  • 我把钱包留在了家里,但乔克借我10英镑,才解脱了我的困境。
    I left my wallet at home but Jock saved the day by lending me ten pounds.
  • 邻里的不法商贩乔打了一针毒品。
    The neighbourhood pusher got Joe a fix.
  • 我打算乔尔添些麻烦。
    I was going to mess with Joel.
  • 最近,乔尔有事离开了镇子,这了我一个机会,让我能潜入他的办公室,在他的机器硬盘上安装了一个监视软件。
    Joel went out of town recently, which allowed me to duck into his office and install spying software on his hard drive.
  • 早先被宣布为本年度戛纳电影节评委会主席的朱迪-弗斯特,后因拍片日程忙碌而不得不忍痛辞去该职务。她将最佳导演奖颁发分别执导《黄褐色的旅车》和《缺席的男人》的大卫-林奇和乔-科恩。
    Jodie Foster, who was first announced as this year's festival president but later had to drop out due to conflicting movie schedules, handed out (in perfect French) the best director award to David Lynch for Mulholland Drive and to Joel Coen for The Man Who Wasn't There. The two directors shared the best director award.
  • 约翰尼从银行取出1美元他母亲买礼物。
    Johnny drew a dollar out of the bank to buy his mother a present.
  • 他原先卖不掉他的汽车,但他的朋友约翰了他500美元,终于把这宗买卖定了下来。
    He had a hard time selling his car, but he finally nailed down the sale when he got his friend John to give him$500.
  • 周末在约翰家作客后,艾丽丝约翰夫妇写了一封感谢信。
    After spending the weekend as a guest in John's home, Ailce wrote Johns the bread-and-butter letter.
  • 这条马路把两个村庄连接起来了。
    This road joins the two villages.
  • 法律与平等,是上帝结合在一起的东西,人却把它们拆开来了。
    Law and equity are things which God hath joined, but which man has put asunder.
  • 共同担保由两个或更多的承保人联合予保险
    Insurance held jointly by two or more insurers.
  • 我们老师今天我们讲了一个笑话。
    Our teacher told us a joke today.
  • 探望之余,她把她的讲话传真她戏称为"主编"的他。
    Between visits she faxes copies of her speeches to the man she jokingly calls her"editor in chief."
  • 他们鼓劲的时候了。
    It's time we jolly them up.
  • 除非你不时地工人们发奖金、鼓他们的劲,否则那活就不能按时干完。
    The job won't be finished on time unless you jolly the workers along with an occasional bonus.
  • 我倒一点威士忌提提神好吗?
    Please pour me a jolt of whisky.
  • 玛丽一见到乔纳森就设法与他接近。她告诉她的朋友说,“我想嫁那个男人。”
    Marry made a play for Jonathan as soon as she met him."I'm going to marry that boy." She told her friend.
  • 玛丽一见到乔纳森就设法与他接近。她告诉她的朋友说,“我想嫁那个男人。”
    Marry made a play for Jonathan as soon as she met him. "I'm going to marry that boy." She told her friend.
  • 周末在珍妮家作客后艾丽丝琼斯家写了封例行的致谢信。
    After spending the weekend as a guest in the Jone's home, Alice wrote the Joneses the usual bread-and-butter letter.
  • 公司通常每年付乔丹200万到500万美元,同时增加他们的销售预算以利用乔丹的巨大的吸引力从而得到好处。
    The companies typically pay Jordan between $2 million and $5 million annually and boost their marketing budget to take advantage of Jordan's broad appeal.
  • 1830年一位远古的先知摩门透漏约瑟夫史密斯;按理推测是约瑟夫史密斯翻译的美洲原始民族的记录。
    revealed to Joseph Smith in 1830 by an ancient prophet Mormon; supposedly a record of ancient peoples of America translated by Joseph Smith.
  • 笔迹被显露建立摩门教的约瑟夫史密斯古代的使徒。
    the ancient prophet whose writings were revealed to Joseph Smith who founded the Mormon Church.
  • 她姐姐约瑟芬吞吞吐吐拐弯抹角地把消息透露她。
    It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing.
  • 旧约的一卷,描述摩西死后约书亚领导以色列人如何到达.迦南(上帝赐以色列人祖先的"应许之地")。
    a book in the Old Testament describing how Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan (the Promised Land) after the death of Moses.
  • 让我记下你的号码,以后好打电话你。
    Let me jot down your telephone number so that I can call you later.
  • 让我记下你的地址,这样式我就能你所需要的详细材料。
    I'll just jot down your address so that I can send on the details you askedfor by post
  • 但是她并没有丧失固有的气质。她不停地呻吟着,哀叹红颜薄命,挣扎着想站直身子,伸爪乞怜;她觉得朱庇特也太薄情,然而她无法说他听。
    Yet her former disposition remained, and with continual groaning, she bemoaned her fate, and stood upright as well as she could, lifting up her paws to beg for mercy; and felt that Jove was unkind, though she could not tell him so.
  • 我试图她打电话,可是总不成功。
    I tried to phone her, but I didn't have any joy.
  • 成功她带来极大的快乐。
    Success brought her great joy.
  • 他们立即把喜讯传了家里的同志。
    They lost no time in sending the joyful news to their comrades at home.
  • 大多数情况下,笑是我们传递别人的一种信息——表达愉快的心境,交往的意愿等等。
    Most of the time it's a message we send to other people -- communicating joyful disposition, a willingness to bond and so on.
  • (起始于十大戒律)由上帝通过摩西传犹太人的法律;它包括许多旧约前五部书中关于的宗教仪式的规定(犹太教把这些书称为律法)。
    the laws (beginning with the Ten Commandments) that God gave to the Israelites through Moses; it includes many rules of religious observance given in the first five books of the Old Testament (in Judaism these books are called the Torah).