥沼,不前进。
    The tanks bogged down in the mud.
  • 只要我们知道对方的要求是什么,而不拘泥于纠缠细节问题,我确信谈判按计划顺利进行的。
    Well, so long as we know what each other's requirements are and we don't get bogged down on details, I'm sure the talks will progress as planned.
  • 过去所以发生许多毛病,就是因为有些同志不重视学习,陷于事务主义的泥坑,不经常吸收新的营养。
    The reason many mistakes were made in the past is that some comrades attached no importance to study and they got so bogged down in routine matters that they seldom had time to absorb new ideas.
  • 我始终没弄清爸爸那天下午是怎么安排博吉出现在五金店的,但是我知道他相信我够做出正确的选择。
    I never did learn how Dad managed to arrange Bogy's presence that afternoon,but I know he had trusted me to make the right choice.
  • 把这篇文章缩写成?
    Could you boil that article down to 400 words?
  • 这个锅炉已锈坏,我们不使用它了。
    This boiler is rusted out, we cannot use it.
  • 一个舱面上面的又高又窄的平台,它也可在轮机舱里,也可在锅炉间里。
    a high narrow platform above a deck or in an engine room or boiler room.
  • 够增大压力的在容器中的阀;当压力达到危险水平时自动打开。
    a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler); it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level.
  • 她参观了锅炉房,听人介绍什么是阀和高压蒸汽,看到工程师们和那些全身心投入工作的人们在一起工作,并且第一次感受到你够在其中做各种不同工作的这样一个协同作战的集体是怎么回事。
    She toured the boiler room and heard about valves and hard-pressure steam, saw engineers and divers work as a team, and for the first time noticed "the company idea -- all the fields you can go into."
  • 建设北京第三热电厂、高井电厂改用燃气项目(高井电厂现有燃煤锅炉停产,每年减少燃煤150万吨左右),新建、扩建太阳宫、草桥等冷热电联供的燃气供热厂,加强现有供热设施的节挖潜,到2007年市区热力供热面积再增加5000万平方米左右。
    Natural gas power generation projects in Beijing Third Co-generation Power Plant and Gaojing Power Plant will be accomplished (the coal boiler in Gaojing Power Plant will be closed to reduce coal burning by about 1.5 million tons). New and expansion projects for gas-fired heat and cool co-generation plants will be implemented at Taiyanggong, Caoqiao and other places. In addition, the potential of the existing heating facilities will be tapped. With all these measures; floor area with district heating supply will increase by another 50 million square meters by 2008.
  • 芭堤雅是一个尽情狂欢的理想去处:那儿有喧闹的现代酒吧、迪斯科舞厅及过夜酒馆,而寻求静谧、清洁的海滩和悠闲氛围的游客则只另寻他处了。
    Pattaya is the ideal destination for those seeking non-stop entertainment. It has boisterous go-go bars, clamorous discos and tumultuous nightclubs. Visitors seeking deserted and unpolluted beaches and a laid-back atmosphere should go elsewhere.