  • 孟加拉国是世界上最贫穷人口最集中的国家之一,面临严重的资源力。
    From Bangladesh to Zambia Bangladesh has one of the highest concentrations of the poorest people in the world, and suffers from acute resource pressures.
  • 这一大片黑的烟雾笼罩了从斯里兰卡到阿富汗的整个印度半岛,导致了该地区气候反常,造成的直接恶果是孟加拉、尼泊尔和印度东北部洪水泛滥,相反巴基斯坦和印度西北部却是大旱成灾。
    The potent haze lying over the entire Indian subcontinent --from Sri Lanka to Afghanistan -- has led to some erratic weather, sparking flooding in Bangladesh, Nepal and northeastern India, but drought in Pakistan and northwestern India.
  • 研究表明,如果你在家能驱除力,在家能控制力,那你就更能承受外界的力。
    Studies show if you banish stress at home -- where you can control it--you'll be better able to weather stresses in the outside world.
  • 欧洲中央银行(ecb)承认,今年打算停止印制面值为500欧元和200欧元的纸币,这是缩欧元印制计划的一部分。
    The European Central Bank admitted that it was preparing to stop printing - 500 and - 200 denomination euro banknotes this year as part of a plan to streamline production of the new currency.
  • 所有的野蛮征服者总是爱用高手段。
    All of the barbarous conquerors have been apt to carry matters with a high hand.
  • 交易价格低了的东西;一宗交易
    Something that is underpriced; a bargain.
  • 记录图气自动记录仪产生的记录
    A record produced by a barograph.
  • 低压带气压低的地区
    A region of low barometric pressure.
  • 联结在某一时刻气相同的各点的联线。
    an isogram connecting points having equal barometric pressure at a given time.
  • 在一次风暴中的中心区域或大气力最小的区域。
    the central area or place of lowest barometric pressure within a storm.
  • 天气给定时间和地点的大气状况,牵涉到变量如温度、湿度、风速和气
    The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
  • 专门的节目包括“天气频道”,一天24小时预报气和降雨量;
    Specialised programmes include The Weather Channel, 24 hours a day of barometry and precipita-tion forecasts;
  • 啤酒受到力从桶中流出。
    The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure.
  • 把金属辗成薄片或条状的工厂。
    where metal is rolled into sheets and bars.
  • 一篮子鸡蛋全被汽车碎。
    The basketful eggs were crushed to pieces by the car.
  • 钉上舱口条封闭舱口
    Batten down the hatches.
  • 天篷支索吊在帆桁、斜桁或木桁上面的绳、杆或条,用来收紧帆
    A rope, rod, or batten along the upper side of a yard, gaff, or boom to which a sail is fastened.
  • 莱文农说公司已生产出与常规电池相类似的可产生1.5伏电的超薄电池。
    Levanon says the company has produced thin batteries that can generate about 1.5 volts -- similar to most conventional batteries.
  • 乱切,乱打用击打、、切或撕的方式使残缺不全或形状破损
    To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing.
  • 和平是一个更美好的产物,而美好的世界要由素质较高的人来维护。顾拜旦坚信,只有通过在激烈竞赛中的给予和索取,缓冲和冲击、紧张和力,才能造就一代较高素质的人。
    Peace is the product of a better world; a better world is brought about by better individuals; and better individuals, Coubertin was convinced, are developed only in the give-and-take, the buffering and battering, the stress and strain of fierce competition.
  • 由于长时间的挤而导致的慢性溃疡。
    a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients).
  • 大个儿的“牛肉番茄”——有的甚至有两个番茄那么大——沉甸甸地着枝头,有的则熟透落在地上;
    Large beefsteak tomatoes -some doubled but not yet divided hung heavily or dropped from their vines.
  • 黑云压城。
    Low-hanging black clouds befogged the city.
  • 计的读数开始下降。
    The barometer began to fall.
  • 当时有的干部对执行这一任务有顾虑,伯承对他们说,这个行动可以把敌人吸引到我们身上来,减轻兄弟野战军的力。釜底抽薪,焉能惧怕烫手,即使作出牺牲,也义无反顾。
    Some cadres hesitated before this prospect, but Bocheng explained the situation to them. "If we do this," he said, "we can draw the enemy to ourselves and make it easier for the other field armies. How can you take hot embers out from under a pot if you are afraid of burning your fingers? Even if we have to make sacrifices, we should not begrudge them."
  • 小风琴一种类似风琴的由从风箱里迫出来的空气驱动自由金属簧片产生音调的键盘乐器
    An organlike keyboard instrument that produces tones with free metal reeds actuated by air forced from a bellows.
  • 他们的太空飞船上装有两层门,在这两层门之间,即飞船与外界之间,装有一个减舱。
    Their spaceship was equipped with a double door, which was fitted with a bellows between the ship and the outside.
  • 沉甸甸的硕果弯了枝条。
    The branches were bending down with the weight of the fruit.
  • 硬度某种金属或其他物质相对抗、抗划或抗折的能力
    The relative resistance of a metal or other material to denting, scratching, or bending.
  • 座位和床上的弹簧是用钢丝圈制成,钢丝有弹性一就弯,但是一没了力,钢丝重新弹回去。
    The springs in seats and beds are made of coils of wire. The wire is springly and bends when pressed, but when the press is lifted.it springs back into position again.
  • 踩把…在脚底;践踏
    To press beneath the feet; trample.
  • 东岸受益于百慕大高气团。
    the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high.