Chinese English Sentence:
  • 对有些书我们的意见是一致的,对另一些不一致。
    We agree about some books and disagree about others.
  • 但当消费者发现厂商只是在提供劣质产品以骗取他们的钱财时,他们会十分生气,因而不再购买厂商的其他产品。
    But when customers find out that a manufacturer produces only inferior or shoddy products that cheat them out of their money, they may become so angry that they will never purchase another of their products.
  • 在当代英语中有许多新的语言现象,这些现象并不总是符合公认的语法规的。
    In present day English new linguistic facts abound which do not always square with the accepted rules of grammar.
  • 鞋店老板会说他卖鞋靴用品,我们说他卖鞋子。
    A shopkeeper would say he sold footwear; we would say he sold shoes.
  • 重点的舞蹈节目,包括广东实验现代舞团及原舞者为响应香港舞蹈联盟所举办的"舞汇九七"──第十二届国际舞蹈节及会议而举行的演出。
    Highlights of dance programmes included performances by the Guangdong Modern Dance Company and the Formosa Aboriginal Singing and Dance Troupe in support of Dance On '97 - the 12th International Dance Festival and Conference organised by the Hong Kong Dance Alliance.
  • 另一方面,在研究公元前4000年以来的最早期文化时,无疑要考虑到环境不断转变,其间海平面由低于目前水平100米不断上升,淹没沿岸的广阔平原,今日的海岸线和环境生态基本上也在该段期间形成。在这地区生活的人必须适应环境,否便会遭受淘汰。
    There is little dispute, on the other hand, that these earliest periods, from the close of the fourth millennium BC, must be seen within the framework of a changing environment in which sea levels rose from depths of 100 metres below the present - inexorably submerging vast tracts of coastal plain and establishing a basically modern shoreline and ecology to which human groups had to adapt if they were not to perish.
  • 我方反是,我之优点可因我之努力而加强,缺点因我之努力而克服。
    On the other hand, our advantages can be enhanced and our shortcoming remedied by our efforts.
  • (四九)速胜论者不知道战争是力量的竞赛,在战争双方的力量对比没有起一定的变化以前,就要举行战略的决战,就想提前到达解放之路,也是没有根据的。
    49. The exponents of quick victory, however, do not realize that war is a contest of strength, and that before a certain change has taken place in the relative strength of the belligerents, there is no basis for trying to fight strategically decisive battles and shorten the road to liberation.
  • 虽然如此,仍然不破坏我们所说的力争缩短全战役时间的原
    For all that, the principle of shortening the duration of a campaign by every possible means remains valid.
  • 各部门已实施超过30项具体措施,当中包括简化审批一般建筑图及有关文件的程序和缩短审批时间;推行电子检索系统试验计划,大幅缩短检索核准建筑图的时间;以及提供电子政府表格,方便工商界和个别市民利用互联网递交。
    Departments implemented more than 30 specific measures, including streamlining procedures and reducing the processing time in the approval of general building plan and related submissions, significantly shortening the retrieval time for approved building plans by introduction of a pilot electronic retrieval system, and facilitating the submission of public forms by businesses and individuals electronically through the Internet.
  • 畸形异常的或不规的形状或结构;畸形
    Abnormal or anomalous formation or structure; deformity.
  • 不规或反常的事物。
    something abnormal or anomalous.
  • 根据一内线消息,该节目将在六月整月播放一个星期新节目和一个星期重播,二者交替播放。然后该节目将被一个新制作的医药顾问节目取代。不过,一位“一对一”节目女发言人表示不敢苟同。
    One inside source tells us that the show will be aired through June by alternating a week of new shows and a week of reruns and that the show will then be replaced by a new medical advice show. A spokeswoman for "One on One," though, begs to differ.
  • 第一次故意(严重)犯规(需记载的犯规)裁判员可以亮黄牌,第二次故意(严重)犯规裁判员就可以亮红牌,该队员被罚出场外。
    For a first bookable offence, a referee can show the yellow card. For a second bookable offence he shows the player red card to sent off the field.
  • 当然,社会上反对声音仍然不满当局定下的三点基本游戏规,认为未能体现“真正的言论自由”,也质疑当局的诚意,是否只图开个“民主橱窗”而已!
    Of course, one still hears voices unhappy about the three rules of public speaking set by the authorities. Some people criticise the rules for running counter to the spirit of "genuine free speech". They question the sincerity of the authorities, suspecting an attempt to present a mere "showcase for democracy".
