  • 例如,据报道,美国的家大公司波音已订购了1000台nc,美国航空公司的子公司美洲鹰公司也已下了3000台nc的订单。
    Boeing, a big company in the US, for instance, reportedly ordered 1,000 units of NCs and so did American Eagle (a subsidiary of American Airlines), which reportedly placed order for 3,000 units of NCs.
  • 昨天的报纸报导了件极其振奋人心的事。
    Yesterday's papers reported something extremely exciting.
  • 里根总统当初宣布支持布什事,被认为不够认真——把布什的名字读错了——据报导里根非常“羞愧”。昨天乃再度推荐布什。
    President Reagan took a second crack at endorsing George Bush yesterday after reportedly being "mortified" that his original statement of support- in which he mispronounced Bush's name –was considered half-hearted.
  • 据说威廉十分痛恨狗仔队,当他和母亲外出时,他们会突然冒出来。等他长大些后,据说他避免与她在公共场合出现。
    William is said to have hated the paparazzi who emerged from nowhere when he was out with his mother and,as he grew older,he reportedly avoided appearing in public with her.
  • 昨日官方说,位因判罪犯重刑而据称已被犯人计划铲除的皇后区最高法院法官,将由警察护送上班回家。
    A Queen Supreme Court justice reportedly slated for a rubout by a convict he threw the book at will be escorted to and from work by uniformed cops, officials said yesterday.
  • 去甲肾上腺素种物质,c8h11no3,是激素和交感神经冲动介导者,有强大的血管收缩作用和神经传导作用,会引起血压、心率和血糖含量的增高
    A substance, C8H11NO3, both a hormone and neurotransmitter, secreted by the adrenal medulla and the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system to cause vasoconstriction and increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and the sugar level of the blood.
  • 据说他在1960年曾派年轻的化学家瓦苏德瓦·伊亚前往法国,尽可能多地收集关于怎样准备钋(种用于引发核爆炸的化学元素)的信息。
    In 1960 he reportedly sent Vasudev Iya, a young chemist, to France to absorb as much information as he possibly could about how polonium--a chemical element used to trigger a nuclear explosion--was prepared.
  • 皮质酮种自然产生的类皮质激素,c21h28o5,主要作用于碳水化合物的新陈代谢并用于风湿性关节炎、肾上腺不足、某些过敏症和痛风的治疗。
    corticosterone :a naturally occurring corticosteroid, C21H28O5, that functions primarily in carbohydrate metabolism and is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, adrenal insufficiency, certain allergies, and gout.
  • 仅第个错误会被报告。
    Only the first error need be reported.
  • 听说深圳治安比过去好了,跑到香港去的人开始回来,原因之是就业多,收入增加了,物质条件也好多了,可见精神文明说到底是从物质文明来的嘛!
    Public order in Shenzhen is reportedly better than before, and people who slipped off to Hong Kong have begun to return. One reason is that there are more job opportunities and people's incomes and living standards are rising, all of which proves that, in the final analysis, ethical progress is based on material progress.
  • 国会的些条款已在fy97ndaa禁止(传闻李文皓已经下载了几乎所有的档案)任何与中国的有关武器关系的合作项目,其中包括“stockpilestewardship”,国会有确凿证据怀疑克林顿政府参与了与中国的“stockpilestewardship”项目。
    But note again that Congress prohibited in the FY 97 NDAA(after Wen Ho Lee had reportedly already downloaded nearly all the 'legacy' files ) any cooperative nuclear weapons-related programs with the PRC including "stockpile stewardship." Congress must have had some reason for suspecting that the Clinton Administration was engaged in, or was proposing to engage in, some sort of cooperative 'stockpile stewardship' program with the PRC.
  • 已经报导了些发高烧的病例。
    Several cases of fever have been reported.
  • 糖皮质激素类皮质激素,如皮质酮,由肾腺皮质产生,含有碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪代谢作用,具有抗炎症的特性
    Any of a group of steroid hormones, such as cortisone, that are produced by the adrenal cortex, are involved in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • 他们报导说发现了种新元素。
    They reported discovery of a new element.
  • 盐皮质激素种类固醇荷尔蒙,如醛固酮,由肾上腺皮质分泌,调节体内水分和电解质的平衡
    Any of a group of steroid hormones, such as aldosterone, that are secreted by the adrenal cortex and regulate the balance of water and electrolytes in the body.
  • 嗜铬细胞瘤肾上腺髓质或交感神经系统的种通常为良性的肿瘤,其中这种患病的细胞分泌会增加肾上腺素与正肾上腺素的数量
    A usually benign tumor of the adrenal medulla or the sympathetic nervous system in which the affected cells secrete increased amounts of epinephrine or norepinephrine.
  • 直在躲避记者的提问
    Kept dodging the reporter's questions.
  • 神经母细胞瘤种由成神经细胞组成的恶性肿瘤,原发于自主神经系统或肾上腺骨髓中,主要见于婴幼儿中
    A malignant tumor composed of neuroblasts, originating in the autonomic nervous system or the adrenal medulla and occurring chiefly in infants and young children.
  • 眼就可以看出新闻记者来。
    I can tell a reporter on sight.
  • 促肾上腺皮质激素种由刺激肾上腺皮质素以及其他肾上腺皮质激素分泌的脑垂体前叶所产生的激素
    A hormone produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that stimulates the secretion of cortisone and other hormones by the adrenal cortex.
  • 记者把我说的切都记下来了。
    The reporter took down everything I said.
  • 由于肾上腺皮层功能衰退引起的种腺体疾病,明显标志是贫血症和衰竭,皮肤呈褐色。
    a glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin.
  • 位好记者是不持偏见来报道的。
    A good reporter does not angle his story.
  • 个记者应该是个对于事实的客观冷静的报道者。
    a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact.
  • (通常由于激素治疗或肾上腺紊乱)男性特征在个女性上反常的呈现。
    the abnormal development of male sexual characteristics in a female (usually as the result of hormone therapies or adrenal malfunction).
  • 由肾上腺髓质产生的包括肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的任何组化学元。
    any of a group of chemicals including epinephrine and norepinephrine that are produced in the medulla of the adrenal gland.
  • 记者给上午版发稿的截止时间是(前天的)下午八点。
    The reporter's deadline be 8 p.m. for the morning edition.
  • 肾上腺皮质素种类固醇荷尔蒙,化学式为c21h30o5,由肾上腺皮质生成,以约束糖类代谢作用从而保持血压
    A steroid hormone, C21H30O5, produced by the adrenal cortex, that regulates carbohydrate metabolism and maintains blood pressure.
  • 但我们的新闻批评与西方也有所不同,那就是我们的新闻报道定要经过认真的调查,保证消息的真实性,这与西方新闻有时为了追求时效或引起轰动效应而产生失实的报道就不样。
    But our media criticism is different from theirs. Our news reports are based on serious investigations to ensure the fidelity of the news, which is obviously different from some fake reporting in the Western news media which simply seek temporary or sensational effects.
  • 检举黑烟车辆的计划自九八八年开始实施。
    A scheme for reporting smoky vehicles has been running since 1988.
  • 直在报导中东的战事。
    She has been reporting on the war in the Middle East.
  • 分别减少每运作过程的成本。
    breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately.