Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他用一块沾油的抹布干净汽车。
    He cleaned the car with an oily rag.
  • 他往膝盖上了一些药膏。
    He rubbed some ointment on his knee.
  • 一种治疗伤的药膏。
    an ointment used in treating bruises.
  • ,涂,抹用油、油膏或类似物质涂
    To apply oil, ointment, or a similar substance to.
  • 他敷上油膏,并用手指揉,使它充分浸入。
    He spread on the ointment and worked it in thoroughly with the fingers.
  • "一束阳光突然刺入眼中,"他说,"刚开始的时候,我无法看见任何东西,因为我的眼睛上敷着一层药膏,但是,当医生把我眼睛上的药膏去后,我最先看见了他的领带,然后是他的手。
    "This sudden whoosh of light penetrated," he says. "At first I couldn' t see through the film of ointment covering my eyes, but as the surgeon cleaned it off I started to focus on his tie, then his hands.
  • 通过制动块在纺纱盘的两面产生磨力。
    friction is applied to both sides of spinning disk by the brake pads.
  • 因皮肤被摩而感到疼痛。
    painful from having the skin abraded.
  • 玛丽走路时着了一扇新刷过油漆的门,衣服上沾了一些油漆。
    Mary rubbed up against a newly painted door, and got some of the paint on her dress.
  • 她走路时着一扇新漆过的门,衣服沾上了一些油漆。
    She rubbed up against a newly painted door, and got some of the paint on her dress.
  • 油漆是擦不掉的。
    Paint won't wipe off.
  • 他们用布块去,以净嵌板边沿。
    They rubbed the cloth along to clean the edges of the panels.
  • 这篇文章的一整段被掉了。
    A whole paragraph of the article was sponged out.
  • 镶木地板亮得象镜子;精心拭的银器陈列在亮灿灿的玻璃柜子里;
    The parquet floors shone like mirrors; highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets;
  • 突然,他听到车轮胎在沙地上摩发出的嘎吱嘎吱的声音!"帕蒂!"他大叫。
    Suddenly,he hears the sound of tires crunching on grave! “ Patty!” he cries.
  • 一颗小石子过挡风玻璃
    A pebble glanced off the windshield.
  • 我擦汗。
    I wipe the perspiration off.
  • 人群中挤得只能柱而过。
    There was only just room to brush past the pillar in the crowd.
  • 他的烟斗需要了。
    His pipe wants cleaning.
  • 马上,海盗们瞪起眼睛、咬牙切齿、摩拳掌、把我们团团围住了。
    In a moment the pirate was all around us, rolling their eyes, gnashing their teeth, and filing their nail.
  • 你把盘子擦干好吗?
    Will you wipe these plates up?
  • 擦银器[玻璃、家具]。
    polish silver [glass, furniture]
  • 他擦亮小汽车。
    He polished the car.
  • 磨亮,磨平摩(某物品表面)直至光滑
    To polish(a surface) until smooth.
  • 这辆汽车需要洗一下。
    The car needs some spit and polish.
  • 她帮母亲光所有的家具。
    She helped her mother polish all the furniture.
  • 这鞋要好好擦擦。
    The shoes could do with a good polish
  • 这辆公汽车需要很好地一下。
    This bus could do with a good polish.
  • 这辆车需要好好一下。
    This car could do with a good polish.
  • 你的自行车需要好好
    Your bike could do with a good polish.
  • 出门前把皮鞋擦亮
    Do give your shoes a polish before you go out
  • 糟糕!我忘了掉指甲油。
    Shoot! I forget to take off my nail polish.