  • 马卡卢峰尼泊尔东北部喜马拉亚山脉的一座山峰,海拔8,476米(27,790尺),最早于1955年被测定高度
    A mountain,8, 476 m(27, 790 ft) high, in the Himalaya Mountains of northeast Nepal. It was first scaled in1955.
  • 马特豪恩峰位于意大利与瑞士交界处的奔宁阿尔卑斯山脉,海拔4,481。1米(14,692尺)。首次测量在1865年
    A mountain,4, 481.1 m(14, 692 ft) high, in the Pennine Alps on the Italian-Swiss border. It was first scaled in1865.
  • 加梅德峰位于中印边界的喜马拉雅山西北部的一座山,高7,761。3米(25,447尺)。1931年首次对该山进行测量
    A mountain,7, 761.3 m(25, 447 ft) high, in the northwest Himalaya Mountains on the India-China border. It was first scaled in1931.
  • 伊利马尼山玻利维亚西部拉巴斯省以东,安第斯山脉中的山峰,海拔6461。4米(21,184尺)。1898年第一次测出了此峰的高度
    A mountain,6, 461.1 m(21, 184 ft) high, in the Andes of western Bolivia east of La Paz. It was first scaled in1898.
  • 阿空加瓜山海拔7,025。4米(23,034尺),是安第斯山脉在阿根廷西部近智利边境的一段,是西半球最高的山峰,第一次测量是在1897年
    A mountain,7, 025.4 m(23, 034 ft) high, in the Andes of western Argentina near the Chilean border. The highest peak of the Western Hemisphere, it was first scaled in1897.
  • 埃佛勒斯峰(即珠穆朗玛峰)一座高8,853。5米(29,028尺)的山,位于喜马拉雅山中段,西藏与尼泊尔的交界处,是世界上海拔最高的地方,1953年包括有埃得蒙·希拉里爵士和坦金·诺基爵士的探险队的队员首次登上此峰
    A mountain,8, 853.5 m(29, 028 ft) high, of the central Himalaya Mountains on the border of Tibet and Nepal. The highest elevation in the world, it was first scaled in1953 by members of an expedition including Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.
  • 基督教建立前的斯堪的纳维亚(一部分与国和德国共享)神话。
    the mythology of Scandinavia (shared in part by Britain and Germany) until the establishment of Christianity.
  • 森特纳使用于德国和斯堪的纳维亚与担相当的一种重量单位,等于50公斤(110。23磅)
    A unit of weight in Germany and Scandinavia corresponding to the hundredweight and equal to50 kilograms(110.23 pounds).
  • 日耳曼语族包括语、德语、荷兰语(或佛兰芒语),以及斯堪的纳维亚的各种语言--瑞典语、丹麦语、挪威语和冰岛语。
    The Germanic languages include English, German, Dutch (or Flemish), and the Scandinavian languages- Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic.
  • 同源词词源相同但是传播途径不同的一对词中的一个,如skirt来自斯堪的纳维亚语和shirt来自
    One of two words derived from the same historical source by different routes of transmission, such as skirt from Scandinavian and shirt from English.
  • 在这种有害健康的地方,美籍的工人很少见。
    English and American hands were as scarce as hen's teeth in this unhealthy place.
  • 他对英语一字不知。
    He scarcely knows a word of English.
  • 奥特西,埃姆斯卡1865-1947生于匈牙利的国女小说家,尤以其探险小说深红色的紫蘩蒌(1905年)闻名
    Hungarian-born English writer known especially for her adventure novel The Scarlet Pimpernel(1905).
  • 让我想想:这就是说已经掉了大约四千里了,我想……”(你瞧,爱丽丝在学校里已经学到了一点这类东西,虽然现在不是显示知识的时机,因为没一个人在听她说话,但是这仍然是个很好的练习。)“……是的,大概就是这个距离。那么,我现在究竟到了什么经度和纬度了呢?”
    Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this was not a VERY good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) `--yes, that's about the right distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?'
  • 过了这个时刻就该开玩笑者自食其果了。正如一句国俗话所训:
    after which the joke rebounds upon the joker,as one English saying scolds:
  • 多读和多说语,语能力就会培养起来。
    English skills will accrue to you from speaking and reading a lot.
  • 这个童子军因自己的勇行为受到了奖赏。
    The boy scout was rewarded for his courageous action.
  • 然后,这位身高4尺10寸、重110磅的童子军开始操作。稳稳地将一条腿放在比尔双足之间,然后用双臂紧紧抱住他。
    Then the 4′10″,110-pound Scout planted her leg between Bill's feet and locked her arms around him.
  • 特遣队发现了仅距,3里远的敌军。
    The party scouted out the enemy force only three miles away.
  • 忧郁的愁容;众所周知的、性格阴沉的新格兰清教徒;忧郁、绝望的耸肩;他陷入了抑郁、沉默;乖僻、不爱交际的习惯;忧郁、差不多厌恶整个人类的年轻天才——布鲁斯·比利芬;乖戾的性情;一群闷闷不乐的人。
    a dark scowl; the proverbially dour New England Puritan; a glum, hopeless shrug; he sat in moody silence; a morose and unsociable manner; a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius- Bruce Bliven; a sour temper; a sullen crowd.
  • 布莱尔在国队3:0大胜丹麦队后说,"我只能说我很不走运,必须出席国际会议。我实在很想试试看有什么办法可以让我重新安排时间。
    "I have to say unfortunately I have got to attend an international conference and so I'm desperately trying to scrabble around looking for how I can refix the times," said Blair following the 3-0 thumping of Denmark.
  • 他的报废价值是2,500镑。
    Its scrap value is 2,500.
  • 镑买了那堆破铜烂铁?
    Do you mean to tell me you gave 1500 for that pile of scrap metal?
  • 剧本倒叙到老雄的童年。
    The script cuts back to the old hero's childhood.
  • 国广播公司先要把原稿审阅一遍,然后才允许对某一节目进行制作。
    The BBC read the script over before allowing the programme to be made.
  • 帐上显示盈利9000镑。
    The accounts show a profit of 9000.
  • 国,指一大片平坦的荒野;未开垦的覆盖有草本植物和低矮灌木丛的沙地。
    (British) a tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation.
  • 我可不相信,你花200镑买了这样一条不值钱的杂种狗?
    Don’t make me laugh! You paid two hundred pounds for a scruffy mongrel like that?
  • 制量滴在国!/20斯克鲁(0。0592毫升)
    In Great Britain,! /20 of a scruple(0.0592 milliliters).
  • 爱波斯坦,雅格布1880-1959生于美国的国雕塑家,以其胸像作品和其宏大却褒贬不一的作品而闻名,如大理石雕塑维纳斯(1917年)
    American-born British sculptor who is noted for his busts and his massive, controversial works, such as the marble Venus(1917).
  • 赫普沃思,芭芭拉1903-1975国雕刻家,以纽约市联合国大厦前的独影(纪念戴各·哈马啥尔德)而著名
    British sculptor best known for her Single Form(Memorial to Dag Hammarskj鰈d) at the United Nations Plaza in New York City.
  • 国首相托尼·布莱尔就是一例。尽管公务缠身,但是他还是无法忍受错过国队的比赛。
    Some like Britain's Tony Blair cannot bear to miss the action even if it means scuttling official agendas.