  • 虽说他在某些方面少年老成,但是我觉得他在感情上还不成熟,全没有为结婚作好准备。
    Though old beyond his years in some respects, I felt he was emotionally immature and certainly not ready for marriage.
  • 由于肝脏发育不成熟而导致的一种常见的混乱状态;通常自沉淀。
    a common disorder that is usually due to immaturity of the liver; usually subsides spontaneously.
  • 只有这样,才能保护大自给我们的无穷财富并把它们交给我们的子孙。
    Only in this way can the immeasurable riches provided to us by nature be preserved and passed on to our descendants.
  • 除此之外,人不能再做别的事,但这却足以使人类具有比其自身大无数倍的支配自力的能力。
    But this is enough to have given all the command which mankind have acquired over natural forces immeasurably more powerful than themselves;
  • 精力充沛地投入工作
    Fell to work immediately.
  • 但仍有巨大的资金障碍需要去克服。
    There still were immense financial obstacles to overcome, however.
  • ,约翰总是觉得自己无比重要。
    Of course, John always had an immense sense of his own importance.
  • 而,作为一个国家,我们须要确保有一大批能掌握母语和对母族文化有深刻认识的人。
    As a nation, however, we have to make sure that we have a large pool of people who are not just competent but highly competent in the mother tongue languages, and deeply immersed in their cultures.
  • 整体数字下降,但非法入境儿童的人数却显著增加,由一九九六年的751名增至一九九七年的2257名。
    Despite the overall decrease, the number of illegal immigrant children increased substantially from 751 in 1996 to 2257 in 1997.
  • 他一般是大量产出,后删减成型,1917年6月完成的影片《移民》,起先拍掉了4万英尺胶片,而后查理花了四天夜的删减至所需要的1800英尺。
    He have to produce great quantities of work, and then cut it to shape. The film "the immigrant" released in June 1917, entailed forty thousand feet of film being shot. It took Charlie four days and four nights to cut it to the required eighteen hundred feet.
  • 到如今,十多年过去了,老师的解释清晰依:熔炉在此是指不同文化与种族的人移居到美国,共同生活,融合在一起,创造了我们今天称作美国文化的奇妙文化。
    Now, even though over a decade has lapsed, the definition our teacher gave is still clearly written in my mind: the melting pot here means that people with different cultural and ethnical backgrounds immigrate to the States, live together, get mixed and build up this wonderful culture that we call American culture today.
  • 而从最近一次大规模移民潮至今,还只有第一和第二代移民。
    The most recent large-scale wave of immigration has produced only first- or second-generation Americans.
  • 他们虽相信革命高潮不可避免地要到来,却不相信革命高潮有迅速到来的可能。
    Though they believe that a revolutionary high tide is inevitable, they do not believe it to be imminent.
  • 新贵,暴发户一个出身低贱的人突获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户
    A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance, especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change; a parvenu.
  • 有些人仍认为婚前的性行为是不道德的。
    Some people still think it is immoral to have sex before marriage.
  • 所有的教会都斥责私人邪行、伪君子和伪善者,难道公众能够被诱哄去投票选他吗?
    Could the public be induced to vote for him with all the churches fulminating against private immorality, hypocrites, and whited sepulchers?
  • 他的望远镜的观察结果当是不朽的。
    His telescopic observations are justly immortal.
  • 相信灵魂不朽的现代人当不能抓住这一点而振振有词。
    Of course this is nothing to be jumped at by modern believers in the immortality of the soul.
  • 大物在坚定、庞大或完整方面使人联想起大块巨石的
    Something suggestive of a large block of stone, as in immovability, massiveness, or uniformity.
  •  (五)国家规定的自保护区、重要风景区,国家重点保护的不能移动的历史文物和名胜古迹所在地;
    nature reserves and important scenic spots designated by the State, major sites of immovable historical relics and places of historical interest and scenic beauty that are under State protection; and
  • 一种会自动攻击新程序的计算机免疫系统,显是不现实的。
    A computer immune system that automatically attacks new programs clearly won't do the job.
  • 科学家们研究了许多年,但仍未发现可靠的方法使人们对常见的感冒有免疫力。
    Scientists have not yet discovered a trustworthy method of immunizing people against the common cold, although they have been working on it for many years.
  • 下台了,但在政坛上他仍很有影响力。
    the book had an important impact on my thinking.
  • ·1990年代期间自灾害所有受灾人口中75%以上的人是遭到水灾的危害,水灾也造成了自灾害全部估计损失中的33%以上。
    · Floods affected more than 75 per cent of all people impacted by natural disasters during the 1990s and caused over 33 per cent of the total estimated costs of natural disasters.
  • 我不能保持中立,我也不偏袒任何一方。
    I shall be impartial, though I can not be neuter.
  • 法官宣布对被告判以十年徒刑,被告木木坐着毫无反应。
    The accused sit impassively as the judge sentence him to ten year in prison.
  • 看台上依旧没有一个人影,戏台上仍鸦雀无声。
    Then anger followed on the heels of impatience;
  • 而在进行弹劾投票底前夜,仍有三分之二底美国人对民意测验工作者说,他们希望这位在莫尼卡事件重被嘲弄底对象仍当他们的总统。
    on the eve of the impeachment vote, two in three Americans were still telling pollsters that they want this object of ridicule to remain their president.
  • 最终导致克林顿受到弹劾指控、耗资7300万美元、历时8年的白水调查案上个月终于有了结果,没有发现克林顿夫妇犯罪的任何证据。当,这也又一次证实了他对指控方和媒体的不屑一顾。
    Of course the news last month that the eight-year, $73 million Whitewater investigation -- which eventually led to impeachment -- turned up no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the Clintons confirmed all over again his contempt for prosecutors and the press.
  • 而,在她突逝世于1997年12月19日胜安空难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们分享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circleof friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 而,在她突逝世于1997年12月19日胜安空难的一周年,我觉得我必须与她的朋友们分享我心中的悲痛和惋惜。
    However, I feel impelled to join her circle of friends in sharing my sense of sorrow and loss on the first anniversary of her sudden death in the tragic SilkAir crash on December 19, 1997.
  • 危机政治、社会或经济等方面的包含即将来临的突变化或决定性变化的不稳定状态
    An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change.