  • 敌我强悬殊,我们在保存军力待机破敌的原则下,才主张向根据地退却,主张诱敌深入,因为只有这样做才能造成或发现利于反攻的条件。
    It is only when there is a wide disparity between the enemy's strength and ours that, acting on the principle of conserving our strength and biding our time to defeat the enemy, we advocate retreating to the base area and luring him in deep, for only by so doing can we create or find conditions favourable for our counter-offensive.
  • 那些并非亡国论者,也不是一贯的悲观主义者,仅为一时候和一局部的敌我强情况或国内腐败现象所迷惑,而一时地发生悲观心理的人们,我们也得向他们指出,他们的观点的来源也是片面性和主观性的倾向。
    As for those who are neither subjugationists nor confirmed pessimists, but who are in a pessimistic frame of mind for the moment simply because they are confused by the disparity between our strength and that of the enemy at a given time and in certain respects or by the corruption in the country, we should point out to them that their approach also tends to be one-sided and subjective.
  • 事情是现时敌我强的程度悬殊太大,敌之缺点一时还没有也不能发展到足以减杀其强的因素之必要的程度,我之优点一时也没有且不能发展到足以补充其的因素之必要的程度,所以平衡不能出现,而出现的是不平衡。
    The fact is that the disparity between the enemy's strength and our own is now so great that the enemy's shortcomings have not developed, and for the time being can not develop, to a degree sufficient to offset his strength, while our advantages have not developed, and for the time being cannot develop, to a degree sufficient to compensate for our weakness. Therefore there can as yet be no balance, only imbalance.
  • 有这种意见的人,也常说一切应服从战争,他们不知道如果取消了经济建设,这就不是服从战争,而是削战争。
    Those who think this way often say that everything should be subordinated to the war effort, but they fail to understand that to dispense with economic construction would weaken the war effort rather than subordinate everything to it.
  • --联合国及其机构保护势群体,如儿童、难民、流离失所者、少数民族、土著居民和残疾人。
    The UN and its agencies protect vulnerable groups, like children, refugees, displaced persons, minorities, indigenous people and the disabled.
  • 性格和脾气上很明显的
    Legible weaknesses in character and disposition.
  • (二)在敌兵力薄地区,进行普遍的骚扰和破坏时;
    when we want to harass and disrupt the enemy throughout an area where his forces are weak;
  • 尽管这个制度还不完善,又遭受了破坏,但是无论如何,社会主义制度总比肉强食、损人利己的资本主义制度好得多。
    After all, although our socialist system is still imperfect and has suffered disruption, it is much better than the capitalist system based on the law of the jungle and the principle of "getting ahead" at the expense of others.
  • 敌人采用各种分化手段破裂中国统一战线的企图,此阶段中并不会减,因此,中国内部团结的任务更加重要,务不令内部不调致战略反攻半途而废。
    During this stage, the enemy will not relax his divisive tricks to break China's united front, hence the task of maintaining internal unity in China will become still more important, and we shall have to ensure that the strategic counter-offensive does not collapse halfway through internal dissension.
  • 掩饰不过是策略或智谋中较的一种,因为要知道何时当说真话,何时当行真事需要强壮的脑筋和心胸也。因此政治家之中较的一流方是善于掩饰者。
    Dissimulation is but a faint kind of policy, or wisdom; for it asketh a strong wit,and a strong heart, to know when to tell truth, and to do it Therefore it is me weaker sort of politics, that are the great dissemblers.
  • 但计算显示,星际间的气体可能驱散了超新星的辐射并减了其作用。
    But calculations indicated that fields of interstellar gas would have dissipated a supernova's radiation and blunted its impact.
  • 那两个瘦的男孩是远房亲戚。
    Those two weak boys are distant relations.
  • 讯号在失真极小或不失真的情况下减(调幅或电子讯号)
    To reduce(the amplitude of an electrical signal) with little or no distortion.
  • 由于电的干扰所造成的传播信号的暂时减或渐逝。
    a gradual temporary loss of a transmitted signal due to electrical disturbances.
