  • 其中,中国海军两支舰艇编队于1997年3月至5月别对美国、墨西哥、智利、秘鲁以及泰国、菲律宾、马来西亚进行了友好访问,增进了中国军队与上述国家军队和人民的友谊。
    From March to May 1997, two formations of Chinese naval vessels made friendly visits to the United States, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia, which have enhanced the friendship between the armed forces of China and the armed forces and people of those countries.
  • 叁月的风使我们感到十寒冷.
    The March wind chilled us.
  • 见蒙面枪手,我就感到恐惧万
    The sight of the masked gunman chilled my spine.
  • ??过去10个月中发生的数起骇人听闻的犯罪事件中只是日本各地数目激增的凶杀、暴力伤害、抢劫和强奸案的一部。这种犯罪率激增的趋势正在引起人们的深切担忧,并使日本长期以来以极其安全著称的声誉受损。
    These chilling crimes from the past 10 months are part of a surge in murders, assaults, robberies and rapes throughout Japan, a trend that is arousing deep concern and eroding the country's long-standing reputation for extraordinary safety.
  • 插图跟正文配合得十完美。
    The illustrations chime in perfectly with the text.
  • 有些人,看来像是比其他人晚了好久才从黑猩猩支而传下来的后裔。
    Some folks seem to have descend from the chimpanzee much later than others.
  • 有些人,看来像是比其他人晚了好久才从黑猩猩支而传下来的后裔。
    Some folks seem to have descent from the chimpanzee much later than others.
  • 下颚的部下巴和颈部周围的部
    The area around the chin and neck.
  • 广泛布的主要是热带乔木和灌木及草本植物科;包括咖啡和金鸡纳皮、栀子、洋西、篷子类植物和蔓虎刺之类。
    widely distributed family of mostly tropical trees and shrubs and herbs; includes coffee and chinchona and gardenia and madder and bedstraws and partridgeberry.
  • 《中国图书馆图书类法》
    Classification for Chinese Libraries
  • 奇努克部落一支美洲土著部落,原居住在哥伦比亚河下游河谷以及附近华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的沿海地区,现在布在华盛顿州西部。奇努克人在太平洋西北岸各处的贸易活动广泛
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting the lower Columbia River valley and adjoining coastal regions of Washington and Oregon, now located in western Washington. The Chinook traded widely throughout the Pacific Northwest.
  • 芯片是计算机中最贵重的部
    The chip is the most valuable part in the computer.
  • 戴维在篮球赛中为球队赢得了10
    David chipped in ten points in the basketball game.
  • 相反,vliw芯片将此负担的大部转交给了编译器。
    Instead, VLIW chips shift more of that burden onto compilers.
  • 注意那家伙。如果你不小心的话,他会骗走你的每一钱。
    Watch that guy. He'll chisel out of every penny you've got if you're not careful!
  • 她的五官轮廓分明。
    She has finely chiseled features.
  • 轮廓明的小巧鼻子;明显的面部特征。
    a finely chiseled nose; well-defined features.
  • 我依然记得亚洲学生起先组织的几次聚会,邀请了许多美国人来参加、但只有部美国人到场了,而他们很快又借口离去,因为他们既不能参与我们关于食物的闲聊,也不喜欢我们做的炒菜。
    I still remember the first few get-togethers for the Asian students to which many Americans were also invited. Those who showed up soon left since they could not join our chitchat about great food, nor could they enjoy the stir-fried food we made.
  • 泌几丁质的细胞皮下细胞层,比层细胞隐匿一层全面覆盖的泌几丁质的角质层,与类人猿中的情形一样
    An epidermal layer of cells that secretes an overlying chitinous cuticle, as in arthropods.
  • 硬壳,背甲,头胸甲一种硬骨质或甲壳质外部覆盖物,如海龟融为一体的背部板形器官,或甲壳纲动物覆盖头胸部的外骨骼部
    A hard bony or chitinous outer covering, such as the fused dorsal plates of a turtle or the portion of the exoskeleton covering the head and thorax of a crustacean.
  • 一水化合物一种含有一个水子的化合物,如氯化钙一水化物,cacl2hh2o
    A compound, such as calcium chloride monohydrate, CaCl2稨2O, that contains one molecule of water.
  • 电解(溶)液一种离子,如钠,钾或氯化物,细胞用以调节穿越细胞膜的电荷和水子流
    Any of various ions, such as sodium, potassium, or chloride, required by cells to regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across the cell membrane.
  • 全国大部城市和地区地下水水质总体较好,局部受到一定程度的点状或面状污染,部指标超标,主要污染指标有矿化度、总硬度、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、氨氮、铁、锰、氯化物、硫酸盐、氟化物、ph值等。
    Overall speaking, the quality of the ground water in most of the cities and regions in the entire country is very good, with point and non-point pollution in certain regions to certain extent and certain indicators exceeding the standards. The key pollution indicators include mineralization degree, total hardness, nitrate, sub-nitrate, ammonia nitrogen, iron, manganese, chloride, sulfate, fluoride and pH value.
  • 然后,氯原子就可以自由地与臭氧子反应,结合一个氧原子,形成一氧化氯。
    The chlorine atom is then free to react with an ozone molecule, taking one of the oxygen atoms to form chlorine monoxide.
  • 一个由氯、氟和碳组成的氯氟化碳子能被紫外线光解,这破坏了一个氯原子和一个碳原子之间的化学键。
    A CFC molecule consisting of chlorine, fluorine, arid carbon atoms can be broken apart by ultraviolet light, which destroys the bond between a chlorine atom and a carbon atom.
  • 科学家估计一个氯原子能破坏10万个左右的臭氧子。
    Scientists estimate that one chlorine atom can destroy as many as 100,000 ozone molecules.
  • 1992年2月,美国国家航空与航天局科学家宣布,北极附近的北半球源于氯氟化碳解的一氧化氯处在前所未有的水平上,同时宣布这种情况可能引起欧洲、加拿大、俄罗斯和美国北部等许多地区臭氧空洞的发展。
    In February 1992, NASA scientists announced that levels of chlorine monoxide resulting from the breakdown of CFC's were at record levels above the Northern Hemisphere near the Arctic and that these conditions could cause an ozone hole to develop over much of Europe, Canada, Russia, and northern portions of the United States by the year 2000.
  • 缺绿病正常时为绿色的植物组织因为叶绿素数量减少而变黄或变白的现象,常常由于疾病或养不足所致
    The yellowing or whitening of normally green plant tissue because of a decreased amount of chlorophyll, often as a result of disease or nutrient deficiency.
  • 单细胞或无细胞的球状或螺旋状或棒状的缺乏叶绿素的有机体;通过裂繁殖;和病原体一样对生物化学很重要;很难类;通常被认为是植物。
    single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce by fission; important as pathogens and for biochemical properties; taxonomy is difficult; often considered plants.
  • 大部淡水真核状态的海藻,具以褐色或黄色色素掩饰的叶绿素;黄绿和金褐色的海藻和硅藻属;黄藻纲、金藻纲和硅藻纲。
    mostly freshwater eukaryotic algae having the chlorophyll masked by brown or yellow pigment; yellow-green and golden-brown algae and diatoms: Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Bacillariophyceae; some some classification systems superseded or subsumed by Heterokontophyta.
  • 我将与你享我的巧克力。
    I’ll divide my chocolate with you.
  • 区别,别在品味或选择上的区别;差别
    Discrimination in taste or choice; distinction.