  • 但电子商务在公司界产生激动之时,正在严肃虑实施电子商务的企业必须在下一年要了解因特网。
    But amidst all the excitement that e-commerce is generating in the business community, enterprises seriously thinking of implementing it must, next year, also commit to understanding the Internet.
  • 克斯报告》称,“中国长城工业总公司确定失败的根本原因,是惯性测量装置中,随动架转矩电动机功率放大器内部金铝合金线路连接处破损。
    The Cox Report says, "China Great Wall Industry Corp. determined that the root cause of the failure was a deterioration in the gold-aluminum wiring connections within a power amplifier for the follow-up frame torque motor in the inertial measurement unit.
  • 鉴别器,鉴频器一种将输入信号的某一特征,如频率或相位转变为幅度变化装置,其变化大小因信号与标准或参信号的不同程度而异
    A device that converts a property of an input signal, such as frequency or phase, into an amplitude variation, depending on how the signal differs from a standard or reference signal.
  • 作为相似的相等的或者类似的虑或者描述。
    consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous.
  • 比拟,喻为虑或描述为相似、相等或类似的;把…比喻成
    To consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous; liken.
  • 我设法给你这个结论,虽然它听起来有点无聊,但是当你读了它以后,再仔细思一下,闭上你的眼睛并设法想象,可能你就会理解这个概念了。
    I’ll try to give you analogy of this although it sounds a little silly on paper, but after you read it, think about it again, close your eyes and try to visualize it and maybe you’ll understand this concept.
  • 我只愿从和其他地区的大学生比较中,从自己的观察与思中,从和周围的人的交谈中,来分析新加坡大学生到底缺乏了些什么。
    I merely wish to analyse what university students in Singapore elsewhere, by observing and thinking about the issue and by speaking with the people around me.
  • cnn的分析家杰夫·格林菲尔德说,辩论是对候选人的实力和能力的"严峻验"。
    The debates are a “ key test” of the strength and abilities of the candidates,says CNN analyst Jeff Greenfield.
  • forrester研究公司分析家特德·施德勒说:“互用性将处在最底层,我们不谈论对象桥接,而是谈论服务桥接。”
    "Interoperability will be at the lowest level," said Ted Schadler, an analyst at Forrester Research."We're not talking about object bridges, we're talking about service bridges."
  • 分析师诺布尔说,股东方面可能有些阻力。兰姆萨斯公司的鲁宾告诉路透社说“优先股股东吃亏了”-该公司拥有哈特债券和优先股票。
    Mr. Noble, the analyst, said there would probably be some resistance from stockholders, and Jim Rubin of Lamle Sass & Rubin, whose firm owns Harcourt bonds and preferred stock, told Reuters that "preferred shareholders are getting a raw deal."
  • 人的思分析,特别是正确的思分析,是科学和文化发展的关键。
    Human thoughts and analytical abilities, especially the correct way of thinking and analysis, are the keys to scientific and cultural development.
  • 这首先说明电脑仅仅是一种工具,它不过是科学与文化发展中的一种基础设施而已,它代替不了人,更不能代替人的思和分析。
    First of all, a computer is but a tool. It is merely a basic implement in the development of science and culture. It can never replace humans, and it certainly cannot replace human thoughts and analytical abilities.
  • 假如把差别虑进去的话,也许有人会问,根据分析那一个应该优先呢?
    assuming that the distinction is maintained one may ask which is to be analytically prior?
  • 我只愿从和其他地区的大学生比较中,从自己的观察与思中,从和周围的人的交谈中,来分析新加坡大学生到底缺乏了些什么。
    I merely wish to analyze what university students in Singapore lack by making comparisons with tertiary students elsewhere, by observing and thinking about the issue and by speaking with the people around me.
  • 商业银行的管理人员在分析客户的贷款申请时必须虑许多因素。
    Commercial bank management in analyzing a customer's loan request considers many factors.
