  • 箭毒通过阻碍肌神经交接处的胆碱传递而发挥作用。
    curare acts by blocking cholinergic transmission at the myoneural junction.
  • 众多的汽车堵在一起直到几乎不动。
    a number of vehicles blocking one another until they can scarcely move.
  • 那些汽车堵住出口把这地方变成遭难场所。
    The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a death-trap.
  • 着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都看到。
    The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.
  • 18个月前他来到了这个世界,长着毛茸茸的金发和一双你见到的最蓝的眼睛。
    He came into this world eighteen months ago. He has fuzzy blonde hair and the bluest eyes you've ever seen.
  • 1958年在clairol的一份广告中,一位模特儿称:“如果只活一次,就让我成为一个金发女郎吧。”
    “If I've only one life,” exclaimed a model in a 1958 Clairol advertisement, “let me live it as a blonde!”
  • 正如曾任耶鲁大学神话学讲师的纳塔利亚·伊林在她的新书《像我这样的金发女人》中所说的那样,人们普遍相信一种源自神话和传说的观念:人的灵魂从一瓶nice'neasy中得到拯救。
    In her new book, Blonde Like Me, Natalia Ilyin, a former lecturer in mythology at Yale, writes that the widely held belief that salvation can be found in a bottle of Nice'n Easy is rooted in fairy tales and myths.
  • 我不残酷地弄死那只老鼠。
    I couldn't kill the mouse in cold blood.
  • 国内税务署寄给我一张100多英镑的税单,不过他们不可从石头里榨出油来,因为我并没有那么多钱。
    The Inland Revenue have sent me a tax bill for more than a hundred pounds, but they can't get blood out of a stone because I just haven't got the money.
  • 对福多尔来说,幸运的是,埃吉尔够提出第三种选择,使用一种叫"血链"的试验性血液替代物,进行了所谓的不流血手术。
    Fortunately for Fodor, Egier was able to suggest a third option--so-called bloodless surgery using an experimental blood substitute called Hemolink.
  • 李光耀担心延长危机会带来流血和混乱的局面,马可斯如果走投无路也可斗争到底。因此,他邀请马可斯到新加坡寻求政治庇护。
    In those days, Lee feared a prolonged crisis might cause bloodshed and chaos, he worried that Marcos might fight it out if he had no place to go, so he invited Marcos to take political asylum in Singapore.
  • 感染始于hiv侵入人的血液循环,从而激起免疫功反应,产生抗体。
    Infection begins when HIV enters the bloodstream and stimulates an immune response and the development of antibodies.
  • 高浓度脂蛋白和低浓度脂蛋白都是胆固醇的运输者,从你的血液中将胆固醇清除并另置他处。
    Both HDL and LDL,low? density lipoprotein,are transporters of cholesterol, clearing the stuff out of your bloodstream and depositing it elsewhere.
  • 我的祖父,一个老华人,为了振兴当地的经济,努力拼搏,舍身忘死,他的作法,近代人称为筹集资金,投入工农业建设,怎把这样为本岛谋利的功臣叫做吸当地人血的吸血鬼呢?
    My grandfather, an old Chinese man, devoted his whole life into developing the local economy. In modern terms, his life's work is the accumulation of capital for the development of local industry and agriculture. How could a person who had worked so hard for the prosperity of the island be labeled a bloodsucker of the local people?
  • 流血的鼻子;你的围巾满是鲜血;这种影响会是剧烈的,而且可是血腥的;血腥的搏斗。
    a bloody nose; your scarf is all bloody; the effects will be violent and probably bloody; a bloody fight.
  • 偶数被2除尽;美国人民浴血奋战来证明他们的国家是不可分割的。
    even numbers are divisible by two; the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible.
  • 而在案发现场发现的沾血的毛巾和窗帘,也只证实肯尼和凶犯有相同的血型。
    As for the bloody towels and curtains recovered from the crime scence, they established only that Kenny had the same blood type as the murderer.
  • 没有老黄,林林不可很早就崭露头角。
    Without Old Huang, Linlin couldn't have been an early bloomer.
  • 在一个月之间就会草绿花开几乎是不可的。
    It was next to impossible that in a month the grass would be green and flower would be blooming.
  • 你不把反对意见都一笔抹去。
    You must not blot out all opposition.
  • 单单这样一个行动并不抵消他以往的过失。
    One act like this cannot blot out his former transgressions.
  • 不管帝国主义者投多少炸弹也不把这座英雄的城市消灭掉。
    No amount of imperialists' bombs could blot out this heroic city.
  • 水能渗透吸水纸。
    Water will permeate blotting paper.
  • 我衬衫上的墨水渍怎么洗掉呢?
    How can I take out the ink stains from my blouse?
  • 呼吸孔是一个被认为在动物自动控制下开启和关闭的皮肤风口片。
    The blowhole is a flap of skin that is thought to open and close under the voluntary control of the animal.
  • 为什么将食物吹凉?
    Why does blowing on food cool it?
  • 报纸极力夸大他的才
    His abilities have been greatly blown up by the newspapers.
  • 蓝莓还有另一个好处:和越橘一样,它们似乎防止大肠杆菌附着在膀胱壁上,从而防止尿道感染。
    Another blueberry benefit: like cranberries, they seem to fight off urinary-tract infections by preventing E. coli bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall.
  • 你也利用建模软件逆向开发已有的系统,自动从机械设备生成蓝图。
    You can also use modeling software to reverse-engineer an existing system, automatically creating a blueprint from machinery.
  • 个人认为若解放思想,唤起自信,在长期浸淫下,人们都从各个角度去探讨文化问题,欣赏属于自己的文化与艺术遗产,那政府描绘的壮丽远景,并非海市蜃楼。
    In my opinion, when people's self-confidence is built up and their mind unbound, they will be able to explore various implications of culture from perspectives and appreciate their own cultural and artistic heritage.Then the blueprint as drawn up by the government will be translated into reality.
  • 虽然动物的每个体细胞都包含所有的遗传信息,但是科学界一直坚持认为每个体细胞有自己专门的作用,如皮肤细胞或者乳腺细?的dna就不被用作发育为成年动物的胚胎原型。
    Even though every cell in an animal's body contains all its genetic information,scientific dogma had held that once a cell had a specific role,as a skin cell say or a mammary gland cell,its DNA could not be used as a blueprint for an embryo to grow into an adult animal.
  • 12.billieholiday’s作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在够赋予歌曲感情深度的力。
    12. Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.