  • 冬天你应该遮挡雪的反光以保护眼睛。
    In winter you eyes should be shielded from light reflected from the snow.
  • 那道试题纯粹是送分。
    That exam question was an absolute gift!
  • 他上白班或夜班。
    He works the day shift or night shift.
  • 那个价钱,纯粹是给。
    At that price it's an absolute gift!
  • 有150人上白班。
    There are 150 men on the day shift.
  • 有150人上白班。
    There be 150 men on the day shift.
  • 班的有150人。
    There is 150 men on the day shift.
  • 在华丽雪的盔甲里。
    in shining white armor.
  • 新西兰木材,木身呈亮色。
    timber tree of New Zealand having shiny white wood.
  • 空,空不存在任何东西;空一片
    Total absence of matter; emptiness.
  • 中国常青缠绕植物,长有有光泽的深绿色叶子和很香的花。
    evergreen Chinese woody climber with shiny dark green leaves and intensely fragrant white flowers.
  • 白色衬衫容易弄脏。
    White shirts soil easily.
  • 冷常伴有打寒战和脸色苍的寒冷的感觉
    A sensation of coldness, often accompanied by shivering and pallor of the skin.
  • 美洲热带浅滩中苍色的小鱼,眼睛长在头顶上;在沙里打洞伺机捕食。
    small pallid fishes of shoal tropical waters of North and South America having eyes on stalks atop head; they burrow in sand to await prey.
  • 因震惊而变惨白的脸
    A face livid with shock.
  • 他因受到打击而脸色发
    He was white with shock.
  • 每一年,在那段时间,她一定会守候在电视机前。然后,她就会开始发表意见。例如,虽然报道某某内阁成员患病但却看来气色不错,或者某某人居然已经满头发了等等。
    Every year, without fail, she will stay glued to the goggle-box at that very moment and comment on how so-and-so from the Cabinet looks well despite reported illness, or how Mr X has shockingly grown a head of white hair.
  • 这里有很多种布鞋,有布底布鞋和红塑料底布鞋,塑料底布鞋,你喜欢哪一种呢?
    There are different kinds of cloth shoes. We have cloth shoe-soles and plastic shoe-soles with vermilion or white colours, which one do you prefer?
  • 据说约翰几乎是手起家的。
    It is said that John started his business on a shoestring.
  • 太阳光穿过大雾泛地照耀着。
    The sun shone whitely through the mist.
  • 丛林漫游暂时回归传统的原始生活方式,在人社会中尤其在工作或居住的间隔期开展,通常包括穿越丛林的一段漫游
    A temporary return to traditional aboriginal life, taken especially between periods of work or residence in white society and usually involving a period of travel through the bush.
  • 斯托,哈里艾特(伊丽莎)·比彻尔1811-1896美国作家,其反奴隶制小说汤姆叔叔的小屋(1852年)具有巨大的政治影响力,促进了废奴运动发展
    American writer whose antislavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin(1852) had great political influence and advanced the cause of abolition.
  • 冬天的时候,天变短了。
    In winter, the days shorten.
  • 白天开始变短了。
    The days are beginning to shorten.
  • 白天变得越来越短。
    The days are getting shorter and shorter.
  • 白天变得越来越短。
    The day is get shorter and shorter.
  • 冬天来临,天越来越短了。
    The days get shorter as winterapproaches.
  • 随着冬天来临,天越来越短了。
    The days get shorter as winter approaches.
  • 冬天来临,天变短了。
    With the coming of winter days get shorter.
  • 天变长了,黑夜变短了。
    The days get longer and the nights get shorter.
  • 冬季白天较短。
    The days are shorter in (the) winter-time.
  • 十二月22日是一年中天最短的。
    December 22 is the shortest day of a year.