  • 几只羚羊嗅到了他们的气味,于是整个羚羊马上全跑光了。
    Several antelope caught their scent, and in no time the whole herd had taken to their heels.
  • 居的同种野生动物;羚羊、大象、海豹、鲸或斑马。
    a group of wild animals of one species that remain together: antelope or elephants or seals or whales or zebra.
  • 巴布达岛西印度岛中安提瓜和巴布达的一个岛屿,在安提瓜北面,于1691年至1872年间被私人占有
    An island of Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies north of Antigua. It was privately owned from1691 to1872.
  • 博内尔岛荷属安的列斯岛中的一个岛屿,在加勒地海上,离委内瑞拉北部海滨不远。旅游业对该岛的经济举足轻重
    An island of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea off the northern coast of Venezuela. Tourism is important to its economy.
  • 各种海藻样水栖动物,通常形成有分枝的体;每只珊瑚虫的嘴和肛门都长在触须的一个封闭的环内。
    any of various mosslike aquatic animals usually forming branching colonies; each polyp having a both mouth and anus within a closed ring of tentacles.
  • 广场上的人越来越焦虑地等候有关总统健康状况的消息。
    The crowds outside in the square waited ever more anxiously for news of the President’s health.
  • 不要脱离群众。
    Never stand apart from the masses.
  • 几年来独自成长;决定离索居
    Grew apart over the years; decided to live apart.
  • 这次整风之所以必要,是因为战争非常艰苦,又处在接近胜利的关头,正需要我们更加密切地联系众以争取胜利,而党内存在着成分不纯作风不纯的现象,一部分同志有消极失望的情绪和严重脱离众的现象,这些现象必须加以克服,才能前进。
    This movement was necessary because the war had become extremely intense and we were at the point of winning, so we needed to forge still closer ties with the masses. However, undesirable phenomena in the Party--impurities in membership composition and work style, and apathy, low morale and serious estrangement from the masses, as had been found among some comrades--had to be overcome before we could continue.
  • 宫廷里的学究是在猴子里的驴子。
    A scholar at court is an ass among ape.
  • 最小并且是最类似于人的树栖类人猿,长臂且没有尾巴;产于亚洲南部和印度岛东部。
    smallest and most perfectly anthropoid arboreal ape having long arms and no tail; of southern Asia and East Indies.
  • 黑猩猩产于非洲热带地区的一种长有长长的黑毛居类人猿(黑猩猩),有一些栖于树上的生活习惯且表现出与人类相似的行为以及高等的智力,现在被认为在荒野里很可能灭绝
    A gregarious anthropoid ape(Pan troglodytes) of tropical Africa, having long dark hair and somewhat arboreal habits and exhibiting humanlike behavior and a high degree of intelligence. It is now considered vulnerable to extinction in the wild.
  • 裸蕨科的模式属;古生代植物,为小而坚韧的草木,具地下根状茎和顶生的孢子囊
    type genus of the Psilophytaceae: genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia.
  • 与体积和重量相当于一辆汽车的大型卫星不同,“21世纪技术卫星”将使用“虚拟卫星”———一每颗重量仅为300磅的微型卫星。
    Instead of large satellites the size and weight of cars, TechSat 21 would use“virtual satellites”--clusters of microsatellites weighing about 300 pounds apiece.
  • 讲到神和人的分别,神不过有一些在天上起雷霆,在地上养植物的神力而已,他们能永生,喝花蜜造成的神酒,而不喝酒——其实所用的果实也不很两样。我们觉得可以亲近这一的家伙,背了一个行囊和阿波罗(apollo——司日轮、音乐、诗、医疗、豫言等之神)或雅典娜(athene——司智慧、学术、技艺、战争之女神)一同去打猎,或在路上拦住了麦裘理(mercury——商人、旅客、盗贼及狡猾者之保护神)和他闲谈,正如和美国西方联合电报局(western union)的信差闲谈一样,如果这阵谈话谈得太有趣的话,我们可以想象麦裘理说:“不错,好的。
    So far as the difference between gods and men is concerned, the gods merely had divine powers of hurling thunderbolts in heaven and raising vegetation on earth, were immortal, and drank nectar instead of wine the fruits were pretty much the same. One feels one can be intimate with this crowd, can go hunting with a knapsack on one's back with Apollo or Athene, or stop Mercury on the way and chat with him as with a Western Union messenger boy, and if the conversation gets too interesting, we can imagine Mercury saying, "Yeah. Okay.
