  • 我父亲总是说,一个孩子需要四样东西--充分的爱、富于营养的食物、有规律的睡眠、大量的肥皂和水--这些完了呢,他最需要的是一些明智的放任。(美国政府员 普里斯特.I.B.)
    My father had always said that there are four things a child needs plenty of love, nourishing food, fegular sleep , and lots of soap and water---and after those, what he needs most is some intelligent neglect. (Ivy Baker Priest, American officer of government)
  • 至今还戴18世纪的假发套而没有人嘲笑。
    Eighteenth-century wigs are still worn by the judiciary and nobody smirks.
  • 我早已抛弃了这种观念:高等教育是通往成功或者幸福的必由之路。知识的“温室”并不总能生长可供食物用的粮食。(美国州政府员 摩西 R)
    I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (Robert Moses, American state govenment officer)
  • 他的首任指挥不酗酒,不抽烟,但自由式打斗是个厉害的家伙。
    His first Commanding Officer was a non-drinker, and non-smoker, but a holy terror if it came to a rough and tumble.
  • 重组政府架构,目的是使问责员更明确掌握自己的责任,更加紧密团结,工作更协调和更加顺畅。
    The restructured system will give the Principal Officials a clear understanding of their respective responsibility, strengthen solidarity, enhance the internal working relationship and smoothen co-operation.
  • 该政府员与一个犯罪团伙相勾结,进行走私活动。
    The government official connived with a criminal gang to smuggle goods.
  • 海关员不断地监视着,看有没有人走私威士忌酒。
    The customs officials were on the watch for smuggled whisky.
  • 前不久,我从国外回来,一个出格地爱管闲事的年轻海关员显然把我看作一个走私犯。
    When I returned from abroad recently , a particularly officious young Customs officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.
  • 海岸检查拘捕了五个走私犯
    The coast guard picked up five smugglers.
  • 僚们自鸣得意地解释说,他们自己的专家所提供的事实表明没有什么好担心的。
    the bureaucrats explained smugly that the facts provided by their own experts show no cause for concern.
  • 腾格拉尔一面说着一面写了起来,他用左手写下了几行歪歪斜斜的根本看不出是他自己的笔迹的文字,然后他把那篇文字交给弗尔南多,弗尔南多低声读道:“检察先生台鉴,敝人拥护王室及教会之人士,兹向您报告有爱德蒙·唐太斯其人,系法老号之大副,今晨自士麦拿经那不勒斯抵埠,中途曾停靠费拉约港。此人受缪拉之命送信与逆贼,并受逆贼命送信与巴黎拿破仑党委员会。
    And Danglars, uniting practice with theory, wrote with his left hand, and in a writing reversed from his usual style, and totally unlike it, the following lines, which he handed to Fernand, and which Fernand read in an undertone:--"The honorable, the king's attorney, is informed by a friend of the throne and religion, that one Edmond Dantès, mate of the ship Pharaon, arrived this morning from Smyrna, after having touched at Naples and Porto-Ferrajo, has been intrusted by Murat with a letter for the usurper, and by the usurper with a letter for the Bonapartist committee in Paris.
  • 僚作风的过度滋长伴随而来的问题;伴随经营方针的改变而来的阻碍。
    an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with related problems; snags incidental to the changeover in management.
  • 随着手指在清单上的迅速移动,警肯定地说:“对,先生,包里的确有两张照片。”
    “Yes, sir,” he assured me, running his finger down the list on the card. “There are two snapshots here.
  • 法官禁止他卖酒。
    The judge enjoined him from selling alcohol.
  • 市政高级员苏格兰地方市政员,相当于英国的高级市政
    A Scottish municipal officer corresponding to an English alderman.
  • 这样就要脱离群众,脱离干部,甚至腐蚀自己的子女和家庭,把风气带坏了,僚主义也无法克服。
    This is liable to alienate them from the masses and the lower-ranking cadres, and even to corrupt their family members, debase the general standard of social conduct and make it impossible to overcome bureaucracy.
  • 当前,特别要注意克服不思进取、无所作为的思想状况,克服种种严重脱离群众的现象,坚决反对形式主义和僚主义的歪风。
    At present,special attention should be paid to overcoming the state of lethargy and seeking no progress, doing away with the grave alienation from the people and standing firmly against the unhealthy tendency of formalism and bureaucracy.
  • 在马格德堡苏军训练基地的一处垃圾存放点,几位克格勃军将汽油浇到箱子上后放火燃烧。
    On a rubbish dump in a Soviet military training ground near Magdeburg, the officers poured petrol over the cases and set them alight.
  • 楚兵渡河以后,还未排列成阵,宋国员又请求出击。宋襄公又说:不可,因为君子不攻击不成阵势的队伍。
    When the Chu troops had crossed the river but had not yet completed their battle alignment, the officer again proposed an immediate attack, and once again the Duke said, "No, a gentleman should never attack an army which has not yet completed its battle alignment."
  • 口位于消化道上顶端腔外,以双唇或上下腭为界、里面有发音器的腔,在高级脊椎动物中包括舌、腭和齿
    The cavity lying at the upper end of the alimentary canal, bounded on the outside by the lips and inside by the oropharynx and containing in higher vertebrates the tongue, gums, and teeth.
  • 虽然到目前为止,对于星期五晚上发生惨案的原因,尼泊尔方已经给出好几种不同的版本,其中最为流行的仍然是:王储爱上了一位前部长的女儿,但他的家人都表示坚决反对,心灰意冷的王储便开枪射杀了自己的父母和其他几位皇室成员,随后又想了结自己的生命。
    There are differing official statements about the killings Friday but the most prevalent version of events is that Crown Prince Dipendra allegedly gunned down his parents and other relatives because they objected to his plans to marry Devyani Rana, the woman he had fallen in love with.
  • 听取了他们的忠诚誓言
    The judge received their oath of allegiance.
  • 君主,领主根据封建法律,应对之效忠和服役的长或君主
    A lord or sovereign to whom allegiance and service are due according to feudal law.
  • 红军兵中的边界本地人都分得了土地,只是远籍人分配土地颇为困难。
    Land has been allotted to all Red Army officers and men who are natives of the border area, but it is rather difficult to allot land to those from other parts of the country.
  • 这些职,有一定的俸食,都是代以落花生。宰相每天食俸十荚;御史五荚;提督是要替王去打仗的,食俸同宰相;总兵食俸同御史。
    All these appointments had their own allotted victuals from Peanuts: the Prime Minister received a daily allotment of ten pods of peanuts, Ministers each received five pods, Generals who had to go to war for the King each received the same allotment as the Prime Minister, the Company Commanders each received the same amount as the Ministers.
  • 允许某人出售猎物或野味的方许可
    Official permit which allows someone to sell game
  • 当她说她的名字是‘主·上帝’时,一个警以酒后开车的罪名拘捕了她。
    When she gave her name as the Lord God Almighty, an officer arrested her for drunken driving.
  • 夏威夷州在1959年的立法条例中认可阿洛哈州为其方通用名称。
    The state of Hawaii recognized the Aloha State as its official popular name in a 1959 legislative act.
  • 没有同情心的僚;人们反感革命;他的高贵使他看起来冷淡而且没有同情心。
    unsympathetic officialdom; people unsympathetic to the revolution; his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic.
  • 肺鱼亚马孙河,中部和西部非州,澳大利亚的一种细长的淡水鱼;这类鱼除了鳃之外还有肺状的器,能够呼吸空气。某些鱼种还可在土地中粘液丝结成的茧状物中经历一段干旱而不死
    Any of several elongated freshwater fishes of the Amazon, western and central Africa, and Australia that have lunglike organs as well as gills and are able to breathe air, allowing certain species to survive periods of drought inside a mucus-lined cocoon in the mud.
  • 一个权力仅次于大使的外交
    a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador.
  • 一个代表政府出使他国,衔居于大使之下的外交
    a diplomat representing one government to another; ranks below ambassador.