  • 這有客觀原因,一大批老幹部在“文化大革命”期都被打倒了,後來解放了,重新恢復領導工作,所以領導班子年齡偏大。
    There was an objective reason for this: a great many veterans who had been brought down during the "cultural revolution" had been rehabilitated and reinstated in their leading posts at an advanced age.
  • 由政府部門及非政府機構開辦的其他輔助康復服務包括:日診療中心、中途宿舍、長期護理院、職業訓練、展能就業和聯誼會等。
    Other complementary rehabilitative services run by government departments and non-governmental organisations include day-centres, halfway houses, long-stay care homes, vocational training, selective placement and social clubs.
  • 排練排練期不用攝像的電視排練
    A television rehearsal during which no cameras are used.
  • 其他設施包括包兆竜畫廊、包玉剛畫廊、展覽外堂、以及多排演室、美術及工藝畫室、音樂練習室和課室。此外,還有最新落成的盛智文媒體中心及渡氏電腦中心。
    Other venues include the Pao Sui Loong and Pao Yue Kong Galleries, the Atrium Gallery, rehearsal rooms, art and craft studios, music practice rooms and classrooms as well as the newly established Zeman Media Centre and Watari Computer Centre.
  • 排戲期,請勿打擾。
    Do not interrupt while we are rehearsing.
  • 他擔任總統期,在正式接見來賓之前,他都會事先與助手演練一番。通常情況下,他會有條不紊地按照先前的計劃把握談話內容。
    During his presidency, his on-the-record interviews were rehearsed beforehand with aides, and he was usually disciplined about staying on message.
  • "沒什麽不同,"安德森說,"唯一的不同是湯姆和我必須多花時演練,找到一個我和其他演員已經有的共同語言。
    "Not at all," Anderson says. "The only difference was Tom and I had to spend more time rehearsing to find a vocabulary, which I already had with other actors.
  • 一九五三年本港一木屋區發生大火,約53000名居民在一夜喪失傢園,政府急須安置災民,於是展開了本港的公共房屋計劃。
    Hong Kong's public housing programme started with an emergency measure to rehouse some 53000 people made homeless overnight in a squatter fire in 1953.
  • 巴列維語在薩珊王朝統治期波斯人用的一種伊朗語言
    An Iranian language used in Persia during the reign of the Sassanids.
  • 亨利八世統治了很長一段時
    Henry VIII reigned for a long time.
  • 馬爾馬拉海土耳其西北部的一個海,位於亞洲和歐洲之。通過博斯普魯斯海峽與黑海相連,通過達達尼爾海峽與愛琴海相連
    A sea of northwest Turkey between Europe and Asia. It is connected to the Black Sea through the Bosporus and to the Aegean Sea through the Dardanelles.
  • 在1154-1485期統治的一係列英國國王的姓。
    the family name of a line of English kings that reigned from 1154 to 1485.
  • 投保人可能擁有兩份或更多的保單,但所涉及的保險公司會在他們之攤派賠償金。
    It is possible to carry two or more policies, but the insurance companies involved would split the reimbursement between them.
  • 位於愛琴海和馬爾馬拉海之的一個海峽,它將歐洲和亞洲土耳其分離。
    the strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara that separates European from Asian Turkey.
  • 繮繩係於共軛馬中一匹的輓具與其它馬的繮繩之的繮繩
    A rein joining the bit of one of a span of horses to the driving rein of the other horse.
  • 馬繮繩係於馬的輓具與馬鞍之防止馬低頭的一種短繮繩
    A short rein that extends from a horse's bit to the saddle to keep the horse from lowering its head.
  • 這個證據證實了我認為他是諜的這一看法。
    This evidence reinforce my view that he is a spy.
  • 竜骨邦木,呆木船的竜骨和艉柱之的垂直板材,用來加固
    The vertical planking between the keel of a vessel and the sternpost, serving as a reinforcement.
