  • 瑪吉以前每星期為她的母親購物,但嫁給了阿爾傑後她自己不幹了,她要人們叫她瑪格麗特,而且還有僕人為自己傢裏採購食品。
    Maggie used to do the shopping for her mother every week but she keeps aloof now; she's married Algernon, insists on being called Margaret, and has servants to buy the food for the household.
  • 遠在阿爾卑斯山上的難以接近的
    An unapproachable chalet high in the Alps.
  • 我們還發放了業貸款。
    We also issued agricultural loans.
  • 積極發展崇文竜潭湖、宣武先壇、朝陽奧林匹剋公園、密雲雲佛山四大體育産業園,創建體育産業孵化器。
    Make positive efforts to develop the four major sports industrial parks at Longtan Lake in the Chongwen District, the Altar of the God of Agriculture in the Xuanwu District, the Olympic Park in the Chaoyang District and the Yunfo Mountain in Miyun County to create the incubator of the sports industry.
  • 多數農民實行輪種。
    Most farmers alternate crops.
  • 中國業機械進出口總公司
    China national agricultural machinery import& export corporation
  • *聯合國專門機構和類似機構從事衛生、業、國際航空、氣象等不同領域的工作。
    * The UN specialized agencies and analogous bodies, working in such diverse areas as health, agriculture, international aviation and meteorology.
  • 我們現在就來分析一下各種類型的沒有把民包括在內的小資産階級。
    Let us now analyse the different sections of the petty bourgeoisie other than the peasantry.
  • 在執行《動植物(瀕危物種保護)條例》上,化驗所亦為漁處提供重要的技術支援。
    In 1999, analytical support was provided to the Agricultural and Fisheries Department under the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance.
  • 它確鑿地證明了機器和分工的破壞作用、資本和地産的積聚、生産過剩、危機、小資産者和小的必然沒落、無産階級的貧睏、生産的無政府狀態、財富分配的極不平均、各民族之間的毀滅性的工業戰爭,以及舊風尚、舊家庭關係和舊民族性的解體。
    It proved, incontrovertibly, the disastrous effects of machinery and division of labour; the concentration of capital and land in a few hands; overproduction and crises; it pointed out the inevitable ruin of the petty bourgeois and peasant, the misery of the proletariat, the anarchy in production, the crying inequalities in the distribution of wealth, the industrial war of extermination between nations, the dissolution of old moral bonds, of the old family relations, of the old nationalities.
  • 有的說自己給自己提供食物是一件很愉快的事,就像他們的祖先當初在場生活時一樣。
    Some say it is satisfying to provide their own food like their ancestors who lived on farms.
  • 暮春的清明節和歷九月初九的重陽節是往掃墓拜祭先人的日子。
    The Ching Ming Festival in spring and Chung Yeung Festival on the ninth day of the ninth moon are occasions for visiting ancestral graves.
  • 山德伯格的詩充滿名言、軼聞趣事、對話和對鋼鐵廠及場的描寫。
    Sandburg's poetry was filled with sayings, scraps of anecdotes and conversations, and descriptions of steel mills and of farms.
  • 全國村婦女“雙學雙比”十年紀念活動
    Tenth Anniversary of "Learning and Competing Campaign" among Rural Women Nationwide
  • 開放愛國運動,釋放政治犯,取消《危害民國緊急治罪法》⑶和《新聞檢查條例》⑷,承認現有愛國團體的合法地位,擴大愛國團體的組織於工商學各界,武裝民衆實行自衛,並配合軍隊作戰。
    Lift the ban on patriotic movements, release political prisoners, annul the "Emergency Decree for Dealing with Actions Endangering the Republic"[3] and the "Press Censorship Regulations"[4], grant legal status to existing patriotic organizations, extend these organizations among the workers, peasants, businessmen and intellectuals, arm the people for self-defence and for operations in support of the army.
  • “四人幫”把今天我們社會裏的腦力勞動與體力勞動的分工歪麯成為階級對立,正是為了打擊迫害知識分子,破壞工人、民和知識分子的聯盟,破壞社會生産力,破壞我們的社會主義革命和社會主義建設。
    The Gang of Four distorted the division of labour between mental and manual work in our society today, misrepresenting it as a class antagonism. Their aim was to attack and persecute intellectuals, undermine the alliance between the workers and peasants and the intellectuals, damage the productive forces, and sabotage our socialist revolution and construction.
  • 這些表示了戰爭主體有廣狹的區別(工聯合,或工資産階級聯合),戰爭對象有內外的區別(反對國內敵人,或反對國外敵人,國內敵人又分北洋軍閥或國民黨);表示了中國革命戰爭在其歷史進程的各個時期中有不相同的內容。
    They indicate the breadth of the main forces in the war (an alliance of the workers and peasants, or of the workers, peasants and bourgeoisie) and whether our antagonist in the war is internal or external (whether the war is against domestic or foreign foes, and, if domestic, whether against the Northern warlords or against the Kuomintang); they also indicate that the content of China's revolutionary war differs at different stages of its history.
