  • 埃莉从年轻时候起就一直是个非常吝啬的人。
    Eleanor is always a penny pinch ever since she has been young.
  • 几天后,她又成为继埃莉·罗斯福和罗莎琳·卡特之后第三位在华盛顿全国新闻俱乐部发表讲话的第一夫人。这也是她第一次发表长达30分钟的公开讲话。
    All that occurred just days after she became only the third First Lady (after Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosalynn Carter) to speak at Washington's National Press Club, giving (at 30 minutes) the longest public speech of her career.
  • 当汉威的选帝侯成为英国乔治一世国王时,汉德尔因为离开德国而失宠。
    When the Elector of Hanover became King George I of England, Handel was out of favor for leaving Germany.
  • 全民做主的时代,在全民要行使投票权的时候,候选人也向“做主”的人民送上各种礼品,包括承会减税,会增加福利。
    Under the system of democracy, especially during the electoral campaigning, candidates would present the voters with all kinds of gifts, including promises of tax cuts and welfare perks.
  • 普勒阿得斯变成星星的阿特拉斯的七个女儿(迈亚、伊莱克特拉、塞拉伊、泰来塔、梅罗普、亚克安娜和斯泰罗普)
    The seven daughters of Atlas(Maia, Electra, Celaeno, Taygeta, Merope, Alcyone, and Sterope), who were metamorphosed into stars.
  • 埃因托芬,威廉1860-1927荷兰生理学家,因其对心电图学的贡献获1924年贝尔奖
    Dutch physiologist. He won a1924 Nobel Prize for his contributions to electrocardiography.
  • 温伯格,史蒂文生于1933美国物理学家。他因建立了电磁作用与原子核的弱相互作用是同一现象的不同方面的理论而获1979年贝尔奖
    American physicist. He shared a1979 Nobel Prize for theorizing that electromagnetism and weak interaction are facets of the same phenomenon.
  • 江崎,玲于奈生于1925日本裔物理学家,由于他在固态物质电子学理论上的进展获得了1973年贝尔奖
    Japanese-born physicist. He shared a1973 Nobel Prize for theoretical advances in the field of solid-state electronics.
  • 克说埃论在街上不睬他,他要向她报复。
    Enock said he would pay Ellen out for cutting him dead in the street.
  • 德在英国找不到一份象样的工作,因此他决定停止努力,移居加拿大。
    Arnold can't get a decent job in England and so he's decided to shut up shop and emigrate to Canada.
  • 在那种呼声的感动之下,在诸位崇高的信任的鼓舞之下,我们承我们将尽我们所能去更新我们的世界。使未来的世界上没有人会被称作不幸的人。
    Moved by that appeal and inspired by the eminence you have thrust upon us, we undertake that we too will do what we can to contribute to the renewal of our world so that none should, in future, be described as the wretched of the earth.
  • 技巧完美但是演奏沉闷的奏鸣曲;沉闷的冒险故事;谨慎、冷漠的傀儡……一个模子倒出来的、沉闷无趣的势利——c·j·罗
    a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata;l a desiccate romance; a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery-C.J.Rolo.
  • 空洞的言是无诚意的。
    An empty promise is insincere.
  • 美国人民肩负着一种使命,那就是要竭力将这个言变成生活中和法律上的现实。
    Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws.
  • ipv6是一项非常需要的改进,它许更容易获得ip地址,更快更便宜建立路由以及具有较好的服务质量(qos)和加密等特点。
    IPv6 is a much-needed improvement, promising easier-to-obtain IP addresses, cheaper and faster routing, and such features as quality of service (QOS) and encryption.
  • 如能及时收到样本,我将尽力于9月份交货。否则无法承
    We shall endeavour to give September delivery if we receive the specimen in good time, but cannot promise otherwise.
  • 不要求对价答应做某事,因不涉及钱的问题,此允不能得以强制执行。
    Promise to do something, without asking for consideration( it cannot be enforce because no money have be involve).
  • 在我们满足世界的正义要求之时,我们也将履行我国庄严的承
    As we enforce the just demands of the world, we will also honor the deepest commitments of our country.
  • 对价,承被允、提供或做成的事物,它能使一项协议成为具有法律效力的契约
    Something promised, given, or done that has the effect of making an agreement a legally enforceable contract.
  • 不要求兑现答应做某事,因不涉及钱的问题,此允不能得以强制执行。
    Promise to do something, without asking for consideration. It cannot be enforced because no money has been involved.
  • 信守言是一种美德。
    Fidelity to engagement is a virtue.
  • 他没有实践自己的言。
    He has fallen from his engagement.
  • 保证、约定或许诺
    A guaranty, an engagement, or a promise.
  • 通过契约方式包括财政职责的言。
    an engagement by contract involving financial obligation.
  • 曼底人于一零六六年占领英格兰。
    The Normans conquered England in 1066.
  • 假如真是这样的话,那么这位不动感情的英国人(指雷兹)犯的错误归根结底也不算太大了,他在卡瓦临死之际,询问其兄弟是否“有意继续那桩营生(指雕塑)!”
    If this were really so, that stolid Englishman might not have been so very far wrong after all, who, on Canova's death, inquired of his brother whether it was "his intention to carry on the business!"
  • 您去一趟,找斯米尔娃就行。……
    Go and enquire for Madame Smirnov…
  • 中国自拥有核武器之日起就郑重声明,在任何时候、任何情况下都不首先使用核武器,此后又承无条件地不对无核武器国家和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器,并一直推动所有核国家以法律形式确定上述承
    On the very first day it came into possession of nuclear weapons, China solemnly declared that at no time and under no circumstances would it be the first to use such weapons. Later, China undertook unconditionally not touse or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, and has consistently urged all nuclear-weapon states to enshrine these commitments in a legal form.
  • 1911年2月6日,罗纳德·威尔逊·里根出生于伊利斯州的坦皮科镇(父亲约翰,里根,母亲丽娜·里根),中学就读于附近的迪克森镇,然后半工半读完成在尤里卡学院的大学课程。
    On February 6, 1911, Rona1d Wilson Reagan was born to Nelle and John Reagan in Tampico, Illinois. He attended high school in nearby Dixon and then worked his way through Eureka College.
  • 在法国,我们说“像曼人的回答,”其意思是说不切实地回答,不说是也不说不。
    We say, in France, "answering like a Norman," which means to give an evasive answer, neither yes nor no.
  • "例如,伊利州就取名于过去生活在这里的印第安人。"
    "For example, Illinols was named for the Indians who used to live in that part of the country."
  • 在布宜斯艾利斯的市中心,多年来鸽子和行人和平相处,但现在为了对仍在不断上升的失业率以及政府对其存款的冻结表示抗议,愤怒的阿根廷人或者摔打瓶瓶罐罐,或者燃放鞭炮烟火,使得以往平静的市中心始终笼罩在一片嘈杂声中。
    The Buenos Aires city center, which pigeons and pedestrians have cohabited for years, has become a noisy inferno where angry Argentines bang pots and pans and explode fireworks to protest rising unemployment and a freeze of most saving accounts.