  • 她的学生最简单的问题都不能理解。
    Her students could not compass the simplest problems.
  • 一种最简单的拱顶;一种单一续的弓形结构。
    the simplest for of vault; a single continuous arch.
  • 我们班有些同学心不在焉,就最简单的问题,他们也答不上来。
    Some of the kids in my class are out to lunch. They can't even answer the simplest questions.
  • 今天上午我面试的那个男孩似乎有点笨,他几乎没能回答出我的任何问题,甚至最简单的问题,他也没能答出。
    The boy I interviewed this morning seemed somewhat empty-headed; he could answer hardly any of my questions, even the simplest ones.
  • [戈尔巴乔夫夫人]传记的特点是神秘兮兮,可是也被克里姆林宫学专家们抢购一空。这些专家们有关苏联第一夫人最简单的事实也被蒙在鼓里,无从得知。
    The biography was characteristically cryptic but was snapped up by Kremlinologists who have been kept in the dark on even the simplest facts about the Soviet First Lady.
  • 在录象技术中,使声音和图象同步的一种安排。最简单的方法是用同步电机将图象观察器和声音重放器接起来。
    In recording, an arrangement that will synchronize separate sound and picture tracks. The simplest method is through the use of a synchronous drive motor connecting both picture viewer and sound reproducer.
  • 附加码,附加代码,附加程序用于虚拟硬盘功能的一串机械码指令
    A sequence of machine code instructions used to simulate hardware functions.
  • 人浪运动赛事的观众模仿海浪的操演,快速续站起来、举起手、然后又以续滚动的运动很快坐下
    A maneuver in which fans at a sports event simulate an ocean wave by rising quickly in sequence with arms upraised and then quickly sitting down again in a continuous rolling motion.
  • 接两下的鼓声由两个几乎同时的击声构成的鼓声,前一个是个快速的装饰音
    A drumbeat consisting of two almost simultaneous strokes of which the first is a very rapid grace note.
  • 一齐射击,快速续射击大批火器同时续急速地发射
    A discharge from a number of firearms, fired simultaneously or in rapid succession.
  • 琶音快速续而非同时地演奏弦乐器的乐音
    The playing of the tones of a chord in rapid succession rather than simultaneously.
  • 有两个或多个声道的记录器;同时可以续记录两个或更多信号。
    a recorder with two or more channels; makes continuous records of two or more signals simultaneously.
  • 与单数名词+单数动词
    Used with asing ni+sing v
  • 辛格总统进入体育场都很别致,他是乘坐着敞篷汽车在一队红衣骑兵的护卫下进场的。
    Even the entering of President Singe was very unique. He came into the stadium by an open car escorted by a group of cavalrymen in red.
  • 啤酒要同泡沫一起喝。
    Drink beer with the froth.
  • 一句指责的话都不说。
    Not a single reproach.
  • 她的日子几乎全是在一串的鸡尾酒会和宴会中度过的
    Her life was a whirl of cocktail parties and dinner dates
  • 她的日子几乎全是在一串的鸡尾酒会和宴会中度过的。
    Her life is a whirl of cocktail parties and dinner date.
  • 我把我的相机了一个闪光灯。
    I attached a flash to the camera.
  • 紧腰肉带两侧腰肉的牛肉方
    A cut of beef consisting of a double sirloin.
  • 与楔形骨接的牛的上部腰肉。
    part of the sirloin next to the wedge bone.
  • 另一方面,观看制作认真的记录片和时事节目的观众,在人数上远不及环境剧和武打续剧。
    Serious documentaries and current affairs television programmes have much less viewers, compared with the slapdash sitcoms and gungfu drama serials.
  • 将要溺死的人一根稻草也要去抓。
    A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
  • 我的汽车已续六天发动不起来了。
    For the sixth day running, my car wouldn't start.
  • 宾州巴拉辛维市wefa财团负责经济分析的普卢默说,“续两年生产大幅增长以后,就业增加是合理的。”
    "When you have two years of back-to-back sizable increases in output, an increase in employment is logical." said Christopher Plummer, an economist with the WEFA Group in Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.
  • 记录接着骨骼肌运动的波形的仪器。
    an instrument that records the waves associated with the activity of skeletal muscles.
  • 附着处骨骼肌肉与骨或它所带动的身体其他部分的接点或接方式
    The point or mode of attachment of a skeletal muscle to the bone or other body part that it moves.
  • 他们的作文更是"惨不忍睹",篇幅短、内容空洞、错字篇、词不达意、条理不清、段落不明,写的人不知所云,看的人一头雾水。
    Their compositions would make the reader helplessly sad -- sketchy and hollow, full of miswritten characters and misused words, and poor in organization and paragraphing. The writer himself does not know what he is writing about, leaving the reader in a fog about what the written stuff means.
  • 科纳克里城几内亚的首都和最大城市,位于该国西南部大西洋沿岸。它坐落于一个通过堤道和大陆相的岛屿上。人口600,000
    The capital and largest city of Guinea, in the southwest part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. It is on an island connected with the mainland by causeway. Population, 600,000.
  • 作者将一些片断巧妙地合并成有贯性的整体。
    The author skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole.
  • 我有一副皮指手套。
    I have a pair of leather mittens.
  • 这条路把所有的新城镇都接起来了。
    The road links all the new towns.