  • 村改革見效非常快,這是我們原來沒有預想到的。
    The rural reform has achieved much faster results than we had anticipated.
  • 略帶緑色的蚜蟲;是花園和田的害蟲。
    greenish aphid; pest on garden and crop plants.
  • 不少地區貧雇獲得了每人一百斤米左右的果實,有的地方相當於中所得的果實,多數鄉村貧雇取得了會的主要領導地位。所以,凡屬完成了土改的地方,村基礎更加強固,煮夾生飯的比重不大。
    As a result, in many localities poor peasants and farm labourers received about 50 kg. of rice apiece and in others the amount they received per person was equal to the amount middle peasants reaped from production. In most villages poor peasants and farm labourers secured the leading posts in peasant associations, so in areas where agrarian reform has been completed, solid groundwork has been laid and the reform has been carried out thoroughly in most of them.
  • 早期人類簡陋的武器和粗糙的具;19世紀90年代簡陋的電影;阿巴拉契亞山區的簡陋的生活條件。
    the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man; primitive movies of the 1890s; primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains.
  • 這種錯誤,忽視資産階級(尤其是大資産階級)不但在極力影響小資産階級和民,而且還在極力影響無産階級和共産黨,力求消滅無産階級和共産黨在思想上、政治上、組織上的獨立性,力求把無産階級和共産黨變成資産階級及其政黨的尾巴,力求使革命果實歸於資産階級的一群一黨的事實;
    The error here consists in neglecting the fact that the bourgeoisie (and especially the big bourgeoisie) not only exerts an influence on the petty bourgeoisie and the peasantry, but does its utmost to influence the proletariat and the Communist Party in a strenuous effort to destroy their ideological, political and organizational independence, turn them into an appendage of the bourgeoisie and its political party, and ensure that it will reap the fruits of the revolution for itself or its political party alone;
  • 本地場産品的統計數字載於附錄。
    Local production statistics are given in the Appendices.
  • 民和業生産經營組織有權拒絶任何方式的攤派。
    And peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse apportionment in any form.
  •  任何機關或者單位不得以任何方式嚮民或者業生産經營組織進行攤派。
    No apportionment shall be made by any State organs or units to peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations in any form.
  • 除法律、法規另有規定外,任何機關和單位以任何方式要求民或者業生産經營組織提供人力、財力、物力的,屬於攤派。
    Any exaction of manpower, financial resources or materials from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall be categorized as apportionment, except as otherwise provided in laws or regulations.
  • 2000年,專傢測定,這一地區業綜合生態環境評價指數比十年前提高了1.5個百分點。
    In 2000, surveys by experts found that the comprehensive eco-environment appraisal index of this area has gone up by 1.5 percentage points from 10 years ago.
  • 應當確定,衹有對中被侵犯的財産,纔作堅决的適當補償。
    We should make it clear that we shall only appropriately compensate middle peasants for property that has been confiscated.
  • 這就是說,對於地主階級,不采取沒收土地的政策,但又要適當滿足民的要求,所以采取減租減息的政策。
    In other words, our policy of confiscating land from the landlord class was replaced by a policy of reducing rent and interest rates in order to appropriately satisfy the peasants' demands.
  • 實行非建設占用耕地同開發、復墾挂鈎。
    A policy of linking the appropriation of land for non-agricultural construction purposes to land development and reclamation will be implemented.
  • 第二十六條 各級人民政府和業生産經營組織應當建立、健全田和水利設施的管理制度,發展節水型的灌溉設施,嚴格控製非業建設占用灌溉水源,禁止任何組織和個人非法占用或者毀損田水利設施。
    Article 26 People's governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall establish and perfect the management system of irrigation and water conservancy works, develop water-saving irrigation facilities, strictly control the appropriation of water resources for irrigation by non-agricultural construction projects and forbid any organizations or individuals to unlawfully appropriate or destruct irrigation and water conservancy facilities.
  • 3.當成員要求以提交未披露過的實驗數據或其他數據,作為批準采用新化學成分的醫藥用或用化工産品上市的條件時,如果該數據的原創活動包含了相當的努力,則該成員應保護該數據,以防不正當的商業使用。
    3. Members, when requiring, as a condition of approving the marketing of pharmaceutical or of agricultural chemical products which utilize new chemical entities, the submission of undisclosed test or other data, the origination of which involves a considerable effort, shall protect such data against unfair commercial use.