  • “住,亲爱的莉叶娜德。”她身旁的那位姑娘俊俏,娇嫩,加上盛装艳服,越显得好看的了,说道。“他不是神职人员,而是在俗的;
    “Hush, my dear Liènarde,” said her companion, a pretty, rosy-cheeked girl, courageous in the consciousness of her holiday finery, “he doesn’t belong to the University—he’s a layman.
  • 二是大力开拓城乡市场,积极扩大出
    Second, to vigorously tap urban and rural markets and actively expand export.
  • 第二,努力扩大出,积极利用外资。
    Second, striving to increase exports and actively using foreign capital.
  • 豪达荷兰西部一城市,鹿特丹的东北方。1272年成立自治市,由于奶酪市场而扬名。人60,026
    A city of western Netherlands northeast of Rotterdam. Chartered in1272, it is noted for its cheese market. Population,60, 026.
  • 艾恩德霍芬荷兰南部的一座城市,位于鹿特丹东南,在地图上开始标名于1232年。在第二次世界大战期间是盟军攻击的主要目标。人192,854
    A city of southern Netherlands southeast of Rotterdam. Chartered in1232, it was a major Allied objective in World War II. Population,192, 854.
  • 这天晚上,孩子们都涂胭脂红,看起来就像洋娃娃。
    That evening the children wore lipstick and rouge, they looked like dolls.
  • 刚擦了红的嘴唇;擦了胭脂的双颊。
    freshly rouged lips; rouged cheeks.
  • 她昨晚红抹得太厚,而衣裳穿得又稍嫌太薄,这常常是女人绝望的迹象。
    She weared far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes; that was always a sign of despair in a woman.
  • 她昨晚红抹得太厚,而衣裳穿得又稍嫌太薄,这常常是女人绝望的迹象。
    She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes; that is always a sigh of despair in a woman.
  • 她昨晚红抹得太厚,而衣裳穿得又稍嫌太薄,这常常是女人绝望的迹象。
    She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes; that was always a sign of despair in a woman.
  • 拉斐特美国路易斯安那州中南部一城市,位于巴吞鲁日西南偏西。由卡迪亚人所建,是一个商业和造船业中心。人94,440
    A city of south-central Louisiana west-southwest of Baton Rouge. Settled by Acadians, it is a commercial and shipping center. Population,94, 440.
  • 亚历山大美国路易斯安那州中部城市,位于巴吞鲁日的西北部的红河沿岸。原城市于1864年在内战中被联邦军队所毁。人49,188
    A city of central Louisiana on the Red River northwest of Baton Rouge. The original city was destroyed by Union troops in May1864 during the Civil War. Population,49, 188.
  • 1992年初至1994年底,中国军队在云南省和广西壮族自治区边境地区,组织实施了第一次大规模扫雷行动,共排除各种地雷和爆炸物100多万枚,销毁废旧弹药及爆炸物品近200吨,完成扫雷面积108平方公里,打通边贸通道、岸170多个;恢复弃耕地、弃荒牧场和山林3万多公顷。
    From the beginning of 1992 to the end of 1994, the PLA conducted its first large-scale demining operation in the border areas of Yunnan Province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, cleared a total of over one million landmines and explosive devices and destroyed nearly 200 tons of disused or de-activated ammunitions and explosive devices, covering an area of 108 square kilometers with over 170 border trade passes and ports re-opened, and over 30,000 hectares of farmland, pasture and mountain forests restored.
  • 顶部开的粗糙的圆柱状的容器。
    an open-topped and roughly cylindrical vessel.
  • 这个城市的人粗略计算大约是100万。
    The population of this city is roughly estimated at about one million.
  • 有几个入和一个出的由几个特殊入组合的有活性的电路。
    a circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs.
  • 赌博用的有投币的旋转轮子;玩家在轮盘机将要停下的币投注。
    a rotating wheel with slots that is used for gambling; players bet on which slot the roulette ball will stop in.
  • 在环状交叉路,从第三条出路驶出
    At the roundabout, take the third exit.
  • 在那个环形交叉,交通时常发生阻塞。
    The traffic gets snarled up very often at that roundabout.
  • 在pl/1语言中,在过程的一个入点上激活该过程。
    In PL/1, to activate a procedure at one of its entry points.
  • 八十年代初,中央政府对西藏确定了“土地归户使用、自主经营”和“牲畜归户、私有私养、自主经营”的两个长期不变政策,并对农民实行“免征免税”的优惠政策,从而极大地调动了占西藏人80%以上的农牧民的生产积极性,农业生产连年丰收。
    In the early 1980s, the Central Government decided on two policies toward Tibet that would not be changed for a long time to come -- ``The land will be used by households, and will be managed by them on their own,'' and ``livestock will be owned, raised and managed by households on their own'' --and offered exemption from taxes to farmers, thus greatly rousing the enthusiasm for production of the farmers and herdsmen, who make up over 80 percent of the total population of Tibet, and resulting in bumper harvests in agricultural production year after year.
  • 洛桑瑞士西部一城市,位于日内瓦湖北岸。最初是一个凯尔特人的住宅区。16世纪30年代后成为一个加尔文教中心。18世纪时伏尔泰、吉朋和卢梭均住于此地。人126,200
    A city of western Switzerland on the northern shore of Lake Geneva. Originally a Celtic settlement, Lausanne became a center of Calvinism after the1530's and was home to Voltaire, Gibbon, and Rousseau in the18th century. Population,126, 200.
  • 请找一些旧衣服给门的那个人。
    Please rout out some old clothes to give t the man at the door.
  • 同样一个到达外部路由器接d的包被保证来自外部的网络。
    Similarly a packet arriving on interface d of the exterior rout is guaranteed to come from the external network.
  • 看看我能否找出些旧衣服给门的那个人。
    I'll see if I can rout up some old clothes to give to the man at the door.
  • 在图4中,一个到达内部路由器接a的包被保证来自内部网络
    In figure 4 a packet arriving on interface A of the interior rout is guaranteed to come from internal network.
  • 在图4中,一个到达内部路由器接a的包被保证来自内部网络
    In figure 4 a packet arrive on interface a of the interior rout is guarantee to is come from internal network.
  • 放线菌病一种牛、猪,有时为人类的炎症,由放线菌属的微生物造成,以、颈、胸以及腹部的多块肿瘤为特征
    An inflammatory disease of cattle, hogs, and sometimes human beings, caused by microorganisms of the genus Actinomyces and characterized by lumpy tumors of the mouth, neck, chest, and abdomen.
  • 商船定期往返航行于港之间
    Trading ships plied the routes between coastal ports.
  • 在入处有两条潜游线路。
    There are two fine routes for divers to take from the entry point.
  • 应用程序通过应用程序编程接(api)使用内核的功能,api是一组由程序使用的标准例行程序。
    Applications use kernel functions through application programming interfaces (API), which are a set of standard routines used by programs.
  • 在美国的arpanet网中,接报文处理机(imp)中的一种后台程序,其中包括统计生成程序、调试程序和imp控制台打字处理程序。
    In ARPANET, a background program in the interface message processor(IMP). These programs include the statistics generation routines, the debug facilities, and the IMP console teletype handler.