  • 那位顾客对店员不客气的回答感到忿怒。
    The customer was angry with the salesgirl for her impolite answer.
  • 售货员问我有没有正好的钱,因为商店没有零钱。
    The salesgirl asked me if I had the exact sum, since the shop had no change.
  • 试图培养得礼貌些;唐突的回答;那个售货员对他很无礼。
    try to cultivate a less brusque manner; a curt reply; the salesgirl was very short with him.
  •  这时,保安拿来了一个电子仪器,让一位店员用它检查我。
    At this point, a security man came in with an electronic device in his hand. They asked a salesgirl to examine me.
  • 从这些牌中挑选一张;给你儿挑选个好丈夫。
    Take any one of these cards; Choose a good husband for your daughter; She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her.
  • 那推销员把这位妇的钱骗到手。
    The salesman diddled the woman out of her money.
  • 店员诱使孩买下戒子。
    The salesman inveigled the girl into buying the ring.
  • 推销员先用赠品打动家庭妇的心,接著就开始直截了当的兜售了。
    Housewives are soften up with free gift before the salesmen begin the hard talking.
  • 办公室里人人皆知他是个有妇之夫,但他却一直和一位秘书有来往密切,而那个孩又疯劲十足。于是,一位推销员就说服她给她的男友开一个愚人节的玩笑,说她怀孕了。
    He had been fooling around with a secretary. He was married and everyone in the office knew about it. The girl was a bit crazy, a real screwball, and one of the other salesmen persuaded her to tell her boy friend she was pregnant as an April Fool joke.
  • 赵:《英语沙龙》从2003年1月起介绍了一些瑞士著名景点,如少峰、达沃斯。
    Zhao: English Salon has introduced some most famous Swiss scenic spots,such as Jungfrau and Davos since January 2003.
  • 我的儿是一个人见人爱的小姑娘。
    My daughter is a little girl who can ace in anywhere.
  • 那女孩差点淹死了。
    The girl came within an ace of being drowned.
  • 同年《神秘的匹萨饼》出台,在该片中,朱莉娅的银幕形象趋于丰满:一个机智、敏感的邻家美人,一个有张大嘴和一头长发的可信赖的神。
    That same year Mystic Pizza came out, in which Julia's screen persona appears full blown: the salty, self-aware beauty-next-door, the believable goddess with the big mouth and big hair.
  • 六名耶稣教会传教士,他们的管家和她的儿十一月在萨尔瓦多集体被杀一事,令人特别注意到:美援未能终止萨尔瓦多陆军从事政治性谋杀。
    The massacre of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador in November brought to center stage the failure of U.S. aassistance to end political killings by the Salvadoran Army.
  • 腰带,环带腰带或饰带,特别是系在牧师法衣上或僧侣及修法衣上的腰带
    A belt or sash, especially one worn with an ecclesiastical vestment or the habit of a monk or nun.
  • 阔腰带用一个大平蝴蝶结系在后背的宽腰带,日本妇用于传统服装上
    A wide sash fastened in the back with a large flat bow, worn by women in Japan as a part of the traditional dress.
  • 这时,那个小孩非常小心地把杯子放回到茶碟里。
    The girl put her cup back in its saucer -- carefully.
  • 麦加:世界比赛中,选手多采用飞碟打法。
    Maiga: In world competitions, female athletes mostly use the fly-ing saucer method.
  • 在沙特阿拉伯,有39%的婚姻发生在有亲族关系的男之间。
    In parts of Saudi Arabia, 39% of all marriages are between first cousins.
  • 这位世界上最年轻的王后,年仅30岁的约旦王室新成员明白,在那个极端保守的王国——沙特阿拉伯不喜欢妇参与国事,甚至不允许妇驾车,当她丈夫阿卜杜拉接受隆重的欢迎仪式时,她却被迫等候在沙特阿拉伯机场的飞机上,不过她对此并无怨言,因为她不想制造丑闻或侮辱任何人的传统,但她也不会回安曼与孩子们独处。
    The fresh? faced Jordanian royal, at 30 the youngest queen in the world, knew the harshly conservative kingdom did not appreciate women's mingling in affairs of state ? ? that women in Saudi Arabia weren't even allowed to drive. When she was made to wait in the plane on the Saudi tarmac while Abdullah was treated to a pomp? filled welcoming ceremony, the queen didn't complain. She had no intention of causing a scandal, or insulting anyone's traditions. But she wasn't about to sit alone with the kids back in Amman, either.
  • 关于怀孕问题,军方未能好好掌握。对于军方来说怀孕的问题乃是不能服勤。而在沙特阿拉伯受伤与不能服勤的官兵男性较性为多。可是往往怀孕的责任完全归咎性,不问协助使他们怀孕的男性。
    Pregnancy? The military doesn't have a good handle on the question. When the military looks at pregnancy, it sees it as nonavailability. We had more injuries and nonavailability among men than women in Saudi. Too often, the women are the only ones held responsible for pregnancy, not the men who helped get them that way.
  • 德埃皮努瓦子爵是最早收养这个野孩的权贵之一。
    The Viscount d'Epinoy was the first of several dignitaries to take up the savage girl's cause.
  • 但法国香槟地区的野孩梅米·勒勃朗的经历,可说是记载最为详细的"真实"故事之一。
    But one of the best-documented "true" stories is that of Memmie le Blanc, the savage girl of Champagne.
  • 士说:“我想知道你是否有什麽话要说。”
    "I wonder if you have anything to say," says the Dame.
  • 就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了王的赦免令。
    He was about to be led to the scaffold when at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon.
  • 峰瑞士中部偏南的伯尔尼山区的一座山,海拔4,160。8米(13,642英尺)。1811年首次测量
    A mountain,4, 160.8 m(13, 642 ft) high, in the Bernese Alps of south-central Switzerland. It was first scaled in1811.
  • 可是我的同伴不耐烦了,他建议我们可以披上挤牛奶人的外套,到旷野上跑一跑。
    but my companion is impatient, and proposes that we should appropriate the dairywoman's cloak, and have a scamper on the moors, under its shelter.
  • 梅特-马里特-霍伊比身材修长,一头金黄色秀发,是个典型的斯堪的纳维亚美。她正在加紧学习,扮演好皇室成员的角色。
    Tjessem Hoiby, a tall blonde with classic Scandinavian good looks, has been working to learn more about her royal role.
  • 因为现金变少了,孩子找有钱人的竞争可能更激烈了。
    The search for money may have intensified as cash grew scarce.
  • 那个老人皱巴巴的皮肤;他看起来形容枯槁,像是生病了;皱巴巴的老男人;一个长着干瘪的脸,下巴尖瘦的瘦弱、衣衫褴褛的人——w·f·斯塔科尔;尽管手臂瘦弱,他还是表现得很好;一个长着卷曲的白头发的干瘪、瘦小的人。
    the old woman's shriveled skin; he looked shriveled and ill; a shrunken old man; a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws-W.F.Starkie; he did well despite his withered arm; a wizened little man with frizzy gray hair.
  • 女人的头巾
    A woman's head scarf.
  • 子围的一种绸缎围巾。
    a woman's silk or lace scarf.