  • 另一方面,制造业占的比率明显缩减,由一九八零年的42%下跌至一九九零年的28%,到一九九九年更进一步下跌至只有8%左右。
    On the other hand, the share of the manufacturing sector in total employment shrank visibly, from 42 per cent in 1980 to 28 per cent in 1990, and further to only about 8 per cent in 1999.
  • 在开幕式上,主办国的一名运动员宣读以下誓言:“我以全体运动的名义保证,为了体育的昌盛和我们各运动队的荣誉,以真正的体育道德精神参加本届奥林匹克运动会,尊重并遵守运动会的各项原”。
    At the opening ceremony, an athlete from the host nation recites the following "In the name of all competitors, I promise that we will take part in the Olympic Games, representing and abiding by the rules which golem them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the glory of sport and honor of our teams."
  • 各级领导干部,特别是高级干部,更应该严格遵守党章、遵守《关于党内政治生活的若干准》,起模范作用。
    Leading cadres at various levels, and senior cadres in particular, should set an example by strictly abiding by the Constitution and the "Guiding Principles for Inner-Party Political Life".
  • 骑自行车要遵守交通规,以免发生危险。
    Everyone must abide traffic regulations by bicycle in order to avoid danger.
  • 如果你加入俱乐部,你就要遵守规
    If you join the club, you should abide by the rules.
  • 我们必须遵守比赛规
    We must abide by the rules of the game.
  • 但有多少人真正地遵守这一原呢?
    But how many truly abide by this principle?
  • 他郑重保证恪守这一原
    He swore to abide by this principal.
  • 教练要求队员遵守比赛规
    The coach demanded abidance by the rules of the game.
  • 该程序违反法律原
    The procedure is abhorrent from the principles of law.
  • 其它人会联想到德国人当年实施的优生政策,从而对这一作法怀有同样强烈的厌恶。
    Others, recalling Germany's eugenic practices, have an equally strong abhorrence of genetic-based reproductive decisions.
  • 这项规从1966年起就已失效。
    The rule has been in abeyance since 1966.
  • 当国家的安全受到恐怖分子的威胁时,“没有审判便没有监禁”这一原也就停止不用了。
    "No imprisonment without trial" is a principle that goes into abeyance when the nation's security is in danger from terrorists.
  • 另有一些父母允许他们的孩子去要礼物(“给我糖果,否我会把卫生纸挂满你的灌木丛”)——但又害怕有人会蓄意破坏,于是把糖果拿到机场或警察局做x光检查,以免有异物。
    Other par-ents allow their children to go trick-or-treating (code for 'give me some candy or I'll drape toilet paper all over your shrubbery' ) - but then, fearing sabotage,take the candy to the airport or police station so it can be X-rayed for foreign objects.
  • 海底隧道及香港仔隧道于一九九三年八月装设自动收费系统;狮子山隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道及西区海底隧道也分别于一九九四年八月、一九九五年九月、一九九六年五月及一九九七年四月装设自动收费系统;而城门隧道及将军澳隧道,也于一九九七年十月装设了自动收费系统。至于大榄隧道及青屿干线的自动收费系统,分别于一九九八年六月和七月装设。
    Automatic toll collection systems (auto systems) were installed at the Cross-Harbour and Aberdeen Tunnels in August 1993, Lion Rock Tunnel in August 1994, Eastern Harbour Crossing in September 1995, Tate's Cairn Tunnel in May 1996, Western Harbour Crossing in April 1997, Shing Mun Tunnels and Tseung Kwan O Tunnel in October 1997, Tai Lam Tunnel in June 1998 and Lantau Link in July 1998.
  • 也有分析家指出,陈水扁以两岸共同处理“未来一个中国的问题”,来回避“一个中国”的原问题;以“两岸人民源自于相同的血缘、文化和历史背景”,来回避北京要他回答的“是否为中国人的问题”。
    Analysts have further pointed out that the new Taiwanese president evaded the principle of "one China" by suggesting that leaders on both sides jointly deal with the issue of "a future one China", and that he shunned the question whether he is Chinese by merely stating that "the people across the Taiwan Strait share the same ancestral, cultural, and historical background".
  • 按现行游戏规,小孩的哥哥或姐姐在该校就读、父母加入校友会、父母是咨询委员会或管委会成员、父母与学校有直接关系者,孩子报读小一都享有优先。
    The present rule is: preference in admission is given to children whose elder siblings are current students, or whose parents are alumni, members of the advisory board or management committee, or otherwise directly connected with the school in question.