  • 後來中進行邊界談判,我們總是要求聯承認沙俄同清王朝簽訂的是不平等條約,承認沙俄通過不平等條約侵害中國的歷史事實。
    Later, China held negotiations on borders with the Soviet Union, asking the Soviet Union to recognize the historical fact that the treaties between czarist Russia and the Qing Dynasty rulers were unequal and had permitted Russia to encroach upon Chinese territory.
  • 法和捷兩個互助條約都是在一九三五年五月訂立的。
    The Treaty of Mutual Assistance Between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and France and the Treaty of Mutual Assistance Between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Czechoslovak Republic were concluded in May, 1935.
  • 雖然聯冰球隊以4比5敗在最終銀牌得生捷剋隊手下,但是它並不氣餒,成功地保住了冠軍頭銜。
    Despite the 4-5 defeat at the hands of the eventual silver medalists, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet ice hockey team went on to successfully defend their Olympic title.
  • 敵以前者來包圍中、、法、捷等國,我以後者反包圍德、日、意。
    The enemy encircles China, the Soviet Union, France and Czechoslovakia with his front of aggression, while we counter-encircle Germany, Japan and Italy with our front of peace.
  • 當英法兩國犧牲奧國和捷剋縱容希特勒侵略的時候,聯就竭力揭穿慕尼黑政策的黑幕,嚮英法提議製止侵略的進一步的發展。
    When Britain and France connived at Hitler's aggression and sacrificed Austria and Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union spared no effort in exposing the sinister aims behind the Munich policy and made proposals to Britain and France for checking further aggression.
  • 喬和真是一對相敬如賓的老夫妻。
    Job and Sue are a real old Darby and Joan.
  • 她蹲下來抱住了茜,含淚說道:“謝謝你,親愛的,這很管用。”
    She knelt down and hugged Susie. Through her tears she said, " Thank you, darling girl, this will help a lot".
  • 歐文,羅伯特·戴爾1801-1877格蘭裔的美國社會改革者。他作為來自印第安那的美國代表並寫有有影響力的解放政策(1863年)
    British anatomist and paleontologist who was superintendent of the natural history department at the British Museum(1856-1884) and an early opponent of Darwin's theories of evolution.
  • 嚮他臉上潑水能使他醒。
    A dash of water in his face will revive him.
  • 是為我女兒珊做的。
    It is for my daughter , Susan.
  • 亞洲則特別不幸:日本不但無法成為一股推動復的力量,反而加重了亞洲負荷。
    And Asia has been unexpectedly unlucky by having Japan as a deadweight instead of a locomotive.
  • 亞洲則特別不幸:日本不但無法成為一股推動復的力量,反而加重了亞洲負荷。
    And Asia has been unexpectedly unlucky by having Japan being a deadweight instead of a locomotive.
  • 聯在冰球比賽中七戰七勝,首次參加奧運會就獨領風騷。
    Winning all seven games in the ice hockey tournament, the Soviet Union concluded their Olympic debut in impressive style.
  • 由1991年12月前的聯內部的維埃社會主義共和國組成的聯盟。
    an alliance made up of states that had been Soviet Socialist Republics in the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in Dec 1991.
  • 婚姻關係心理學家珊·圭琳姆,《愛情教練》一書的作者說:“夫妻好好度過周末有三個秘訣。
    Relationship psychologist Susan Quillian, author of The Love Coach, says:“There are three secrets for making a weekend work for you as a couple.
  • 東基爾布萊德格蘭中南部一城鎮,位於格拉斯哥東南方,1946年為吸引格拉斯哥增長的人口而建立。人口70,600
    A town of south-central Scotland southeast of Glasgow. It was established in1946 as a new town to absorb the growing population of Glasgow. Population, 70,600.
  • 格蘭數學家(1550-1617);發明了對數;書寫數字是引入了小數點。
    Scottish mathematician; invented logarithms; introduced the use of the decimal point in writing numbers (1550-1617).
  • 在中國外部是聯的援助。
    Externally, the decisive factor is assistance from the Soviet Union.
  • 用鮮豔的新裙子打扮起來的姑娘;鮮豔的旗幟飄揚着;‘braw’是格蘭詞;對她的年齡來說有點太豔麗的裙子;羽毛豔麗的鳥。
    girls decked out in brave new dresses; brave banners flying; `braw' is a Scottish word; a dress a bit too gay for her years; birds with gay plumage.
  • 馬雅可夫斯基,弗拉基米爾·瓦拉蒂米洛維奇1893-1930聯詩人。他是俄國文學未來派的主要代表人物,其鏗鏘有力的、慷慨激昂的詩篇贊頌了共産主義者的革命
    Soviet poet. A leader of futurism in Russian literature, he wrote forceful, declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution.
  • 聯共産黨第二十次代表大會的一個重要的功績,就是告訴我們,把個人神化會造成多麽嚴重的惡果。
    An important achievement of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union lies in the fact that it showed us what serious consequences can follow from deification of an individual.
  • 但是,東道主瞭解赫魯曉夫在聯政治生活中地位的重要性,所以,仍然給了這位成員以不尋常的禮遇。
    Their hosts, however, knew the importance of Khruschev's position in the Soviet politaical life so they accorded this delegate special treatment.
  • 名義上,布爾加寧是聯代表團的團長,赫魯曉夫衹是代表團的一個成員。
    Nominally Bulganin was the head of the Soviet delegation and Khruschev was only one of the members of the delegation.
  • 阿斯特拉罕聯歐洲部分東南部一城市,位於伏爾加河三角洲上,這個韃靼人的城市曾於1556年被惡魔伊萬徵服。人口493,000
    A city of southeast European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River delta. The Tartar city was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in1556. Population,493, 000.
  • 如果他以為珊會和他結婚,那他就誤了。
    If he thinks Susan will marry him, he is labouring under a delusion.
  • 不少號稱“左”傾的人們,平日痛駡國民黨,在西安事變中主張殺蔣和“打出潼關去”⑺,及至和平剛剛實現又發現州審判等事,就用驚詫的口氣發問道:“為什麽蔣介石又這樣幹?”
    Quite a number of reputedly "Left" people, who often bitterly denounce the Kuomintang and who during the Sian Incident advocated putting Chiang to death and "fighting our way out through Tungkuan",[7] are now astonished when events like the Soochow trial occur immediately after peace is attained, and ask, "Why does Chiang Kai-shek still do such things?"
  • 他深入地研究了格蘭歷史。
    He has studied Scotish history in depth.
  • 1943年,588團被授予新的精英團隊稱號:即46警衛團.戰爭結束後,師長為全團指戰員通令嘉奬,23名女兵授予光榮的維埃聯盟英雄稱號。
    In 1943 the 588th was awarded elite status with a new designation: the 46th Guards Regiment. By the War's end the division commander had decorated every woman in the regiment, and 23 were honored with the coveted title Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • 我一生一直為了令自己喜歡格蘭人而努力,但我不得不在絶望中放棄這一項實驗。
    I have been trying all my life to like stockmen, and am obliged to desist from the experiment in despair.
  • 姍是個狡猾的人,我們不能依賴她。"
    Susan is a devious person and we can't depend on her.
  • “衹有傻瓜纔認為把權力下放給格蘭會對它有好處。”“對不起,我不同意你的看法。”
    "Only a fool could think there was any advantage for Scotland in devolution." "I'm sorry but I don't agree."
  • 《蘇州方言地圖集》
    Maps of the Suzhou Dialect