  • 我已定要去加利福尼亚州。
    I've definitely decided to go to California.
  • 而美国人在这方面定做对了。
    And Americans are definitely on the right track.
  • 周末以前他定会回来。
    He 'll definitely be back by the weekend.
  • 周末以前他定会回来吗?
    Will he definitely be back by the weekend?
  • 在泰国社会中,只要你行贿,你就能得到所需的一切。人们还大片地砍伐森林。
    there's a large amount of deforestation going on; bribes get you everything you need in that society.
  • 尼迪总统现在在召集后备役军人;华盛顿现在决定划掉特拉华;船只现在向左舷倾斜。
    President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard; Washington now decides to cross the Delaware; the ship is now listing to port.
  • 但可以定,如果生活在其流行的日子里,无人会幸免于被迷惑。
    But let no one feel confident that he would have escaped the delusion if he had lived at the time when it prevailed.
  • 民主党参议员候选人玛莉亚。特薇尔,一位自费筹办选务的网络百万富翁,周五在重新验票结果出炉后,以些微的票数险胜现在参议员的共和党候选人的戈顿。
    Democrat Maria Cantwell, a dot-com millionaire who financed her own campaign, narrowly defeated veteran Republican Sen. Slade Gorton, results of a recount confirmed Friday.
  • 说这个机会独特,不仅因为这可能是我从政界退休前在著名学府做的最后一次演讲,而且几乎可以定地说,这是南非第一届民主选举政府任内我所进行的最后一次国事访问中所做的演讲了。
    The occasion is unique not so much because this is probably the last address before I retire from public life I shall be giving to an institution of learning that has honored me with a degree on what is almost certainly the last state visit that I shall be making during the life of South Africa's first democratically elected government.
  • 他们不给予他要求的东西。
    They denied him what he asked.
  • 丹尼斯起初不去,但我设法说服了他。
    Dennis didn't want to go at first but I managed to talk him into it.
  • 定不是我,弗尔南多也不会!”腾格拉尔说着便站了起来望了一眼那个青年,青年依旧坐着,但眼睛却盯在了那被抛在角落里的告密信上。
    Certainly neither I nor Fernand," said Danglars, rising and looking at the young man, who still remained seated, but whose eye was fixed on the denunciatory sheet of paper flung into the corner.
  • 定会把你的身体搞坏。
    This will ruin your health, depend upon it.
  • 塔基州的最大城市;位于塔基州的中北部俄亥俄河的河岸上;塔基赛马场所在地。
    the largest city in Kentucky; located in north central Kentucky on the Ohio river; site of the Kentucky Derby.
  • 加于人名的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林
    A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln.
  • 定雇员们将受到公司更好的待遇。
    I’m sure the employees will deserve better of the firm.
  • 克罗尔用“韦斯家的人们”这名称来称呼那些住客,就是韦斯先生的妻子和孩子们。
    The lodgers to whom Crowl made allusions under the designation of "the kenwigses", were the wife and olive branches of one Mr Kenwigs.
  • 你非常有天赋,我敢定你会成为成功的设计师。
    You're very talented indeed. I'm sure you'll make a successful designer.
  • 是的,我绝对定。已经有几个太空探索卫星到达了火星表面,并且发现那是一个极度荒凉的地方。
    Yes, I'm absolutely sure about it. A few man-made space exploration satellites have reached the surface of Mars and found it is an extremely desolate place.
  • 洗涤剂定会帮助清除这个污点。
    It 's quite certain that the detergent will help clean off the stain.
  • 洗涤剂定会帮助清除这个污点。
    It's quite certain(that) the detergent will help clean off the stain.
  • 洗涤剂定会帮助清除这个污点。
    It's quite certain (that) the detergent will help clean off the stain.
  • 那女孩子决心很大,我定她会做好的。
    That girl has great determination; I am sure she will do well.
  • 特方言属英语的特方言
    The dialect of English spoken in Kent.
  • 我能定那是一块钻石。"
    I know positively that is a diamond."
  • 斯先生要盖房子的事拖延了很多,现在总算下了决心。
    Mr Dickens has long delayed building a house, but has now taken hold of it in good earnest.
  • 如某人比他早死亡将定作继承的人。
    Heir who will certainly inherit if a person dies before him.
  • 他们定是不相同的。
    they were identifiably different.
  • 如果邮件不是数字签名的,你就不能定邮件是从哪里来的。
    If the mail is not digitally signed, you can't be sure where it comes from.
  • 未加密的信息可能在传输中被截获、偷看或窜改。如果邮件不是数字签名的,你就不能定邮件是从哪里来的。
    Unencrypted messages can be hijacked in transit and read or altered. If the mail is not digitally signed,you can’t be sure where it came from.
  • 经过多年一蹶不振的演艺生涯,连自己是否选择了一个合适的、"高尚的"职业都不敢定的休·格兰特,凭借影片《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》一炮走红。
    Having spent years in the acting doldrums, unsure even as to whether he had chosen an appropriate,"dignified"career, he scored a massive smash with Four Weddings And A Funeral.
  • 依你的勤奋,我敢定你将来一定会大有作为。
    With your diligence, I'm sure you will amount to something in the future.