  • 伪善的人作亲切的,友好的或品质高尚的人
    One who is affectedly sweet, good, or virtuous.
  • 其实,我们的资产者得道貌岸然,对所谓的共产党人的正式公妻制表示惊讶,那是再可笑不过了。
    For the rest, nothing is more ridiculous than the virtuous indignation of our bourgeois at the community of women which, they pretend, is to be openly and officially established by the Communists.
  • 任何能作为可见光源的置。
    any device serving as a source of visible light.
  • 有或者有帽舌或者特定类型的帽舌。
    having or provided with a visor or a visor of a particular kind.
  • 以可视化形式描绘信息的置。
    a device that represents information in visual form.
  • 亚洲常绿树种,略带绿色的芬芳黄花,能产一种挥发性的油;热带地区的一种饰用树种。
    evergreen Asian tree with aromatic greenish-yellow flowers yielding a volatile oil; widely grown in the tropics as an ornamental.
  • 从低电压电源产生高电压的置。
    a device for producing a high voltage from a low-voltage source.
  • 能够产生电压信号的电器置。
    an electronic device for producing a signal voltage.
  • 对自尊自大与模作样的最佳应急疗法是晕船:要呕吐的人是决不摆架子的。
    One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never put on airs.
  • 记录和计算票数的置。
    a device for recording and counting votes mechanically.
  • 船已经做好了航行的备吗?
    Has the ship rigged for the voyage yet?
  • 他情趣的低级、服之俗不可耐、举止之粗俗
    The vulgarity of his tastes, clothes, manners
  • 驴子摇耳朵,傻子聪明。
    All asses wag their ears.
  • 分发工资时工资的信封。
    wages enclosed in an envelope for distribution to the wage earner.
  • 两岸同胞为反对外国殖民者侵占台湾进行了包括武起义在内的各种方式的斗争。
    The Chinese people on both sides of the Straits waged various forms of struggle including armed insurrections against the invasion and occupation of Taiwan by foreign colonialists.
  • 他总是用一辆板车报纸。
    He always takes a wagon to carry his newspapers.
  • 载荷一辆运货车可以载的量
    The amount that a wagon can hold.
  • 三件套西包括裤子、上衣和背心。
    A tree-piece suit consists of trousers, jacket and waistcoat.
  • 四周的墙上饰着许多漂亮的画。
    Beautiful paintings adorned their wall.
  • 麦克风在壁纸的背後。
    The mikes were bedded behind the wallpaper.
  • 一个以用墙纸饰墙壁为职业的人。
    one whose occupation is decorating walls with wallpaper.
  • 贴墙纸的人职业是把墙纸贴在或饰在墙上的人;糊纸工
    One whose occupation is covering or decorating walls with wallpaper; a paperer.
  • 穿好衣服准备上学的孩子;穿着苏格兰民族服的人——沃尔特·斯科特爵士。
    children properly outfitted for school; equipt in the...national dress of the Scottish people- Sir Walter Scott.
  • 员照管服柜的人,如为演员照管服柜的人
    A wardrobe assistant, as for an actor.
  • 给予他全部的注意;热带地区的全套服;整头肥猪;整个星期;在整个回家的路上孩子都在哭;整条面包。
    gave his whole attention; a whole wardrobe for the tropics; the whole hog; a whole week; the baby cried the whole trip home; a whole loaf of bread.
  • 我们的出口产品有3个月的保质期,从船之日算起。
    There is a three-month warranty for our export product from the date of shipment.
  • 全副武全副武和战士的甲胄
    The complete arms and armor of a warrior.
  • 配有战士的全部武器和甲胄。
    equipped with the complete arms and armor of a warrior.
  • 海泽回忆当时的情景说:"我从艺术系的教室开门走出去,看见一个蒙面人,他身穿黑色的ninja电子游戏中的武士服
    "I opened the door from the art classroom and saw a masked man in a black Ninja warrior-style outfit.
  • 而党的组织,则是掌握统一战线和武斗争这两个武器以实行对敌冲锋陷阵的英勇战士。
    And the Party is the heroic warrior wielding the two weapons, the united front and the armed struggle, to storm and shatter the enemy's positions.
  • 一种在安在军舰上的大炮。
    a large gun carried on a warship.
  • 小的快速的轻备的但是有重武的战舰。
    a small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship.