  • 扑克牌戏中从a到10的同色的顺子。
    a poker hand with Ace-to-10 in the same suit.
  • 美国大西洋沿岸咸水沼泽地带的白鳉鱼。
    silver-and-black killifish of saltwater marshes along the United States Atlantic coast.
  • 萨尔瓦多有一条“之路”,尼加拉瓜的“白色村庄之路”连接殖民时期留下来的各个村庄。
    El Salvador has a " road of flowers," and Nicaragua has a " road of white villages" connecting villages from the colonial period.
  • 欧亚的一种浓密的落叶灌木,金黄色,果实紫色略带红色、用于制治疗软膏。
    deciduous bushy Eurasian shrub with golden yellow flowers and reddish-purple fruits from which a soothing salve is made in Spain.
  • 萨摩亚裙一种由长方形印布制成的波利尼西亚服装,尤指萨摩亚人的,松散地围于腰间
    A Polynesian, especially Samoan, garment consisting of a rectangular piece of printed cotton tied loosely around the waist.
  • 了几天时间浏览有关社会科学的文献。
    I spend a few day sampling the literature of social science.
  • 或者,如果卫星云图有关沿海海域的图像和取样显示了和霍乱的发生相关的海藻在开的话,官员们也能够警告大家将污水过滤,以及建议多安排一些额外的医护人员、床位和治疗供应品等医疗设施。
    Or if sateffite images and sampling of coastal waters indicate that algal blooms related to cholera outbreaks are beginning, officials could warn people to filter contaminated water and could advise medical facilities to arrange for additional staff, beds and treatment supplies.
  • 人生不长,切不可费太多的时间去考虑应该怎样度过这一辈子。              --塞缪尔·约翰逊
    Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation on how it shall be spent.              --Samuel Johnson
  • 。王平:有啊!练臂力的石锁、练腿功的梅桩、练手掌的沙袋、练眼睛的风筝、练腰的墙壁。
    Wang Ping: They have stone locks to train ann strength, Mci Hua stakes to train leg skills, sandbags to train palms, kite to train eyes and walls to train the back.
  • 水晶兰一种肉质的白色或红色植物(毛松下兰水晶兰属),长在树根上作为腐生物和寄生虫,具有带一些垂下的总状
    A fleshy white or reddish plant(Monotropa hypopithys) growing as a saprophyte or parasite on tree roots and having racemes with a few drooping flowers.
  • 一种小形的、腐生的林地植物,植物体蜡白色或粉白色,有鳞状叶,下垂;植物体干时变黑。
    small waxy white or pinkish-white saprophytic woodland plant having scalelike leaves and a nodding flower; turns black with age.
  • 北美西部山区的一种肉质、鲜红的腐生植物,在早春当雪还留在地上时常出现并开
    a fleshy bright red saprophytic plant of the mountains of western North America that appears in early spring while snow is on the ground.
  • 珊瑚根茎兰一种珊瑚根茎兰属的陆地腐生兰科植物,主要产于西半球,茎呈黄绿色至紫褐色,无叶,开有小
    Any of several terrestrial, saprophytic, chiefly New World orchids of the genus Corallorhiza having yellowish-green to purplish-brown leafless stems and small flowers.
  • 一种木质、有地下茎的多年生植物,与裸茎楤木不同,它有更多的芳香的根和圆锥状伞形序;产自从北美东南部到墨西哥的地区。
    unarmed woody rhizomatous perennial plant distinguished from wild sarsaparilla by more aromatic roots and panicled umbels; southeastern North America to Mexico.
  • 如果一个人对于气候的变迁,天空色彩的改变,各季节中的果实的美妙香味,各月中盛开的儿,感不到满足,他还是自杀的好,不要再徒劳无功的企图追求一个无实现可能的天堂,因为这个天堂也许可以使上帝感到满足,却不能使人类感到满足。
    If a man cannot be satisfied with the variety of weather and the changing colors of the sky. the exquisite flavors of fruits appearing by rotation in the different seasons, and flowers blooming by rotation in the different months, that man had better commit suicide and not try to go on a futile chase after an impossible Heaven that may satisfy God himself and never satisfy man.