  • 对此,古代墓志铭专家安德烈·勒迈里在《圣经古学评论》期刊中写道,这些墓志铭极有可能成为拿撒勒人耶稣存在的可信证据。
    Writing in Biblical Archaeology Review, Andre Lemaire, a pecialist in ancient inscriptions, says it is very probable the find is an authentic reference to Jesus of Nazareth.
  • 对此,古代墓志铭专家安德烈·勒迈里在《圣经古学评论》期刊中写道,这些墓志铭极有可能成为拿撒勒人耶稣存在的可信证据。
    Writing in Biblical Archaeology Review, Andre Lemaire, a specialist in ancient inscriptions, says it is very probable the find is an authentic reference to Jesus of Nazareth.
  • 为了应付试再学习一遍。
    study anew, as for a test.
  • 布林迪斯地方古博物馆的馆长安吉拉·玛里拉佐认为她可能是福斯蒂娜,马可·奥勒利乌斯的妻子。奥勒利乌斯是国王也是斯多葛派哲学家。
    She may be Faustina, wife of the emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, according to Angela Marinazzo, director of the Provincial Archaeological Museum in Brindisi.
  • 李尔王在瑞根和高纳里尔残酷虐待下神志错乱,在荒野上,他怒斤狂风暴雨,挥舞双拳,咒骂天宇的冷酷无情、麻木不仁,正像飞虫捉弄顽童一般,天神也在戏弄虚弱不堪的老人。第四幕第七场描写的是李尔发疯后被带到多佛苏醒时的情景。他睁开双眼,还以为看见了天使般的灵魂——他的女儿狄莉亚。
    This is where Lear, brought to Dover after having gone mad from the Cruelties of Regan and Goneril and having raged at the howling storm on the heath, shaking his fist at the cruel indifference of the cosmos that toys with weak old men like flies to wanton boys, awakens to what he at first thinks is an angelic apparition- his daughter Cordelia.
  • 虑这问题的各个方面。
    Consider all angles of the question.
  • 虑这个问题的各方面
    to consider all angles of the question
  • 我想我们终日交谈,相互交谈只是一种听得见的更为活跃的思而已。
    We talk, I believe, all day long: to talk to each other is but a more animated and an audible thinking.
  • 安正在虑与苏珊同去伦敦。
    Ann is considering go to london with susan.
  • 安正在虑与苏珊同去伦敦。
    Ann is considering going to London with Susan.
  • 评述为(书中叙述等)引用参资料或引文等以支持;为…作注解,评注
    To support(statements in a book, for example) with written references or citations; annotate.
  • 作出欠虑或恼人的事情的人。
    a person who does something thoughtless or annoying.
  • 1983年,中国加入了《南极条约》,并从1984年开始进行南极及其周围海域调查,到1997年共进行了14次科学察,先后建立了长城、中山南极科学察站,为人类和平利用南极作出了积极贡献。
    China signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1983 and began to make surveys of the Antarctic and the surrounding sea areas in 1984. By 1997 the country had completed 14 programs of scientific investigation in this region, setting up the Great Wall and Zhongshan survey stations successively. Thus, China has made positive contributions to the world's peaceful exploitation of the Antarctic.
  • 1983年,中国加入了《南极条约》,并从1984年开始进行南极及其周围海域调查,到1997年共进行了14次科学察,先后建立了长城、中山南极科学察站,为人类和平利用南极作出了积极贡献。
    China signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1983 and began to make surveys of the Antarctic and the surrounding sea areas in 1984. By 1997 the country had completed 14 programs of scientific investigation in this region, using the Great Wall and Zhongshan survey stations as bases. Thus, China has made positive contributions to the world's peaceful exploitation of the Antarctic.
  • 与现象有关的(特别是语言)不虑其历史环境的某一特定时期。
    concerned with phenomena (especially language) at a particular period without considering historical antecedents.
  • 野外察野外社会学或人类学事实资料的收集
    The collecting of sociological or anthropological data in the field.
  • 先人一着,预料抢在…的前面行动或虑;比…先采取行动
    To deal with or think of beforehand; anticipate.