  • 我们虽跨入华文“复兴”的门槛,但也不能忽略受英文教育的一群。
    We may be standing on the threshold of a Chinese ''Renaissance'', but we could not afford to disregard the English-educated.
  • 我不喜这个博物馆里的许多展览品,而文艺复兴时期的一些青铜器却使我很感兴趣。
    I didn't like many of the exhibits in the museum, although I was quite taken with some of the Renaissance bronzes.
  • 多那太罗意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格的先驱者,以其生动自、形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象
    Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.
  • 再次是时髦风尚,越来越怪诞,越来越丑陋,从文艺复兴时期种种杂乱无章和富丽堂皇的偏向开始,层出不穷,必导致建筑艺术的衰落。
    lastly, fashions, even more grotesque and foolish, which, since the anarchical and splendid deviations of the Renaissance,have followed each other in the necessary decadence of architecture.
  • 焦托佛罗伦萨画家、建筑师和雕塑家。被认为是文艺复兴之前意大利最伟大的画家,他从拜占庭形式化的风格转向对人类的表情和动作的更自表现
    Florentine painter, architect, and sculptor. Considered the greatest painter of pre-Renaissance Italy, he turned from the formulaic Byzantine style to a more natural representation of human expression and movement.
  • 基督教信徒中期望救世主的即将来临的突出现发生的成员。
    a member of Christian denomination that expects the imminent advent of Christ.
  • 没有这种手段,想寻觅其它行星上的智力生命,将如同在没有事先约定地点的情况下,而且想以荒唐地逛大街的办法以期偶碰巧在伦敦遇见一位友人一样。
    Without something of this kind, searching for intelligence on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.
  • 而,在目前台湾海峡两岸关系日益缓和的形势下,有的国家竟违背自己在国际协议中的承诺,置中国政府的一再严正交涉于不顾,向台湾出售武器,在海峡两岸之间制造紧张局势。
    However, at a time when relations across the Taiwan Straits are easing up, certain powers have seen fit to renege on their undertakings under international agreements and to flout the Chinese Government's repeated strong representations by making arms sales to Taiwan, thereby whipping up tension between the two sides of the Straits.
  • 对孩子语言的教育是自天成,事半功倍;
    In fact, it is advantageous for them to do so as their use of the language can help their children's linguistic development and growth.
  • 中国的海域处在中、低纬度地带,自环境和资源条件比较优越。
    Located in medium and low latitudes, China's sea areas have comparatively advantageous natural environmental and resource conditions.
  • 意外的相遇使他们恢复了友谊;向偶路过的路人寻求帮助;偶的相遇;偶事件。
    their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their friendship; seek help from casual passers-by; a casual meeting; a chance occurrence.
  • 我祷告之後觉得精神焕一新。
    After praying, I felt spiritually renewed.
  • 不死鸟,长生鸟埃及神话中的一种鸟,相传这种鸟在沙漠中生活五百年后身焚,后又从其焚灰中再生
    A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes.
  • 许多新加坡人,包括受高深教育、地位优越的社会精英,仍积习难改,时时表现出漠视他人感受的举止。若在文明的社会里,这些行为即使不受到直言谴责,至少也是要遭人白眼的。
    Many Singaporeans, including the highly-educated and socially-advantaged elites, still routinely display tardy and inconsiderate character traits which would have been frowned upon, if not outright condemned, in a more polite society.
  • [司法部长]雷诺最近几个星期曾会见塞森数次,显是请他走路,但未马上产生效果。克林顿总统是唯一能把联邦调查局局长革职的人,可是他并未如此做。
    [Attorney General Janet] Reno has met with sessions several times in the past few weeks, apparently to show him the door, but without immediate success. And President Clinton, who is the only one who can fire the FBI director, has not done so.
  • 我们既要把迪涅的这位主教据实地写出来,就应当提到他曾几次这样说过:“叫我不用银器盛东西吃,我想是不容易做到的。”
    And since we are now painting the Bishop of D---- as he was in reality, we must add that he had said more than once, "I find it difficult to renounce eating from silver dishes."
  • 他说前进部队已占领电站(现在仍占领。)
    He said(that) the advancing force has captured the power station.
  • 先进的文化必战胜没落的文化。
    Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture.
  • 问题是这种债务是不是应该由政府来偿还。当,不是。
    But the question is whether these debts should be repaid by the government. The answer is, of course,they should not.
  • 抵押并不保证贷款必将得到偿还,但它能够减少风险,这是因为对以担保品形式抵押给银行的任何资产,银行可优先于一般的债权人得到清偿,成为清偿中的优先债权人。
    Although Security does not assure that the loan will repaid, it does reduce the risk, because the bank becomes a preferred creditor in the event of liquidation, and takes procedure over general creditors in the liquidation of any assets pledged to the bank as collateral.
  • 好的,虽您的保证期限已过了,不过我们会尽快派修护人员去。
    All right, although your warranty has already expired, we'll send a repairman out as soon as possible.
  • 电视修理工还没有把色彩完全调好,但我劝他就那样算了。
    Although the colours were not perfectly adjusted by the television repairman, I advised him to leave well enough alone.
  • 为使艺术、自科学和文学得到进步的机构。
    an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature.
  • 这是社会前进的必规律。
    This is an inexorable law governing social advancement.
  • 大部分非法入境者是为了找寻工作和获得较佳工资,因此当局经常派员前往建筑地盘、工厂及其他工作地点搜查,如发现非法入境者在港工作,会先行检控后予以遣返。
    Most illegal immigrants came to the HKSAR seeking work and higher wages. Frequent checks were conducted on construction sites, factories and other places of employment. Illegal immigrants found working were prosecuted before repatriation.
  • …我们是穷人,当,没法报答您出的力,……
    we are poor people and cannot of course repay you, and.…
  • 后他向主席台走去。
    Then he advanced to the rostrum.
  • 假如你真的愿意帮我,我自会报答你的。
    It's natural that I shall repay you if you will give me real help.
  • 假如你真的愿意帮我,我自会报答你的。
    It 's natural that I shall repay you if you will give me real help.
  • 侵袭突的侵袭或军事进攻
    A sudden raid or military advance.
  • 听我读,后重复一遍。
    Listen to me and then repeat
  • 儿童自的社会行为是嘻戏。在喀戏的场合,欢笑说明假装的攻击性行为仅仅是玩耍,而不必当真。通过这种重要的途径,孩子们形成积极的情感纽带,获取了新的社交技能,并且长大成人。
    Natural social behaviour in children is playful behaviour, and in such situations laughter indicates that make-believe aggression is just fun, not for real, and this is an important way in which children form positive emotional bonds, gain new social skills and generally start to move from childhood to adulthood.