  • 这是迄今创立的最具力度的公司品牌之一,这个金拱门标识在世界各地人们的心目中引起共鸣,尽管不同的文化赋予它不同的含义。
    One of the most powerful corporate brands ever created, the golden arches resonate in the hearts and minds of people all over the world --?even though different cultures attach different meanings to them.
  • 我们很快又将小册子出了个自由版,红、白、蓝三装饰得漂漂亮亮,并以一句响亮的“主救吾王”作为结束语。
    We speedily produced a liberal edition of the pamphlet, tricked out prettily in red, white and blue, and ending with a resounding "God Save the King".
  • 纳米技术与一伙未来学家的联系使其争取应有地位的活动增不少。这群未来学家认为纳米技术是通向技术理想王国的必由之路,它意味着空前繁荣,无污染的工业,甚至人的长生不老也不是不可能的。
    The field's bid for respectability is colored by the association of the word with a caba1 of futurists who foresee nano as a pathway to a technoutopia: unparalleled prosperity, pollution-free industry, even something resembling eternal life.
  • 这扇大红的门也可能使那些出身正经家庭的人不敢向我租房子。
    Perhaps, the red door will repulse tenants of the respectable variety.
  • 此即张志贤准将讲的华文教师在这方面扮演的角是任重而道远的意思。
    That's what Rear-Admiral Teo meant when he said that Chinese language teachers had a heavy responsibility and a long-term mission to fulfill.
  • 皮尔斯·布罗斯南的第一部007电影《黄金眼》脚本即因美国军方反对一名叛变的美国海军上将这一角而被迫修改,也许是认为法国人不会介意,这位叛变者变成了法国海军的一名海军上将,从而保证了美国军方的支持。
    The original script for Pierce Brosnan's first outing as 007, GoldenEye, had to be changed when military brass objected to the character of a treacherous US admiral. Perhaps sensing the enjoyment the French get out of being offended, the traitor became an admiral in the French Navy instead. US military support was assured.
  • 新儿的母亲,带着给灶火烘得嫣红的脸,从厨房里捧出碗面,放在李妈面前,和颜悦的说。
    With these words spoken in a kind and courteous manner, Xin-er's mother emerged from the kitchen, her face flushed with the glow of the kitchen stove, bearing a bowl of noodle with both hands and respectfully placed it in front of Li-ma.
  • 作为音乐节目主持人,约翰·里斯干得极为出
    As a DJ, John Leese admirably fills the bill.
  • 和式样极为适合您。
    Both the colour and shape fit you admirably.
  • 极好地以极好的方式;出
    In an excellent manner; admirably.
  • 1978年试播黑白电视节目;1979年试播彩电视节目;
    black-and-white and color television programs were trial-broadcast in 1978 and 1979, respectively;
  • 细胞任何一类含铁的蛋白质,在细胞呼吸中作氧化反应重要的催化剂
    Any of a class of iron-containing proteins important in cell respiration as catalysts of oxidation-reduction reactions.
  • 一种重的无嗅无的气体,在呼吸过程中和有机物分解时形成,在空气中被植物通过光合作用吸收。
    a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis.
  • 血蓝蛋白一种浅蓝的含铜的呼吸素,类似血红蛋白,出现在某些节肢动物及软体动物的血液之中
    A bluish, copper-containing respiratory pigment similar to hemoglobin, present in the blood of certain mollusks and arthropods.
  • 血红蛋白脊椎动物红血细胞中一种含铁的呼吸素,由大约6%的血红素和94%的球蛋白组成
    The iron-containing respiratory pigment in red blood cells of vertebrates, consisting of about6 percent heme and94 percent globin.
  • 这蛾子停在树枝上,其颜和树枝几不可辨。
    Its colour make the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on.
  • 教育家和行政官是两种很不一样的角,我们要的是何者?
    Of course, an educator is different from an administrator. But which is more needed for our schools?
  • 查尔斯使那个办公室的气氛很活跃。他是个出的行政人员。
    Charles makes things hum around that office. He's an excellent administrator.
  • 不带政治彩地伸张正义
    Depoliticize the administration of justice.
  • 现在门已经刷上红了,怎么办?
    What should I do? Retain the red door?
  • 不凋花花干后颜不变的植物
    A plant with flowers that retain their color when dried.
  • 保留它,还是换另一种颜
    Retain the red door? Eat humble pie and paint it over?
  • 有多一个号染体的先天病症;病人有扁平脸和矮短体型,并且智力不足。
    a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome; results in a flat face and short stature and mental retardation.
  • 严重营养不良病严重的蛋白质缺乏症,尤见于刚断奶的儿童,症状为嗜睡、生长迟缓、贫血、水肿、腹部肿大、皮肤素消失、脱发或毛发变
    Severe protein malnutrition, especially in children after weaning, characterized by lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, depigmentation of the skin, and loss of hair or change in hair color.
  • 建立以人为本的、个性化、符合国际惯例、体现中国特的公众综合信息服务体系,特别考虑残障人的信息服务需求。
    Establish a comprehensive information service system for the public based on individuality, taking people as a dominant factor, conforming with international norms and demonstrating Chinese characteristics, and the need of the disabled and retarded for information service is taken into special consideration.
  • 不褪性颜保持的品质或状态;不褪
    The quality or condition of color retention; colorfastness.
  • 粟粒疹皮肤表皮下的一白或黄的囊状小包,由于腺体停止油腺分泌作用而引起
    A small, white or yellowish cystlike mass just below the surface of the skin, caused by retention of the secretion of a sebaceous gland.
  • 这些发现或许会使科学家们重新思考他们的某些关于慧星来自何处、它们在为地球上的生命提供必不可少的物质时所扮演的角等推测。
    The findings may lead scientists to rethink some of their theories about where comets come from and their role in providing some of the essential ingredients for life on Earth.
  • 一种有着红帽子和红质地粗糙的网状的茎的菌类。
    a fungus with a red cap and a red coarsely reticulate stalk.
  • 一种美丽但是有毒的牛肝菌属菌类;有带着鲜红毛孔表面的褐的帽,有粗的网状的茎。
    a beautiful but poisonous bolete; has a brown cap with a scarlet pore surface and a thick reticulate stalk.
  • 一种可食用的(但不是优等的)菌类,在阔叶林地的土壤中可见;有干的突出的帽子,表面之下是白并有网状的茎。
    an edible (but not choice) fungus found on soil under hardwoods; has a dry convex cap with whitish under surface and a reticulate stalk.
  • 甜瓜藤蔓植物,果实有薄的网状的皮和甜美的绿果肉。
    a muskmelon vine with fruit that has a thin reticulated rind and sweet green flesh.