  • 记得孙子所说的:迷惑、猜疑将导致不团结,削竞争力,结果让对手坐享胜利的果实。
    Remember what Sun Tzu said about confusion and suspicion.They will lead to disunity, cause erosion of our competitiveness and provide victory to our competitors!
  • 记得孙子所说的:迷惑、猜疑将导致不团结,削竞争力,结果让对手坐享胜利的果实。
    Remember what Sun Tzu said about confusion and suspicion. They will lead to disunity, cause erosion of our competitiveness and provide victory to our competitors!
  • 在热天,空着肚子喝酒会格外有害,可引起低血糖,让你感到头晕目眩,身体虚,并迅速改变情绪。
    On a hot day, drinking on an empty stomach can be especially harmful. It can produce hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), making you feel dizzy and weak and shifting your mood rapidly.
  • 强者支配行弱者。
    The strong dominate over the weak.
  • 强者通常统治弱者。
    The strong usually dominate the weak.
  • 强者通常控制弱者。
    The strong usually dominate over the weak.
  • 我们积极倡导和维护和平共处五项原则,坚决反对以强凌的霸权主义和强权政治,坚持原则,支持公道,伸张正义,努力维护广大发展中国家的正当权益,推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。
    We have actively advocated and safeguarded the Five Principles of Peaceful Co- existence , resolutely opposed the hegemonies and power politics with the strong domineering over the weak. We have upheld principle and justice , striving to let justice prevail and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the vast developing countries , and pushed the establishment of a just and reasonable new international political and economic order.
  • 然而,当今世界上,以大欺小、以强凌、干涉内政、侵犯主权、武装侵略和占领他国领土等违背联合国宪章和国际法准则的行径仍然存在,局部战争和地区冲突从未停止。
    However, in today's world, acts which go against the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law still exist. These include such practices as the big bullying the small, the strong domineering over the weak, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and violating their sovereignty, and armed aggression and occupation of the territory of other states. Local wars and regional conflicts have been incessant.
  • 她的一位远亲,多丽丝·凯,捐赠了100美元,她说沃纳太太从不认为自己也是一位受害的者。
    Doris Kaye, a distant relative who sent $100, said that Mrs.Werner had never considered herself an underdog.
  • 那是我的弱点。
    That's my dotty points.
  • 下风板,减横漂板装在帆船船体外侧的一对可移动的木质板或金属板的一块,用于减顺风漂移
    One of a pair of movable boards or plates attached to the hull of a sailing vessel to reduce downwind drift.
  • 发烧使他不断虚弱。
    It’s the fever that’s been dragging him down.
  • 她承受不了如此的高温,感到虚
    She can't stand the intense heat, it really drags her down.
  • 我的体力已渐衰弱。
    My strength is draining away.
  • 恐怖主义的恶行已经超越了人类可以接受的范围,威胁平白无辜的人。恐怖分子阴险地踩在国际间最脆的族群和宗教议题裂缝上,刻意造成文明对落后的欺压假象,强调西方与东方的冲突,以及列强对国的攻击,目的正是要扩大国际间不同阵营的误会,顺水推舟演一场西方霸强凌辱无助百姓的煽情大戏,恶意分裂这个世界。
    Taking full advantage of the sensitive issues of race and religion, the terrorists have created a false image of being victimised by developed nations. By playing up conflicts between the West and the East and the assaults of the powerful on the weak, it hopes to deepen misunderstandings between different camps in the world. It also hopes to dramatise the humiliation of the helpless and innocent by Western powers, with the evil intention of splitting the world.
  • 属于少数社群的艺术家,因为力量特别微,所以采取的方法可能更激烈、更极端。
    Those from the minority communities, as they do not feel strong enough, may opt for ways that are more drastic and extreme.
  • 在多次无聊的委员会会议上,每个人在逻辑上的点总是你给准确地指出来的呀。
    At those dreary committee meetings it is always you who put your finger on the weak spot in everybody's logic.
  • 老妇人的身体疲惫衰
    The old woman's body drooped with weariness.