  • 空气中飘荡着花香。
    The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.
  • 柞蚕一种产于亚洲的蚕,是一种大型的天蚕蛾(意大利大蚕蛾大蚕蛾属)的幼虫,能吐出褐色或黄色的粗丝
    An Asian silkworm, the larva of a large saturniid moth(Antheraea paphia), that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk.
  • 一种一年生植物,具有深绿色的鸟足状叶子和低垂的茶碟状绿色
    deciduous plant with large deep green pedate leaves and nodding saucer-shaped green flowers.
  • 她不再痴心狗皮,也再不为斑狗神魂颠倒。她摇身变为动物王国的新救世主,确切说来,已变为狗儿最好的朋友。
    No longer fixated by fur or dazzled by Dalmatians,she has become the new savior of the animal kingdom and more specifically,a dog's best friend.
  • 北美的一种一年生杂草,茎铁丝状,叶小、如鳞片,小、淡黄色。
    annual wiry-stemmed North American weed with minute scalelike leaves and small yellow flowers.
  • 芦笋一种东半球多年生植物芦笋有叶状茎,鳞状叶,开小
    Any of various perennial plants of the Old World genus Asparagus having leaflike stems, scalelike leaves, and small flowers.
  • 旧大陆多年生的一个草本大属,具直立伸展或攀缘的茎,微小鳞状叶片,隐形;有时放入天门冬科。
    large genus of Old World perennial herbs with erect or spreading or climbing stems and small scalelike leaves and inconspicuous flowers; sometimes placed in family Asparagaceae.
  • 苞片,苞植物的叶状或鳞状部分,通常较小,有时呈艳丽或颜色鲜艳,附生在柄或序的正下方
    A leaflike or scalelike plant part, usually small, sometimes showy or brightly colored, and located just below a flower, a flower stalk, or an inflorescence.
  • 列当属植物一种列当属寄生草,开紫色或黄色、长有不含叶绿素的鳞状小叶,列当属植物生长在各种植物的根上
    Any of various parasitic herbs of the genus Orobanche, having purplish or yellowish flowers and small scalelike leaves that lack chlorophyll. Broomrape grows on the roots of various plants.
  • 怪柳属的任何一种灌木或小乔木,具有鳞状或针状的叶,小、白色或淡粉色、成羽状总状序。
    any shrub or small tree of the genus Tamarix having small scalelike or needle-shaped leaves and feathery racemes of small white or pinkish flowers; of mostly coastal areas with saline soil.
  • 老人正在院子里剥生。
    The old woman is scaling peanuts in the yard.
  • 直立天竺葵,扇形叶,叶缘内有略宽的彩带,白色、粉色或红色
    an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad color zone inside the margin and white or pink or red flowers.
  • 孩子们在园里嬉戏奔跑。
    The children were scampering around the garden.
  • 斯堪的那纳维亚人,尤其是挪威人,在所有五个项目——长橇·冰球、样滑冰、速滑和北欧式滑雪中占氢了绝对优势。
    The Scandinavians, particularly the Norwegians, demonstrated their dominance in all five disciplines-bobsled, ice hockey, figure skating, speed skating, and Nordic competition.
  • 痘痕,麻子由天或其他发疹性疾病遗留在皮肤上的窝状疤痕
    A pitlike scar left on the skin by smallpox or another eruptive disease.
  • 植物内疤组织形成后、叶、果实的脱落。
    shedding of flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of scar tissue in a plant.
  • 北美西部的一种多年生草本植物,钟状,内部白色,外面大部分微绿色;其球茎可食。
    perennial plant having umbel-like clusters of 1-4 showy white bell-shaped flowers atop erect unbranched stems; edible bulbs useful in times of scarcity; eastern Montana and western North Dakota south to northern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico.