  • 那年他答应了一个朋友为他收割一片坡地上的玉米。可是收完自己的庄稼,爷爷的小收割机就累得上气不接下气,垮了。
    He had promised to harvest a few ribbons of corn that wound around the hills on a friend's farm, but after harvesting his own corn, Grandpa's little corn picker coughed, sputtered and quit.
  • 格罗特先生开始经商。
    Mr Grate just entered on a business career.
  • 开始能掌握这一科。
    He is just begin to get a grip of the subject.
  • 开始了解这门课。
    He is just beginning to get a grip on the subject.
  • 栖木类鸟,大部分都比较小并离地面较近,有四个脚趾便于抓紧树枝;其中很多是鸣鸟;孵出的幼鸟不能独立生活。
    perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged to allow for gripping the perch; most are songbirds; hatchlings are helpless.
  • 士兵们全都是强勇敢的。
    The soldiers are hard grit.
  • 到杂货店去了。
    She has just popped over to the grocer's.
  • 幼小的玛格丽特抱怨说:“我学会'约克'这个词的拼法,以后却再也用不着了”。
    " I have only just learned how to spell ' York'," the young princess Margaret was said to grumble," and now I am not to use it anymore."
  • 坚硬的金属条;用坚硬的塑料做成的桌子;强得像铁棒一样的宫廷守卫。
    a rigid strip of metal; a table made of rigid plastic; a palace guardsman stiff as a poker.
  • 猜猜,我才见到谁了?
    Guess who I saw just now?
  • 暴徒说完话,他的对手就猛然揍他,把他打倒到沟里。
    After the bully made that remark, his opponent his out straight from the shoulder and knocked him into the gutter.
  • 王平:除了说的游泳馆,还有田径馆、球类馆、体操馆、举重馆、拳击馆、武术馆等十几个室内训练馆,还有许多室外训练场。
    Wang Ping: Except the indoor swimming pool as we mentioned just now, we have gymnasiums for track and field, gym, boxing,and wushu. In addition, we have many outdoor training fields.
  • 王平:除了说的游泳馆,还有田径馆、球类馆、体操馆、举重馆、拳击馆、武术馆等十几个室内训练馆,还有许多室外训练场。
    Wang Ping: Except the indoor swimming pool as we mentioned just now, we have gymnasiums for track and field, gym, boxing, and wushu. In addition, we have many outdoor training fields.
  • 才送人上火车站去了。
    Ha has been seeing someone to the station.
  • 站起身,他就挥手让我坐着。
    I had no sooner stood up than he waved me to remain sitting.
  • 来自波士顿福塞斯研究所的一个研究小组发现,口腔内有一些细菌可以防止口臭,也就是口腔异味的产生,而另一些的作用则好相反。
    Some bacteria protect against halitosis, the formal name for really bad breath, while others cause the pungent odor, says a team of researchers from The Forsyth Institute in Boston.
  • 被小偷拿去了钱包。
    I've just had my handbag picked.
  • 这块手帕上放过玫瑰花,上面沾有玫瑰花香。
    This handkerchief smells of the roses which have been lying on it.
  • 她与教练和家人住在建成的公寓里。公寓位于班克斯敦城郊外的工薪区。
    She holed up with her handlers and family in a just built apartment complex in the working? class suburb of Bankstown.
  • 硬石,金石一种曾被认为在硬度上不可穿透的石头
    A stone once believed to be impenetrable in its hardness.
  • 安刚刚离开。
    An has left just.
  • 一触到爱德蒙的手,他就觉得再也无法忍受了,于是便一下子冲出屋子去了。
    Scarcely, however, had he touched Edmond's hand than he felt he had done all he could do, and rushed hastily out of the house.
  • 我刚从夏威夷回来。
    I've just come back from Hawaii.
  • "小淘气"的妈妈海迪在几个月之前去世,它活了15年。
    Scampy' s mother,Heidi,had died at fifteen,just a few months before;
  • 我们听说他与一位女继承人结了婚。
    We have just hear of his marriage to an heiress.
  • 含有人类基因的双螺旋结构分子将数据储存在四种化学基数上,即通常人们所说的a,t,c、g,其存储能力非常之大,科学家也是开始予以关注。
    The double helix molecule that contains human genes stores data on four chemical bases -- known by the letters A, T, C and G -- giving it massive memory capability that scientists are only just beginning to tap into.
  • 她想,此人来到哈福德郡,怎么就要进城有事。于是她开始担心了;
    She could not imagine what business he could have in town so soon after his arrival in Hertfordshire;
  • 现在,我希望在此谈谈香港成功的两个关键因素。这两个因素也具体阐明了我才所说的「一切运作如常」。
    I would like to talk about two critical success factors for Hong Kong which also serve to highlight what I have just been saying about 'business as usual'.
  • 这种活动结束几天以后,我才重点提到的那些车辆和设备不见了。那个地点又恢复了常态。
    Days after this activity, the vehicles and the equipment that I've just highlighted disappear and the site returns to patterns of normalcy.
  • 劫持是飞机起飞后发生的。
    The hijack take place just after the plane take off.
  • 每只后脚上有形似梳子的毛蜘蛛。
    spider having a comb-like row of bristles on each hind foot.
  • 要离去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。
    A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving.