  • “她们另外见了一次以后,南希觉得戈尔巴乔夫太太是一个不折不扣的共产党,”一位友人回忆说,“她总要宣传教。”
    "After their other meeting, Nancy felt that Mrs.Gorbachev was a Communist through and trough," a friend recalled, "and that she just wanted to spout doctrine."
  • 钟表发条走完了。
    The spring has run down.
  • 河的源头是一个湖。
    The river springs from a lake.
  • 在这些弹簧中,这最好。
    Among the springs, this is the best one.
  • 河流发源于山腰处。
    The river springs from the side of the mountain.
  • 她全速跑完了那路的全长.
    She sprinted the length of the road.
  • 传说这河里住有小水妖。
    It is said that little water sprite lives in this river.
  • 我简直难以相信如此的一段树根能萌发出如此之多的枝
    I can hardly believe that so small a root can sprout so many mew branch with such beautiful blossom.
  • 柳树开始抽条了。
    The wheat seeds have sprouted up.
  • 路成直角向左转去。
    The road turned square to the left.
  • 路通到广场为止。
    The road stops at the square.
  • 小路通向大路,但是又窄又难走,不过我们能够穿过去。
    The path to the road is narrow and difficult, but we can squeak through.
  • 狗挤过了小小的墙洞。
    The dog squeeze through the small hole in the wall.
  • 东印度柿木某种柿树属坚硬且带暗棕色纹的热带亚洲树木,特指斯里兰卡柿,用于制造家具
    The hard, black-and-brown-striped wood of certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Diospyros, especially D. quaesita of Sri Lanka, used for making furniture.
  • 第一,需要政局稳定。
    First, China needs political stability.
  • 船的稳定器使它在坏天气中能保持平稳。
    The ship's stabilizers keep it steady in bad weather.
  • 阿维兰热说日本符合举办世界杯的件。
    Havelange said japan did meet the conditions for staging World Cup.
  • 市场大萧条。
    The market is extremely stagnant.
  • 但我们必须走改革这道路,有问题要及时妥善解决,不能停滞,停滞是没有出路的。
    Nevertheless, we must pursue the reform, and if problems arise, we have to solve them promptly and properly. We cannot allow stagnation, which is only a dead end.
  • 两级楼梯间夹住楼梯地毯的角的状物。
    a rod that holds a stair-carpet in the angle between two steps.
  • 一切上跻高位的行动都是象登一迂曲的楼梯一样;若遇有派别的时候,一个人最好是在上升的时候加入某派而在已腾达之时保守中立。
    All rising to great place is by a winding stair: and if there be factions, it is good to side a man's self, whilst he is in the rising; and to balance himself, when he is placed.
  • 一种从一船上的甲板通往另一船的梯子。
    a stairway or ladder that leads from one deck to another on a ship.
  • 以蚬壳石油为例,有效的处理和利益共享者的关系,是业务持续发展的重要环节。确保利益共享者的参与,是全面发展业务的基本件。
    For Shell, Stakeholder Management is an essential part of doing Sustainable Business, and all business development is based on ensuring the proper engagement of stakeholders.
  • 在新的国际环境中,在日本更加困难和我国绝不妥协的件之下,我国的战略退却阶段便已完结,而战略相持阶段便已到来。
    In the new international situation, as Japan comes up against increased difficulties and China firmly refuses to compromise, the stage of strategic retreat will end for us and that of strategic stalemate will begin.
  • 街的两边都有生意人的货摊
    There are traders ' stalls on both sides of the street
  • 消息使工党议员和工会的忠诚分子很高兴:伦敦金融界终于得到报应了。
    For a time the news delighted Labour MPs and trade union stalwarts: the City, at last, was getting some of its own medicine.
  • 消息使工党的议员们和工会的忠贞分子高兴了好一阵:伦敦商业区终于快要得到同样苦涩的报应。
    For a time the news delighted labour MPs and trade union stalwarts: the city, at last, ws getting a taste of its own nasty medicine.
  • 一把椅子不能靠两腿站立。
    A chair will not stand on two legs.
  • 第二十 电器产品、燃气用具的质量必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。
    Article 20 The quality of electrical products and gas utensils must conform to the state standards or industrial standard.
  • 那条鱼腐烂得发臭了.
    That rotten fish stinks.
  • 那个垃圾箱使这街臭气熏天。
    The dust can is stinking up the street.
  • 夏日这街都是垃圾味。
    The rubbish is stinking out this street in hot summer.