  • 困惑的旁观者瞪视着可怕的残骸
    A crowd of confounded bystanders stared at the appalling wreckage.
  • 例如说,在全国解放以后,不到两三年的时间,我们就改变了旧社会那种极端腐败的社会风气,树立了具有优良道德品质的新的社会风气,难道没有广大人民众自觉自愿的行动和众之间的相互教育、相互劝导和相互帮助,能够收到这样的效果吗?
    Here is yet another example. In less than three years after nationwide liberation, we got rid of the appallingly corrupt social conduct of the old days and fostered new social conduct with fine moral character. How could such results have been obtained without the conscientious and voluntary participation of the masses, without their learning from each other, offering advice to each other and helping each other?
  • 代表、争取或者符合广大众的利益的。
    representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large.
  • 出现了一大群蝗虫。
    There appeared an army of locusts.
  • “快满足众的要求。我负责去恳求典吏息怒,典吏再去请红衣主教大人息怒。”
    “Do you content the people—I will undertake to appease Monsieur the provost, who, in his turn, will appease Monsieur the Cardinal.
  • 这种错误,忽视资产阶级(尤其是大资产阶级)不但在极力影响小资产阶级和农民,而且还在极力影响无产阶级和共产党,力求消灭无产阶级和共产党在思想上、政治上、组织上的独立性,力求把无产阶级和共产党变成资产阶级及其政党的尾巴,力求使革命果实归于资产阶级的一一党的事实;
    The error here consists in neglecting the fact that the bourgeoisie (and especially the big bourgeoisie) not only exerts an influence on the petty bourgeoisie and the peasantry, but does its utmost to influence the proletariat and the Communist Party in a strenuous effort to destroy their ideological, political and organizational independence, turn them into an appendage of the bourgeoisie and its political party, and ensure that it will reap the fruits of the revolution for itself or its political party alone;
  • 在一场演出中雇佣来拍手喝彩的一追随者。
    a group of followers hired to applaud at a performance.
  • 总统的汽车到达时,众中爆发出热烈的掌声。
    As the President's car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause.
  • 人群中爆发出掌声。
    The applause burst from the crowd.
  • 群论在化学中的应用
    application of group theory in chemistry
  • 要处理得当,要相信绝大多数众有判断是非的能力。
    We should deal with such situations appropriately, having faith that the overwhelming majority of the people are able to use their own judgement.
  • 妥善处理突发性、体性事件,努力把矛盾和纠纷解决在基层,消除在萌芽状态。
    Some unexpected incidents involving mass participation were handled appropriately. Efforts were made to resolve conflicts and disputes in the bud and at the lowest level.
  • 人高喊着他们的口号。
    The crowd roared their approval.
  • 大叫着表示赞成。
    The crowd roared out their approval.
  • 你一转向船头,呈现在面前的是一片无边无际的古老屋顶,仿佛是一铺天盖地的牛羊,而浮现在其上面的是圣小教堂后殿的铅皮圆屋顶,远望过去,好似一只大象后背上驮着教堂的钟楼。
    Turning towards the prow, one had before one an innumerable flock of ancient roofs, over which arched broadly the lead-covered apse of the Sainte-Chapelle, like an elephant's haunches loaded with its tower.
  • 昆斯敦市位于峦叠嶂之下,这些山峰有个非常恰当的名字--卓越峰。游览这处胜景可以从库克山乘车向南行驶4小时或从基督城乘一小段飞机。
    Queens-town, sitting under the jagged peaks of the aptly-named Remarkables, is a scenic four-hour drive south of Mount Cook, or a short flight from Christchurch.
  • 如果子嗣底所好和能力是超的,那末最好不要拂逆他,这是真的;
    It is true, that if the affection or aptness of the children be extraordinary, then it is good not to cross it;