  • 運動戰的實行方面,問題是很多的,例如偵察、判斷、决心、戰鬥部署、指揮、蔭蔽、集中、開進、展開、攻擊、追擊、襲擊、陣地攻擊、陣地防禦、遭遇戰、退卻、夜戰、特種戰鬥、避強打弱、圍城打援、佯攻、防空、處在幾個敵人之、超越敵人作戰、連續作戰、無後方作戰、養精蓄銳之必要等等。
    The waging of mobile warfare involves many problems, such as reconnaissance, judgement, decision, combat disposition, command, concealment, concentration, advance, deployment, attack, pursuit, surprise attack, positional attack, positional defence, encounter action, retreat, night fighting, special operations, evading the strong and attacking the weak, besieging the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements, feint attack, defence against aircraft, operating amongst several enemy forces, by-passing operations, consecutive operations, operating without a rear, the need for rest and building up energy.
  • 我的心腸在夜也警戒着我。
    My reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
  • 聯合國在衝突後局勢中建設和平的活動經常包括監督收集並銷毀大量武器並幫助前作戰人員重新融入民社會。
    UN peace-building in post-conflict situations often includes overseeing the collection and destruction of hundreds of thousands of weapons and facilitating the reintegration of former combatants into civil society.
  • 他走進房,重新作了自我介紹,假裝不知道怎麽包裹他的聖誕禮物。
    He walked into the room, reintroduced himself and pretended he didn't know how to wrap his Christmas gifts.
  • 她不限製自己,而是隨着時的推移不斷重塑自己。
    Christina isn't limiting herself,and she is reinventing herself as time goes by.
  • 但是,由於種組織免疫係統的相互排異反應,從前那些用未經改良的豬器官做的移植試驗都失敗了。
    But previous attempts to transplant unaltered pig tissue into humans have failed, due to immune rejection of the tissue.
  • 組織相容性不同組織之相互耐受的狀,這種狀使一種組織可以成功移植於另一種組織,或使輸血列排斥反應
    A state or condition in which the absence of immunological interference permits the grafting of tissue or the transfusion of blood without rejection.
  • 不清楚檢修需要多長時,因此建議乘客呆在船上或上岸不要走遠,隨時準備上船。
    It was uncertain how long the repairs would take, so the passengers were advised either to stay on board or be ready to rejoin the ship at a moment's notice.
  • 她也不像她所有那些同行一樣,習慣在圓形廣場和香榭麗捨大街街口之散步,她的兩匹馬飛快地把她拉到郊外的布洛涅樹林,她在那裏下車,漫步一個小時,然後重新登上馬車,疾馳回傢。
    She did not ride from the Rond- Point down to the entrance, to the Champs-Elysees as do ?and did ?all her sort. Her two horses whisked her off smartly to the Bois de Boulogne. There she alighted, walked for an hour, rejoined her brougham and returned home at a fast trot.
  • 從二十世紀中葉到二十一世紀中葉的一百年,中國人民的一切奮鬥,則是為了實現祖國的富強、人民的富裕和民族的偉大復興。
    All endeavors by the Chinese people for the one hundred years from the mid-20th to the mid-21st century are for the purpose of making our motherland strong, the people prosperous and the nation immensely rejuvenated.
  • 其中一個原因是,華校生和英校生之的論爭,已平息了好幾年,人們不想重提舊事,以免再掀爭議。
    One of the reasons is that the quarrel between English-educated and Chinese-educated Singaporeans has quieted down for some years - people do not want to rake up the past and rekindle the debate.
  • 如果由某種奇跡,我獲得了能看見東西的3天,隨後又沉陷於一片黑暗之中,我該將這段時分為3個部分。
    If, by some miracle, I were granted three seeing days, to be followed by a relapse into darkness, I should divide the period into three parts.
  • 這個商業實體關聯的特性被用於管理商業實體的註册中存在的基於組織的層次結構或者商業合作夥伴關係所需要的商業實體之的關係表達。
    The Related Businesses feature is used to manage registration of business units and subsequently relate them based on organizational hierarchies or business partner relationships.
  • 美國國傢安全委員會工作人員被總統國傢安全顧問關鍵人物指派調查有關日益發展的中國諜問題,不時發生辯論,就像國防部秘書長理查森所做的在中國論壇被允許保留一樣。
    The NSC Staffer designated by the President's National Security Advisor to be "point man" on the developing PRC "spying" scandal, argued then and now, as does DOE Secretary Richardson, that the PRC "forum" has been, and should be permitted to remain, a key element of the Clinton Administration's "Engagement" policy with the PRC.