  • 他的年收入从未超过二美元。
    His earnings never amouted to more than2000 dollars a year.
  • 那一次地震夺去了成上万个人的生命。
    The earthquake took thousands of lives.
  • 在复活节的周末有五人乘飞机去巴黎。
    Five thousand people were flown to Paris during the Easter weekend.
  • 复活节的周末有五位乘客飞往巴黎。
    Five thousand passengers are flying to Paris during easter weekend.
  • 在复活节的周末有五人乘飞机去巴黎。
    Five thousand people are flying to Paris during the easter weekend.
  • "这不是件容易的事,因为我有一多册书。"
    This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books.
  • 《每日回声报》拥有读者逾一万人
    The Daily Echo has a readership of over ten million
  • 用于回声定位的叫声一般是20-200赫之间的超声波,而人所能听到的最高频率在20赫左右。
    Echolocation calls are usually ultrasonic ranging in frequency from 20 to 200 kilohertz (kHz), whereas human hearing normally tops out at around 20 kHz.
  • 联合国赞助的年生态系统评估有1500名世界各地的著名科学家参与,考察维持地球上的生命的过程,如世界各地的草原、森林、河流和湖泊、农田和海洋。
    The UN-sponsored Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, involving 1,500 of the world's leading scientists, is examining the processes that support life on earth, such as the world's grasslands, forests, rivers and lakes, farmlands and oceans.
  • 这些宫廷的记录是三五百年前一位埃及的抄写员抄出来的。
    These palaces record were copied out three and a half thousand years ago by an egyptian scribe.
  • 是啊,它已成了纽约的象征……也成了美国的象征,对于成上万的移民来说,自由妇神是美国梦的象片。自由女神是法国人民赠送的礼物,其设计师也就是埃菲尔铁塔的设计师。
    It is. It has become a symbol of New York... and of the USA. For millions of immigrants it was a symbol of the American dream. It was a gift from the French people. Its ddsigner also designed the world famous Eiffel Tower.
  • 八千麻袋事件
    Incident of Eight Thousand Gunnysacks
  • 这个体育馆有1万8观众席位。
    This gymnasium can seat eighteen thousand spectators.
  • 远古的部分水流很可能遗失在大气中了,然后,经历了数年,通过和火星磁场的复杂相互作用,喷射进大气中。
    Some of the ancient water could have been lost to the atmosphere and then, over countless millennia, ejected into space through complicated interactions with the Martian magnetic field.
  • 这是二二百万人,约占选民总人数的一半人的作用。这个作用正是今晚我想向大家谈的。
    It is about the function of that minority twenty-two mil1ion people, nearly half of our electorate, that I wish to talk to you tonight.
  • 人造硅视网膜上数以计的显微单元每个都与能把送入的光图像转换成脉冲的电极相连。
    The thousands of microscopic cells on the ASR are each connected to an electrode that converts incoming light images into impulses.
  • 上万的美国人和国际游客拥挤在这块胜地(百老汇和第七街的交叉处),翘首观望来回移动的电子控制牌,上面不时闪现着“新年好”的字幕。
    Thousands of Americans and international tourists crowd this famous spot (at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue) and crane their necks to watch for "Happy New Year" to flash across the electronically controlled sign that moves around.
  • 他们的帐蓬设在海拔三米的高处。
    Their tents were situated at an elevation of 3000 metres.
  • 他们的屋子位于海拔两米的高处。
    Their house is at an elevation of 2000 metres.
  • 他们的帐蓬设在海拔三米的高处。
    Their tents were situated at an elevation of3000 metres.
  • 1996年亚特兰大奥运会后12天,举行国际残疾人运动会,四名优秀的选手将来亚特兰大一比高低。
    Just 12 days after the Atlanta Olympics, 4000 elite athletes will come to Atlanta to comp1ete.
  • 万就是西南地区人口中百分之九十的基本群众,要把他们发动起来,搞土改闹翻身。
    The 60 million referred to the working masses, who accounted for 90 per cent of the population in the Southwest. We had to arouse them to carry out land reform and emancipate themselves.
  • 新中国通过这些规模宏大的群众运动,仅用了短短几年的时间,就荡涤了几年封建社会遗留下来的污泥浊水,使妇女在政治、经济、文化、社会和家庭生活各方面都获得了根本性解放。
    By means of these large-scale mass movements, New China took only a few years to clean up the filth and mire left over from a feudal society that had lasted for thousands of years. It effected fundamental emancipation for women in all aspects of political, economic, cultural, social and family life.
  • 这场改革废除了领主、贵族、头人等特权者的一切特权,消灭了人剥削人、人压迫人的旧制度,使百万少数民族群众翻身解放,获得人身自由,成为国家和自己命运的主人。
    This reform abolished all the privileges of the privileged few--feudal lords, nobles and tribal chiefs--and the old system of exploitation and oppression of man by man. As a result, tens of thousands of the minority people won emancipation and personal freedom and became masters of their homelands and their own destinies.
  • 在几年前的埃及,盐已经被用来防止尸体腐烂。
    Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to embalm the dead.
  • "你只要讲清事实,万不要添枝加叶。"
    Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means. (喻)
  • 个胚胎被压成滤饼或绿褐色的小圆点搁在皮氏培养皿上,这些不是人类胚胎,而是对于科学来说也是近乎于奇异的,甚至对于有些人来说让人沮丧的:树的胚胎。
    Pressed by the thousand into cakes or resting like green-brown dots on petri dishes, these are not human embryos, but something nearly as scientifically exotic and, to many people, almost as dismaying: tree embryos.
  • 列宁还在一九○五年就已着重指出过,我们的文艺应当“为万万劳动人民服务”⑵。
    As far back as 1905 Lenin pointed out emphatically that our literature and art should "serve... the millions and tens of millions of working people''.
  • 进一步放开进出口经营权,对国家重点联系的户国有企业实行了进出口经营权登记备案制,并从今年1月起将登记备案制扩大到全国6800多家大型工业企业;
    We further opened up the right to import and export. For the 1,000 State-owned Enterprises with which the State emphatically contacted, we enforced the system of registration for record on the foreign trade right and extended the coverage of this system to more than 6,800 large-scale industrial enterprises nationwide as of January this year.
  • 这家汽车工厂雇用着三员工。
    This motor plant is employing three thousand workers.
  • 雇佣几千人的工厂
    Factories that employ thousands.
  • 不论举目世上何方,不论是香博尔,还是阿朗布拉,也比不上这里那样神奇,那样虚渺,那样引人入胜。那一片林立的尖塔、小钟楼、烟囱、风标、螺旋梯、螺栓,还有许多像是同个模子制出来的穿孔的灯笼,以及连片的楼台亭阁,成簇的纺缍形小塔(当时把小塔tourelle这个词称为tournelle),形状各种各样,高低大小不一,风貌姿百态。
    Not a view in the world, either at Chambord or at the Alhambra, is more magic, more aerial, more enchanting, than that thicket of spires, tiny bell towers, chimneys, weather-vanes, winding staircases, lanterns through which the daylight makes its way,which seem cut out at a blow, pavilions, spindle-shaped turrets,or, as they were then called, "tournelles," all differing in form, in height, and attitude.