  • 忘川忘却之河,遗忘之河,是冥府中五河流之一
    The river of forgetfulness, one of the five rivers in Hades.
  • 冥河痛苦之河,为组成哈得斯河的五河之一
    The river of woe, one of the five rivers of Hades.
  • 由诺克斯维尔附近的另外两河流汇合而成的河流;沿一个u形道,在肯塔基州西部形成了俄亥俄河的一支流。
    a river formed by the confluence of two other rivers near Knoxville; it follows a U-shaped course to become a tributary of the Ohio River in western Kentucky.
  • 普拉特河美国内布拉斯加州中部的一河流,流程约499公里(310英里),由北普拉特河和南普拉特河汇合形成,向东在衣阿华州边界奥马哈下游注入密苏里河
    A river, about499 km(310 mi) long, of central Nebraska formed by the confluence of the North Platte and South Platte rivers and flowing eastward to the Missouri River at the Iowa border below Omaha.
  • 第九 防洪规划是指为防治某一流域、河段或者区域的洪涝灾害而制定的总体部署,包括国家确定的重要江河、湖泊的流域防洪规划,其他江河、河段、湖泊的防洪规划以及区域防洪规划。
    Article 9 Flood control planning refers to the overall arrangement for the prevention and control of flood and waterlogging calamities in a certain river basin, river course or region, including river bas in flood control planning for major rivers and lakes designated by the state, flood control planning of other rivers, river courses and lakes as well as regional flood control planning.
  • 目前,全国已建立了25片国家级水土流失重点治理区,实施了七大流域水土保持工程,在1万多水土流失严重的小流域开展了山水田林综合治理。
    At present, 25 key soil erosion control areas have been established at the national level. Water and soil conservation projects are carried out in seven big river valleys. In more than 10,000 small river valleys with serious soil erosion, problems concerning mountains, rivers, farmland and forests are tackled in a comprehensive way.
  • 巴西的河流;亚马逊河的一支流。
    a Brazilian river; tributary of the Amazon River.
  • 亚洲的河流;鄂毕河的支流。
    an Asian river; tributary of the Ob River.
  • 澳洲的一河;墨累河的支流。
    an Australian river; tributary of the Murray River.
  • 河在近河囗处展开成扇状。
    The river fans out near the river mouth.
  • 我那狗一路紧跟著我跑到河边
    My dog heeled me all the way to the riverside
  • 凿一个洞;凿出一小溪。
    cut a hole; cut trenches; The sweat cut little rivulets into her face.
  • 改善的路是一直路;但是未经改善的弯路乃是天才之路。
    Improvement make straight roads; but the crooked road without improvement is the road of genius.
  • 交叉路与另一道路相交的路
    A road that intersects another road.
  • 山中的一蜿蜒的道路;充满惊奇的弯道;在拐弯的时候必须掌好方向盘。
    a tortuous road up the mountain; winding roads are full of surprises; had to steer the car down a twisty track.
  • 基础建设工程现正进行,包括兴建两主干路(红磡绕道及公主道连接路),工程将于一九九九年年中完成。
    Engineering infrastructure, including two trunk roads (the Hung Hom Bypass and Princess Margaret Road Link), is being built for completion in mid-1999.
  • 运输署由运输署署长统领,负责监督《道路交通例》和公共交通服务法例的执行工作,其职责包括筹划运输策略,管理道路交通、政府行车隧道、停车场和设有收费表的泊车位,管理内部道路系统与水上公共交通,签发驾驶执照,并负责车辆登记、发牌和检验等事宜。
    The department is the authority for administering the Road Traffic Ordinance and legislation regulating public transport operations. Responsibilities cover transport planning, road traffic and tunnel management, car-parks and metered parking spaces, regulation of internal roads and waterborne public transport, licensing of drivers and the registration, licensing and inspection of vehicles.
  • 崎岖不平的乡村小路
    A bumpy country road.
  • 一条蜿蜒曲折的山路
    A cranky mountain road.
  • 这条路延伸好几哩。
    The road continues formiles.
  • 这条路陡降。
    The road descends steeply.
  • 这条道路埋有地雷。
    The road is mined.
  • 路笔直地沿伸出去。
    the road runs straight.
  • 那条路向东伸展。
    The road sweeps eastward.
  • 对自然件稍好的地段进行人工培植草皮试验,辅以喷播、复膜等技术,在沱沱河长江源区,高原路基植草专项试验已取得了初步成功。
    Where the natural conditions are good enough, turf to be cultivated by manpower should be tried out, supported by the techniques of spray sowing and plastic film mulching. In the Tuotuo River area, where the Yangtze River originates, test-planting of grass on plateau roadbeds has been successful in the first stage.
  • (道路)在双向的道路口有一单行道的;当车辆相遇时一方必须离开道路让另一方通过的。
    (of roads) having a single lane for traffic in both directions; when vehicles meet one must pull off the road to let the other pass.
  • 截至一九九八年底,香港共有1865公里道路及1737座道路建筑物、三沉管式过海隧道及八穿过山丘的行车隧道。
    At the end of 1998, Hong Kong had 1 865 kilometres of roads and 1737 highway structures, three immersed-tube, cross-harbour tunnels, and eight road tunnels penetrating the hills of the territory.
  • 完善市区二环和东西、南北"十字"景观轴线的两侧绿化,搞好其它城市道路、水系两侧绿化,高标准完成255主要大街的绿化改造。
    More green should be added aside the Second Ring Road and the 2 axle-roads of city layout both from north to south and east to west. Along other waterways and motorways, high-class green belt shall be built, especially along the 255 main streets and roads. Three-dimension plantation will be advocated to add green to the walls and flyovers.
  •  第十二改编、翻译、注释、整理已有作品而产生的作品,其著作权由改编、翻译、注释、整理人享有,但行使著作权时,不得侵犯原作品的著作权。
    Article 12 Where a work is created by adaptation, translation, annotation or arrangement of a pre-existing work, the copyright in the work thus created shall be enjoyed by the adaptor, translator or arranger, provided that the exercise of such copyright shall not prejudice the copyright in the original work.
  • 两条道路在此连接。
    Two roads connect here.
  • 条条道路通罗马。
    All roads lead to Rome.
  • 那两道路在那里交叉。
    The two roads cross there.